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ContractPack: KerbalAircraftBuilders


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  maculator said:
(The contract configurator syntax i used for "don't crash" lets you fail if any part of your vessel goes "boom" So combining a part test with a decoupler isnt the best idea)

Actually it's not supposed to be that sensitive. Raised [#255] to look into that.

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  maculator said:

what I want to implement, but need HELP with:

- Rescue a Kerbal from kerbin and bring him safly back to the runway

- Freight missions (to the island with a vessel of mass x / or x - kerbals abord)

- All completable more than once

- Specific part tests

Ok I think I'll help you for for the first idea and fixing some of your contracts on github later I´ll do a pull request

I like the idea of this contract pack

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I hate to complain about this, because I love the pack so far, but might it be possible to only have KAB only offer KAB contracts? It's a little confusing to see them offering unrelated contracts - especially since it's such a distinctive logo!


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  amorymeltzer said:
I hate to complain about this, because I love the pack so far, but might it be possible to only have KAB only offer KAB contracts? It's a little confusing to see them offering unrelated contracts - especially since it's such a distinctive logo!


Note on this, you can use the NoRandomContract mentatlity that I added in Contract Configurator for this (see example use here). It's not perfect (I've seen KSP still assign random contracts to agents using it), but it'll reduce it to nearly nothing.

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  CosmoBro said:

Does someone know about similar pack that do not requie Kerbin-Side?

(As much as it is brilliant mod, I cant afford to install it because of its memory usage)

Something like: Get three kerbals from KSC to designated area, or pick them up there and get them to KSC safely...

Also, I was thinking about "Recovery missions", like if you land far away, then you might pick up contract to fly there, grab pod+kerbal, deliver to KSC and get 100% recovery...

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Just another minor bug report, the waypoint icon is massive. I've only noticed it with this pack (this is the fly-by the island mission). I completed it but I can check out the next ones (photog, land at island) without other mods if you like.


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I'm getting a bug with these contracts. They cause some kind of 'duplication' bug when I EVA and then board a ship with one of these contracts active. Upon boarding a vessel, the contract is marked as a failure and I'm left with a clone of Bob hanging onto my lander that I can't control...

After some staring at the debug log it was clear it's almost definitely these contracts. Loading a save and cancelling them (not even uninstalling them) is enough to stop the bug.

As far as I can tell it's to do with some of the criteria for the contracts firing for pretty much any vehicle. Yes, I'm over 2,500 meters (i.e: on minmus) and yes, I am landed but, on Minmus highlands, not the runway...

Let me know if there's anything I can share that would help (log files, save game files?).

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  Cooper42 said:
I'm getting a bug with these contracts. They cause some kind of 'duplication' bug when I EVA and then board a ship with one of these contracts active. Upon boarding a vessel, the contract is marked as a failure and I'm left with a clone of Bob hanging onto my lander that I can't control...

After some staring at the debug log it was clear it's almost definitely these contracts. Loading a save and cancelling them (not even uninstalling them) is enough to stop the bug.

As far as I can tell it's to do with some of the criteria for the contracts firing for pretty much any vehicle. Yes, I'm over 2,500 meters (i.e: on minmus) and yes, I am landed but, on Minmus highlands, not the runway...

Let me know if there's anything I can share that would help (log files, save game files?).

That type of behavior is almost always an exception, so I'd need to see a KSP.log file

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Okay, I reinstalled the contract pack and loaded a save game before the bug.

Full KSP.log is here:


The moment I re-enter with Bob and the bug occurs is at this reference:

[LOG 23:44:43.190] [00:00:02]: Bob Kerman boarded Mk2 Lander Can on Mink IV Lander.

A little bit after that comes the first EXC:

[LOG 23:44:43.376] Penalizing 18750 funds from player for contract failure
[LOG 23:44:43.377] Penalizing 50 reputation from player for contract failure
[LOG 23:44:43.378] Added -73.67443 (-50) reputation: 'ContractPenalty'.
[LOG 23:44:43.383] Contract (Speed Record 220): You have failed the contract 'Speed Record 220'.<b><#ED0B0B>Penalties for Failure:</></> <#ED0B0B>£ -18,750 </><#ED0B0B>¡ -50 </>
[EXC 23:44:43.385] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.

[INDENT] Parameter name: index

[INDENT]System.Collections.Generic.List`1[EventData`2+[Contracts.Contract,Contracts.ContractParameter]].get_Item (Int32 index)
EventData`2[Contracts.Contract,Contracts.ContractParameter].Fire (Contracts.Contract data0, Contracts.ContractParameter data1)
ContractConfigurator.Parameters.ContractConfiguratorParameter.SetState (ParameterState state)
ContractConfigurator.Parameters.VesselNotDestroyed.OnVesselWillDestroy (.Vessel v)
EventData`1[Vessel].Fire (.Vessel data)
Vessel.Die ()
KerbalEVA.proceedAndBoard (.Part p)
KerbalEVA.BoardPart (.Part p)
KerbalEVA.<SetupFSM>m__92 ()
KerbalFSM.RunEvent (.KFSMEvent evt)
KerbalFSM.updateFSM (KFSMUpdateMode mode)
KerbalFSM.UpdateFSM ()
KerbalEVA.Update ()[/INDENT]

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  Cooper42 said:
Okay, I reinstalled the contract pack and loaded a save game before the bug.

