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Heat Calculation - How much lag does thermal heat calculation create?

Have you noticed more lag after release than before when using the same settings/environment?  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you noticed more lag after release than before when using the same settings/environment?

    • Yes, I have noticed more lag after 1.0 released.
    • N, I have not noticed more lag after 1.0 released.

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Take into note before replying or answering the poll that this is unrelated to how you think the lag in KSP should be, and please only answer if you are using the same graphical settings for comparing pre-release and post-release lag. I want accurate and opinionated data. Again, please leave all of your post release opinions out.

I have been noticing considerably more lag after the 1.0 release and I am curious as to what features it is tied to and more specifically, if it is related to heat calculations. Is anyone else noticing lag or speculating that it may be related to heat generation? Please discuss below. And I would be very much grateful if a dev graced us with his presence. :) Rep to he who does!

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Take into note before replying or answering the poll that this is unrelated to how you think the lag in KSP should be, and please only answer if you are using the same graphical settings for comparing pre-release and post-release lag. I want accurate and opinionated data. Again, please leave all of your post release opinions out.

I have been noticing considerably more lag after the 1.0 release and I am curious as to what features it is tied to and more specifically, if it is related to heat calculations. Is anyone else noticing lag or speculating that it may be related to heat generation? Please discuss below. And I would be very much grateful if a dev graced us with his presence. :) Rep to he who does!

100% yes. I noticed it the very first time I launched after the update. A significant drop in performance associated with moving fast in the upper atmosphere. It could be tied to the heat system or too the atmospheric calculations I am not sure which. All I know is even a 250 part rocket will half the FPS on ascent..

This issue really needs to be acknowledged and dealt with. Remember a lot of the new players wont know what KSP was like before the recent patches.

Also I dont think there is any reason for a poll. It wont be accurate. The performance is lower in this version and it is a FACT.

I have verified it with another KSP player. Anyone who replies, no in this poll will be doing so because either they are new players or they dont fly rockets or those that they do fly are low part count, or they simply don't notice it for what ever reason. It is there though.

Edited by Majorjim
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I do also have noticed more lag since 1.0, but I don't think it is linked to heat calculations, at least for me.

My PC is quite slow and I struggle having solid fps with most game. So, basically, I will notice anything using more CPU/creating lag.

I don't see any difference when hanging around in interplanetary space, even when burning (when heat calculations are more important) as long as I do not look directly at a planet too close. Also, during reentry, even with convection/radiation/conduction calculations, I do not notice more lag than pre-1.0.

On the other hand, looking (eg) at Kerbin or the ground while in LKO or flying at any altitude will give me lag, same goes for smoke effects at launch (the latter just kills my fps down to 5 even for smaller rockets), and this happens keeping the same graphic settings as Beta and even Alpha.

I did had similar lag spikes in Beta, but not as strong as in 1.0.x; so, IMO, yes 1.0 is more laggy than Beta, but no it is not due to heat calculations.

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Fairings cause more lag than heat.

Lag genorators from most to least




Part count

Hmm... Just curious, could it possibly be because of drag occlusion checking? I'm wondering if the cargo bays and fuselages have the same lag issues. All hypothetical thinking though.

Also, if it isn't because of occlusion checking (it probably isn't), I wonder what else could be causing the fairings to lag.

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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