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What's With The Hate?


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So, I have been absent from this community for a long time. I remember it being pretty satisfied with Squad, and Squad appreciating the support. Now I come back and there is a lot of hate towards Squad now it seems. I have no idea where it came from, or why it's here. Why have KSP fans suddenly just went against the devs?

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  mikegarrison said:
I think there really are different expectations for a "released" product.

I guess that might be true because I've heard people on the forums saying that KSP is ending up like Minecraft. I don't agree with that statement.

- - - Updated - - -

  Canopus said:
How long have you been away?

Half a year.

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I think that with the 1.0 release, many new people got the game that were more interested in the gaming aspect of KSP than the "Space" part of it. Thus, we have people who rant because their rocket doesn't fly well and people who post long complaints because they can't de-orbit by burning radial.

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1.0 happened, and people had to face reality.

Before that they could always hope that the game would be made just the way they want it.

Personally, everything new in 1.0, I approve of.

It was a bit annoying the way they did 3 major changes to the aero system in such short order... but if it arrives at a good place, than so be it.

The people ranting since 1.0 about the new aero system making their rockets flip, or breaking their SSTOs... I have no sympathy for.

I even recall one person complaining that they couldn't air hog their way over 30km on jets.

I'm still not fully satisfied with the contracts system and the resulting career mode gameplay.. but that goes back to 0.24, and I don't expect a fundamental change to that system now. At this point, I'm pretty much just playing it as sandbox with budget constraints and "chores" to do when I get low on funding

*edit* wow, someone actually complained about not being able to deorbit by burning radial? link to the thread? i want to lol (I assume you mean antiradial, btw)

Edited by KerikBalm
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  Lundmunchkins said:
So, I have been absent from this community for a long time. I remember it being pretty satisfied with Squad, and Squad appreciating the support. Now I come back and there is a lot of hate towards Squad now it seems. I have no idea where it came from, or why it's here. Why have KSP fans suddenly just went against the devs?

People are starting to "hate" the game and the devs only because they love the game so much. They're just angry at what Squad's been doing over the past year (the beta that never existed, the 1.0 release that was alpha quality, the PS4 release when the game was still buggy as hell, etc).

Unrelatedly, the first thing I did when I got to this thread was to set a uBlock filter to block your signature. There's a fine line between "big enough to see" and "too damn big".

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  mythbusters844 said:
People are starting to "hate" the game and the devs only because they love the game so much. They're just angry at what Squad's been doing over the past year (the rushed beta and the 1.0 release that was alpha quality, etc).

Unrelatedly, the first thing I did when I got to this thread was to set a uBlock filter to block your signature. There's a fine line between "big enough to see" and "too damn big".

Sorry 'bout that. :P

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  mythbusters844 said:
People are starting to "hate" the game and the devs only because they love the game so much.

So basically they're like stalkers that want to kill someone because they won't marry them.

Also the fact they liked the game to begin with is debatable, but you'll probably just link to 4chans resident squad hate area, /kspg/.

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  Tankman101 said:
So basically they're like stalkers that want to kill someone because they won't marry them.

Also the fact they liked the game to begin with is debatable, but you'll probably just link to 4chans resident squad hate area, /kspg/.

I just checked that out.

Atleast the forums isn't as bad as the lowest pit of hell 4chan.

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The hate, imho, is because the days of waiting are coming to an end. Things are as they are and are not going to change. The game is released. The worry now is that much waited-for bug fixes are looking more and more unlikely. And mod developers are also showing less energy, less commitment, as they see their work nullified by post-release "patches" that are in fact new feature releases. Even the "media team" on youtube is backing off. Just look at the viewer numbers in recent weeks.

The only differences between Squad now and during "alpha" are words. To many that means we can expect little practical change between now and the end. We must expect every release from now until the last to be mod-breaking. We must expect every release between now and the end to be save-breaking. And we must expect every release from now until the last to introduce new bugs, most of which will go unfixed forever. Those are very depressing thoughts for everyone other than Squad, who doesn't seem to mind this state of affairs one bit.

But the port to console will at least be entertaining. Console users do not take bugs easily. Let's say the port comes out in six months. Would your average console user expect so many bugs from any game after 5+ years of development, nearly a year of which is post the official release? They will scream.