Full KSP.log is here:


The moment I re-enter with Bob and the bug occurs is at this reference:

[LOG 23:44:43.190] [00:00:02]: Bob Kerman boarded Mk2 Lander Can on Mink IV Lander.

A little bit after that comes the first EXC:

[LOG 23:44:43.376] Penalizing 18750 funds from player for contract failure
[LOG 23:44:43.377] Penalizing 50 reputation from player for contract failure
[LOG 23:44:43.378] Added -73.67443 (-50) reputation: 'ContractPenalty'.
[LOG 23:44:43.383] Contract (Speed Record 220): You have failed the contract 'Speed Record 220'.<b><#ED0B0B>Penalties for Failure:</></> <#ED0B0B>£ -18,750 </><#ED0B0B>¡ -50 </>
[EXC 23:44:43.385] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.

[INDENT] Parameter name: index

[INDENT]System.Collections.Generic.List`1[EventData`2+[Contracts.Contract,Contracts.ContractParameter]].get_Item (Int32 index)
EventData`2[Contracts.Contract,Contracts.ContractParameter].Fire (Contracts.Contract data0, Contracts.ContractParameter data1)
ContractConfigurator.Parameters.ContractConfiguratorParameter.SetState (ParameterState state)
ContractConfigurator.Parameters.VesselNotDestroyed.OnVesselWillDestroy (.Vessel v)
EventData`1[Vessel].Fire (.Vessel data)
Vessel.Die ()
KerbalEVA.proceedAndBoard (.Part p)
KerbalEVA.BoardPart (.Part p)
KerbalEVA.<SetupFSM>m__92 ()
KerbalFSM.RunEvent (.KFSMEvent evt)
KerbalFSM.updateFSM (KFSMUpdateMode mode)
KerbalFSM.UpdateFSM ()
KerbalEVA.Update ()[/INDENT]

I can't say I understand why this one is causing an exception, but at the very least I've fixed the Kerbal EVA boarding counting as a destroyed vessel - so that should prevent it this issue. The fix will be in Contract Configurator 1.5.4.

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  Cooper42 said:
I'm getting a bug with these contracts. They cause some kind of 'duplication' bug when I EVA and then board a ship with one of these contracts active. Upon boarding a vessel, the contract is marked as a failure and I'm left with a clone of Bob hanging onto my lander that I can't control...

After some staring at the debug log it was clear it's almost definitely these contracts. Loading a save and cancelling them (not even uninstalling them) is enough to stop the bug.

As far as I can tell it's to do with some of the criteria for the contracts firing for pretty much any vehicle. Yes, I'm over 2,500 meters (i.e: on minmus) and yes, I am landed but, on Minmus highlands, not the runway...

Let me know if there's anything I can share that would help (log files, save game files?).

I was also having this problem. Do you happen to have the stock bug fix mod installed? I uninstalled the part of stock bug fix module KerbalDebrisFix and I haven't had the problem since.

Don't know if this will help you or nightingale but I thought I'd throw it out there.

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Alright,I had the same EVA problem with this mod. Uninstalled and deleted the contract data from the save game and it was fine.

Another thing that seems to have gone wrong is that the contracts in this mode take priority over all else. When I start a new game the '2500 meter' contract is shown and no others except for the record breaker ones. No new ones will appear and the '2500 meter' contract will not be removed when declined. This too went away when uninstalling it, I have yet to verify that other Contract Configurator packs are loading in contracts.

I'll install the stock bug fix mod and reinstall this one as a test,since i'm really liking the idea.:)

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  • 2 weeks later...

No problem.

For ease of fixing I'll post the whole contract here. Just find it in the config and replace.

The specific bracket it is missing is:

name = CompleteContract
type = CompleteContract
contractType = Speed220

^^ Right there at the end.

name = Speed330
title = Speed Record 330
group = Speed
agent = Kerbal Aircraft Builders

description = Exceed 330m/s
notes = Go faster!
synopsis = Speed Record

completedMessage = Mission Accomplished!
minExpiry = 1.0
maxExpiry = 7.0
deadline = 500
cancellable = true
declinable = true
autoAccept = false

targetBody = Kerbin

maxCompletions = 1
maxSimultaneous = 1

rewardScience = 3.0
rewardReputation = 10.0
rewardFunds = 5000.0
failureReputation = 10.0
failureFunds = 5000.0
advanceFunds = 4000.0
weight = 10.0

name = CompleteContract
type = CompleteContract
contractType = Speed220
name = HasCrew
type = HasCrew
minCrew = 1

name = VesselParameterGroup
type = VesselParameterGroup
title = Reach 330m/s
completeInSequence = true

name = ReachState
type = ReachState
minSpeed = 330

name = Duration
type = Duration
duration = 10s
preWaitText = Hold speed
waitingText = Keep pushing
completionText = DONE!
completeInSequence = true
disableOnStateChange = false

name = land
type = ReachState
title = Land back at the KSC
situation = LANDED
biome = Runway
disableOnStateChange = false
completeInSequence = true

name = Duration
type = Duration
duration = 25s
preWaitText = Stay landed
waitingText = a bit longer
completionText = DONE!
completeInSequence = true
disableOnStateChange = false

name = VesselNotDestroyed
type = VesselNotDestroyed
completeInSequence = true
title = Don't crash!


