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Kerbin Circumnavigation 1.0.4/1.0.5 - Aviator Challenge Continuation

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  Maverick_aus said:
Hi, first time poster here. I've been enjoying reading about these challenges for a while. Thought I'd give it a shot.

Not breaking any records here, but I enjoyed the challenge.

Apart from a few test flights (and a failed attempt in 1.0.2 previously)..."yeah, first tiiime!"

Aircraft name: Globerunner

Pilot: Val

Flight time: 1:07:23

Circumnavigations: 1

Mods: KER, Pilot Assistance

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(I landed immediately before the runway on the flat grass of KSC, if you'd like proof I can post another shot of my descent before touchdown, showing how close I was. Sorry if this unclear)

This kind reminds me of the Polaris missile to some extent.

Although it's designed to be an aircraft, it definitely looks like a missile, only tons more fuel efficient.

Woah, watch where you point that thing!

=Badge URL]


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  Xannari Ferrows said:
This kind reminds me of the Polaris missile to some extent.

Although it's designed to be an aircraft, it definitely looks like a missile, only tons more fuel efficient.

Woah, watch where you point that thing!

=Badge URL]


Great. Thanks X~Ferrows. My first badge!

Yeah, that first shot wasn't a great one to show off the airframe.

High wing loading, but low drag/mass. It reminds of the F-104 a little.

Thanks for maintaining this challenge and serving the community.

Next up, I'll keep preparing for the land-based circumnav challenge entrant...

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Finnaly after many many many many many prototypes and attempts later ; )

1 Velocity CircumNavigation @ 42:23 , burned the very few extra fuel during final approach between approximately 7000m and 2000m to gain a few seconds.

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(now will try mostly the same design with 2k° parts instead of 2k5° & 2k4° parts to gain a few more second with a slighty lighter plane)

1 Velocity CircumNavigation @ 40:27 riding what look more like a missile than a plane. (can even enhance it again reducing fuel, and improving slitghy it's profile)

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@Haruspex, i kinda like how you made the cockpit ; )

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
missile @ 40:27
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yup but as a patented "kikoolol kind of player" i tend to prefer piloting cool looking planes xDr even if slighty less efficients ; ) anyway i'll start being real close with this try:

(i kinda know what to change on this one to get slighty faster but i opted for this secure flight one with a few more part, weight and drag)

All in all, i m kinda happy because with all thoose attempts and design prototypes i learned a lot about flying in kerbin atmosphere, wich is the best reward i could have ever expected. ; )

1 Velocity CircumNavigation @ 40:01

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  nicky4096 said:
well, i did it.


also, look at that imgur tag! 'AAA8O'!

anyway, im not sure if you want to put it on the board. it's by far the fastest basic jet entry, but about 3 hours slower than my 38:24.

different categories for different engines would be nice, but you're the boss :)

Although it would be nice, it shant be be so, as the rankings currently would be wrong.

You also have an entry in the regulars club already, so you let me know if you want them swapped.

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  WinkAllKerb said:
@Haruspex' date=' i kinda like how you made the cockpit ; )[/quote']In the first versions I kept it tucked in the cargo bay along with SAS and batteries, but this deprived me of pretty IVA screenshots and first-person piloting wonders, so here it is, submarine-style.
  Xannari Ferrows said:


klesh - 1:00:06 - The first usual tactic for a speed plane doesn't work too well here, but that doesn't equate to a loss.

WinkAllKerb' - 1:00:22 - Imagine a plane like this with a RAPIER. I'm pretty sure that's what we've all been doing.

Dfthu - 1:02:00 - First I know of to use power generation. This may spawn an interesting challenge idea!

GraviTykillz - 1:04:35 - Same plane, a quickload, and a velocity badge later, look for the same name above!

Maverick_aus - 1:07:23 - Another flying missile among many others. Certainly an AUSome flight!

Tristan2004 - 1:10:00 - 3 intakes seems like overkill, but what do I know?

Oxytropis - 1:18:56 - 6 TURBOJETS!? How does one manage such a task?

Haruspex - 1:19:13 - This is definitely a cruise missile. No doubt about it.

nicky4096 - 1:10:19 - A single turbojet all the way, bravely showing off the particle stream to the world.

Death Engineering - 1:32:312 - I read the title of that post and got genuinely scared.

lemon1324 - 5:42:13 - I wonder if this plane can go 2, maybe even 3 times around.

noname117 - 7:39:17 - I don't think there are any words to describe this ridiculousness.

A cruise missile?! You mean, a 144-ton intercontinental cruise missile with a suicide pilot's cockpit slapped on top! Well, that sounds like something late WW2-era Germany or Japan might have built. A retaliation weapon of bat-dropping insanity. Cool!

By the way, looks like there are typos in the rankings: nicky4096 - 1:10:19 listed below me and Oxytropis, and Death Engineering - 1:32:312 has 312 seconds in his flight time, which is kinda confusing.

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actually, sorry, i think i misunderstood what you said. :blush:

since the basic jet run was more than 1 hour, i could swap it for my 1:10:something first run without loosing my velocity entry, right?

at first i misunderstood that it would replace my velocity entry but i think i am wrong! ;)

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And here we are! Flying around with style in 59 minutes flat' date=' it's Helios!


I literally spent 10 minutes building this thing and it worked, so yeah. [noparse]:P[/noparse]

Certainly a cool craft design. And it's not a missile!

This is the first thing received in quite a while that actually looks flyable. That's not really saying something, but if this statement it true, I just lied.


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Having already completed this challenge once with the standard strap-a-kerbal-on-a-whiplash-powered-missile-with-fins approach, I'm trying something slightly different.

Today I test flew an early prototype solar endurance plane: The Condor. My eventual goal is to complete this challenge again but with this craft.

I'm inspired by the real-life Solar Impulse project.

My Condor here managed a trans-oceanic hop from KSC due east to the next continent (sort of unnamed in my universe as yet), and landed successfully. The solar panels generate enough electricity to fly when the sun is high enough - most of the daylight, however - when the sun is near the equator at dawn and dusk the angle is too great on the panels to get enough and it runs off batteries. My aim for the Condor here, is to store enough charge to run over-night, and so be a genuine perpetual aircraft.

Val did the honours in this landmark (for me) test flight, proving the basic technology. Now to hone it.

The test flight was an incredibly close thing. If you look at the pics, you'll notice Val just made it with barely enough power stored (around 500 units e)!

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I have an entry for the Sub Orbital Division, and I believe this to be the first.

Circumnavigation time from mission start to a complete halt on KSC runway: 34 Mins, 47 Secs.

Cruising speed and altitude: ~2,135 m/s ~35 km

Craft name: Aeolus Prototype 1

Link to the imgur album: http://imgur.com/a/wr6hB#0


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