Edited by Sandworm
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  Lundmunchkins said:
Sorry 'bout that. :P

I wouldn't worry about your sig, most people don't use an 8" screen.

I haven't really seen a lot of hate, maybe I just haven't looked hard enough. And I just came back from about 6 months off as well. I think most posts I've seen aren't filled with hate,for the most part I see constructive criticism. There's always a few really "loud" people in any game that think the more they "scream" the more likely they are to get their way, but I think they are in the minority. Either that or I really am blind and don't see the hateful posts.

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  Robotengineer said:
Not hate, just strong criticism. It all went down hill after Curse became the official mod host over a year ago, IMO.

We are lucky compared to the video game people of the early 80's... let's just say the crash happened for a reason.

Oh yeah, and how could I forget making a similar comparison with the forums? 4chan is the deepest circle of Hell compared to our forums, at least for now.

(Yeah, Dante's Inferno refrence!)

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  Sandworm said:
The hate, imho, is because the days of waiting are coming to an end. Things are as they are and are not going to change. The game is released. The worry now is that much waited-for bug fixes are looking more and more unlikely. And mod developers are also showing less energy, less commitment, as they see their work nullified by post-release "patches" that are in fact new feature releases.

All that's different now post-release than beta are Squad's words. To many that means we can expect little change between now and the end. We must expect every release from now until the last to be mod-breaking. We must expect every release between now and the end to be save-breaking. That is a very depressing thought for everyone other than Squad.

"Showing less energy" God forbid they take a vacation. They've been back a whole week, with plenty of bugfixes. Mods are not a priority for SQUAD to maintain, that's always been up to the modders - and 1.0.4 was a patch designed purely to rectify an issue with 1.0.2 save games.

This sort of abject doom and gloom punctuated with speculation is not helping anything. This is mostly what I see around the forums that contributes to the air of negativity and the perception of "hate". Constructive criticism is one thing, but I see a lot less of that than I see the other stuff.

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  Wiseman said:
"Showing less energy" God forbid they take a vacation. They've been back a whole week, with plenty of bugfixes. Mods are not a priority for SQUAD to maintain, that's always been up to the modders - and 1.0.4 was a patch designed purely to rectify an issue with 1.0.2 save games.

This sort of abject doom and gloom punctuated with speculation is not helping anything. This is mostly what I see around the forums that contributes to the air of negativity and the perception of "hate". Constructive criticism is one thing, but I see a lot less of that than I see the other stuff.

Yes. I'll say that they, "Squad", should not take vacations. A large game should be supported by a large enough team that nothing shuts down when a few people go on vacation. That's what being a mature developer wanting to sell to millions of customers means.

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  Wiseman said:
"Showing less energy" God forbid they take a vacation. They've been back a whole week, with plenty of bugfixes. Mods are not a priority for SQUAD to maintain, that's always been up to the modders - and 1.0.4 was a patch designed purely to rectify an issue with 1.0.2 save games.

This sort of abject doom and gloom punctuated with speculation is not helping anything. This is mostly what I see around the forums that contributes to the air of negativity and the perception of "hate". Constructive criticism is one thing, but I see a lot less of that than I see the other stuff.

This right here :)

The only "hate" i see are from a very small subset of the forum go-ers (i tend to stay out of general anyway, usually stick to the modding and help threads) There are some criticisms, but most of it is level headed and reasonable. Still one of the best communities around. :) <3

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Don't get yourself influenced by the negativity of some threads, judge the product by yourself, you know, internet and complaints are close friends.....

Personally i really like ksp as it is right now, there's room for improvement yes, but it's already quite awesome.

Judging from your avatar i guess you are accustomed with mindless hate, if you know what i mean:wink:

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  Sandworm said:
Yes. I'll say that they, "Squad", should not take vacations. A large game should be supported by a large enough team that nothing shuts down when a few people go on vacation. That's what being a mature developer wanting to sell to millions of customers means.

Oh, okay, so they should just hire a few more HarvesteRs to make sure they're staffed 'round the clock. I wonder if they just didn't get the memo, that teams in charge of "large games" don't ever get a break again, ever?

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