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I can't seem to finish the first mission. I get up to 2500 metres, I stay there long enough, turn around and land at the runway. Situation: landed never goes green, and neither does biome, even though I am clearly on the runway with no speed whatsoever. Hm?

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  ola said:
I can't seem to finish the first mission. I get up to 2500 metres, I stay there long enough, turn around and land at the runway. Situation: landed never goes green, and neither does biome, even though I am clearly on the runway with no speed whatsoever. Hm?

Try changing scenes. I had the same thing happen to me, so I just went to the space center (don't recover and make sure you set the brake). Then the contract completed immediately.

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  ola said:
I can't seem to finish the first mission. I get up to 2500 metres, I stay there long enough, turn around and land at the runway. Situation: landed never goes green, and neither does biome, even though I am clearly on the runway with no speed whatsoever. Hm?
  Nori said:
Try changing scenes. I had the same thing happen to me, so I just went to the space center (don't recover and make sure you set the brake). Then the contract completed immediately.

Ugh, looks like it's due to a bad bug that slipped through in Contract Configurator 1.6.0. Releasing a fix ASAP...

- - - Updated - - -

Update: fix is up, CKAN will be updated within the hour.

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  nightingale said:
Ugh, looks like it's due to a bad bug that slipped through in Contract Configurator 1.6.0. Releasing a fix ASAP...

- - - Updated - - -

Update: fix is up, CKAN will be updated within the hour.

Lovely. Here, have some rep! *nom nom*

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This contract pack made me focus much more on aircraft than ever before, adding a good bunch of fun to KSP. Thank you!

Can you change rewards and penalties maybe? The rewards are pretty low and the penalties high. After losing an airplane plus a Kerbal the penalty is quite harsh and a mediocre aircraft builder like me makes quite a bit of a loss with these contracts. E.g. landing on the short bumpy runway on the island gives me around 10'000 (2.4 advance, 7.2 when done) and 12 reputation, while the fine is 24'000, 40 reputation, a plane and a Kerbal.

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  whisp said:
This contract pack made me focus much more on aircraft than ever before, adding a good bunch of fun to KSP. Thank you!

Can you change rewards and penalties maybe? The rewards are pretty low and the penalties high. After losing an airplane plus a Kerbal the penalty is quite harsh and a mediocre aircraft builder like me makes quite a bit of a loss with these contracts. E.g. landing on the short bumpy runway on the island gives me around 10'000 (2.4 advance, 7.2 when done) and 12 reputation, while the fine is 24'000, 40 reputation, a plane and a Kerbal.

Not sure what is going on here or what your settings are, but that contract is configured as:

rewardScience = 10.0

rewardReputation = 20.0

rewardFunds = 12000.0

failureReputation = 20.0

failureFunds = 12000.0

advanceFunds = 4000.0

Worst case failure should be 12000*1.5 = 18000 unless you had some weird Kerbin multiplier. However I do agree that 12k is really harsh.

Create a .cfg in your GameData and throw this in there:

@failureFunds *= 0.5

@failureFunds *= 0.5

@failureFunds *= 0.5

@failureFunds *= 0.5

@failureFunds *= 0.5

It will reduce failure funds by 50%. This may cause some contracts to have advances larger than the failure though. So you may want to adjust the numbers a bit.

Edited by Nori
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  Nori said:
Not sure what is going on here or what your settings are, but that contract is configured as:

rewardScience = 10.0

rewardReputation = 20.0

rewardFunds = 12000.0

failureReputation = 20.0

failureFunds = 12000.0

advanceFunds = 4000.0

Worst case failure should be 7000*1.5 = 18000 unless you had some weird Kerbin multiplier. However I do agree that 12k is really harsh.

Create a .cfg in your GameData and throw this in there:

@failureFunds *= 0.5

@failureFunds *= 0.5

@failureFunds *= 0.5

@failureFunds *= 0.5

@failureFunds *= 0.5

It will reduce failure funds by 50%. This may cause some contracts to have advances larger than the failure though. So you may want to adjust the numbers a bit.

Hey, thanks for looking into it.

The multipliers most likely come from playing on hard difficulty, unless i'm using another MOD interfering with rewards (i don't think so - at least i didn't install one by purpose). The boring but easy "test this, test that" stock missions often give a multiple of the reward.

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