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This Bloomberg News article:


linked to our forum to explain delta-v!


I think the once and future King of New York City [it's a new-york person joke, just ignore that, if you will] likes us ;)

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Oh brother!

Journalism fail, brought to you by Bloomberg.

Bloomberg must have a dozen government contacts they can call in favours from to get a soundbite from a NASA boffin. Would have been good for publicity, but nooooo they just googled it like a hack.

Edited by wossname
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That does not look like Google's fault. It seems to be an intentional link. Nothing automatic.

Hmm? I was just saying Bloomberg probably just took the first result from Google and used it for their story out of laziness.

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In a private Firefox window it is the second google search result for "what is delta v". And you have to say that it was pretty well explained in that thread, probably better for the average person than the wikipedia article... and as the space X people seem to play KSP... or from the interviewed author?

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It's nice that they linked to the KSP forum, though as others have mentioned, it was because the thread is highly rated by Google.

Which is in itself pretty cool actually :)

I always thought the fact that KSP threads came up when I searched aerospace or science terms was some sort of Google thing based on my most visited site, evidently not. KSP Forum, the #1 source for your Aerospace and Science facts!

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