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ContractPack: KerbalAircraftBuilders


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There's a little bug: Sometimes the mission fails ("crashed") even though you didn't crash nor lose any part of the plane. I assume it has to do with doing research while flying.

Looking at his contracts I'm thinking that the VesselNotDestroyed check should really be under the VesselParameterGroup. I've had the contract fail when I've crashed a completely unrelated rocketship.

I haven't had it fail though when I haven't actually crashed. In fact it is pretty lenient. I've lost engines and other parts without any issues.

Anyway, I'm gonna try moving some of the parameters around later and see how it works.

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  • 1 month later...

I completed the 10k altitude test in two different flights by accident. I want to do these contracts with aircraft, but I acquired the height doing a rocket test, then acquired the landing part during take-off of my bi-plane when going to the island as it was on the runway long enough for the timer.

Is it at all possible to make these altitude ones only "complete" when all parameters are met within a single flight?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I really want to figure out a way to spawn kerbals at KSC Island for pickup by aircraft back to KSC via repeatable contract as a chartered or regular air service as a way to rack up some needed funds and a point or two of science.

Here is something I clobbered together using your Islands.cfg as a base to work from. I hope to tweak it a lot more. I wouldn't mind working with KAB, but for now I'm just wanting to create a near-perpetual contract that regularly provides income and modest science making runs to KSC Island and back.


Let me know if you're interested in working together on these ideas.

Edited by inigma
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maculator, I've branched off some of your ideas into my own Contract Pack: SSI Aerospace - Giving Aircraft a Purpose (early career repeatable flights for profit) [url]http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/138997-Contract-Pack-SSI-Aerospace-0-0-4-Giving-Aircraft-a-Purpose-Air-Flights-Tours-Coast-Guard-STS[/url]

I hope you don't mind. I'd love to see KAB updated for 1.0.5 when you get around to it but until then I've developed my contract pack to fill the current gap in aircraft flight contracts. Let me know if you want to collaborate or merge.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I noticed that does appear on KSP 1.0.5 builds.This is one of those odd contract packs where it leaves a huge gap in the play experience when removed. Really enjoyed it and miss it a lot in 1.0.5 games. It is one of the reasons I am so reluctant to move over from frequent KSP 1.0.4 gameplay.

I used to force myself to complete this contract pack before doing manned mission in space flights in a SETI career. As a result the manned flight over 18k contract from SETI got completed along the way in a purpose built X-15 style mission. It also provided a nice stepping stone into the tourism plus contract pack.

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Seems maculator hasn't been around to support this, but I see no reason this wouldn't work in 1.0.5.  For future I'll try to get contract pack authors to not put an upper version limit (since it's generally Contract Configurator that needs updating for new KSP versions, not the contract packs themselves).

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