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How do you update KSP from Amazon?

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Hello everyone!

How do I update my game to the latest version?

So the problem is that I can't update the game from Amazon because the launcher is stuck on "Checking for Updates". I just got the game a week ago and just now, I realized I've been playing on version 1.0.0. Someone on the KSP amazon review said that he/she couldn't update the game as well. You can read the 1-star review here:


I also tried going into the patcher file and it said

Detecting if OS-resident rsync is present...rsync is not already installed, so making use of bin\rsync.exe.


Getting login token...

Unable to authenticate with the server: Received malformed data from the server: File not found.

What should I do? Uninstall and reinstall? If I do that, will it delete my current saves?

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First, go in the ksp folder, and just copy the 'saves' folder to somewhere else. Anywhere really, desktop would work fine. That is to backup your saves.

Second, you should tell us what operating system you are on.

Lastly, yes, an uninstall/reinstall would work for sure. If you do that, don't forget to copy back your 'saves' folder into the ksp main folder in order to restore your saves.


P.S: I use steam so I can't give you any advice regarding the launcher/patcher. But reinstalling is will fix it for sure.

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First, go in the ksp folder, and just copy the 'saves' folder to somewhere else. Anywhere really, desktop would work fine. That is to backup your saves.

Second, you should tell us what operating system you are on.

Lastly, yes, an uninstall/reinstall would work for sure. If you do that, don't forget to copy back your 'saves' folder into the ksp main folder in order to restore your saves.


P.S: I use steam so I can't give you any advice regarding the launcher/patcher. But reinstalling is will fix it for sure.

Thanks for the reply. I'm using an ASUS laptop on windows 7.

I just tried uninstalling then reinstalling. Still did not work: still stuck on version Went to the launcher, and the same message came up about the rsync. Looks like I'll be stuck on 1.0.0. for a while. I'll contact amazon to see what they can do.

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Update as of 6-23-15:

Amazon has not yet update their version of KSP. Don't even bother contacting them. Instead, they tell you to contact KSP support. That's what I did and boy, KSP support was very helpful! ☺ They made a new account for me and that's when I was able to update the game. Now I really know why people love SQUAD: great game, great customer service.

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