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Mod Community Base 3.0 - multiple bases, limited actions allowed - see rules

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Speedollama - There\'s no such thing as a 'full' base, they never close. However, some people with slower computers had problems landing in crowded bases during the previous thread because when you get within 200 meters of the other ships, it takes them off rails - and that can be too many parts all active at once for some computers. That\'s why there\'s always going to be an option for a smaller base! I\'ll add you for a flight to the Cloria I base.

Tim_Barrett - there are two Mun bases planned at this point, and you\'re free to land whatever you like when your turn comes around! Which one do you want to land at - the Cloria I base, or the upcoming base being started by luciencd four flights before you?

Stellar - you request ONE flight. you get put on the list. everyone scheduled before you flies their flights. you fly yours, and request a second flight if you like. Everyone who requested a turn between your two requests gets a turn before you get one again. Also, there won\'t be another new Mun base until luciencd\'s new one (currently only 1 craft scheduled) has 5 craft. So, what within the valid targets do you want to be your one landing?

Tonight I\'ll go through and add 'planned mod to add' to each scheduled flight, but it\'s not mandatory to announce it when scheduling the flight. I\'m also going to add a 'request form' to hopefully cut down on the requests that don\'t follow the rules.

Everyone - is the two chances thing too long? Should we switch to just 'If you miss your 48 hour launch window you\'re removed from the list and have to reapply'? Misterspork did land, so I\'ve got the merged persistence file including ready to upload if he doesn\'t complete the re-flight within the next day.

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  khyron42 said:

Speedollama - There\'s no such thing as a 'full' base, they never close. However, some people with slower computers had problems landing in crowded bases during the previous thread because when you get within 200 meters of the other ships, it takes them off rails - and that can be too many parts all active at once for some computers. That\'s why there\'s always going to be an option for a smaller base! I\'ll add you for a flight to the Cloria I base.

Tim_Barrett - there are two Mun bases planned at this point, and you\'re free to land whatever you like when your turn comes around! Which one do you want to land at - the Cloria I base, or the upcoming base being started by luciencd four flights before you?

Stellar - you request ONE flight. you get put on the list. everyone scheduled before you flies their flights. you fly yours, and request a second flight if you like. Everyone who requested a turn between your two requests gets a turn before you get one again. Also, there won\'t be another new Mun base until luciencd\'s new one (currently only 1 craft scheduled) has 5 craft. So, what within the valid targets do you want to be your one landing?

Tonight I\'ll go through and add 'planned mod to add' to each scheduled flight, but it\'s not mandatory to announce it when scheduling the flight. I\'m also going to add a 'request form' to hopefully cut down on the requests that don\'t follow the rules.

Everyone - is the two chances thing too long? Should we switch to just 'If you miss your 48 hour launch window you\'re removed from the list and have to reapply'? Misterspork did land, so I\'ve got the merged persistence file including ready to upload if he doesn\'t complete the re-flight within the next day.

Google Form, use a google form. I shall be epic and official.

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I agree.


1) Do we post our persist file when our mission ends, or do we edit the original post by adding our persist?

2) Can we get some strict times so launch is set?

3)Here\'s my application.


craft(file and name):ZLRP 4.craft, ZLRP 7.craft

base:Z1 minmus (12°-21\'-43' S, 13°-17\'-51' W)

mods used:stock,c7, novapunch, thunderbird 3, mechjeb (and plugin), cart mod (and plugin), and several others i cant\'t remember (refer to picture)

picturs of craft:


there will be a fuel depot on minmus (ZLRP 4) and an unmanned lander rover to operate the base.

I chose this spot because it was one of the few perfectly flat areas to build a large base, so sorry its a seemingly random position.

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  zekes said:

mods used:stock,c7, novapunch, thunderbird 3, mechjeb (and plugin), cart mod (and plugin), and several others i cant\'t remember (refer to picture)

  Rules said:

5. Each person can add one mod on their turn, but doesn\'t have to. If you added one, post the name of the mod and a link to the forum thread for it in your after-flight post.

Currently we only have two registered mods, Carts and NovaPunch, and I\'m not sure if any other launches before yours is going to add any of the other mods you listed. You\'ll have to scale back to include only these mods and whichever additional one you want to choose.

  zekes said:

1) Do we post our persist file when our mission ends, or do we edit the original post by adding our persist?

You will create a new post.

  zekes said:

2) Can we get some strict times so launch is set?

You will have a 48 hour window to launch when your turn begins. If there were specific times most people would be hard pressed to launch on time, considering that life tends to get in the way of such things... :(

  zekes said:

craft(file and name):ZLRP 4.craft, ZLRP 7.craft

base:Z1 minmus (12°-21\'-43' S, 13°-17\'-51' W)

You are already scheduled to land at the Lake of Broken Landers, and a new base cannot be started until at least five craft have landed at the existing one. Currently your scheduled launch would be the fifth, so after you launch this time you can then sign up to create a new base (assuming someone else doesn\'t after you land).

Also, you may only land one craft per turn.

You know, the OP has virtually all the information you need to answer these questions and much more, perhaps you could pay it a visit sometime? ;)

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  Thrfoot said:

Currently we only have two registered mods, Carts and NovaPunch, and I\'m not sure if any other launches before yours is going to add any of the other mods you listed. You\'ll have to scale back to include only these mods and whichever additional one you want to choose.


Incorrect. We have THREE.

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Zekes, are you trying to move your already-scheduled flight or schedule a second one? I\'m very confused by your posts in general, so I want to make sure what you\'re asking.

In general, you need to chill out. This is a group thing, and the others who are trying to participate are being overwhelmed with your enthusiasm. You\'ve made about 10 requests for various kind of flights; if this is the one you want, it needs to not change again (aside from switching to only add one mod.)

As Thrfoot said, you get to pick one mod to add. You won\'t necessarily know what other mods are allowed until your turn comes up, so don\'t assume all the others will be in already for your use. Most of your posts completely ignored rule 2 until Thrfoot put it in very simple terms; your latest one ignores rule 5.

It\'s reaching the point where you\'re disruptive to the thread. Please settle down, get your flight scheduled without ignoring the rules, and then I\'ll PM you when it\'s your turn to fly.

Radion - added! Sirscott, I\'ll move you down one.

I\'ve updated the first post with the merged persistent.sfs file. Mind that slope at Cloria I base, it could be ugly. It\'s Candre\'s turn.

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Id like to say sorry for disrupting, and ill land at the sea of broken landers, with just the thunderbird 3, mechjeb, cart and its lander components, and novapunch mods.

Once again, sorry.

Ill be quiet now. :-X

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Heavy Transport Vehicle (HTV) to the Lake of Broken Landers on Minmus is Complete!

Well, there you have it. The album can be found here.


The OP can be changed to remove the 'LoBL-CANDRE' extensions from the SEV and HTV. I have them there for clarification in-game.

No new mods were added.

So far, 4 ships currently reside on the Lake of Broken Landers. The limit is 5 for a new base, but can I request a new one given that there are already missions planned for the LoBL location? If so, I request a new flight to be added to the queue:

Sign me up for a flight!

Ship: HTV

Destination base: New base on Minmus; location and name TBD!

Planned additional mod: TBD, but unlikely.

If not, then:

Sign me up for a flight!

Ship: HTV

Destination base: Thrionian Cloria I Base on the Mun

Planned additional mod: TBD, but unlikely.

sirscott, you are go!

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Sirscott had said he was away for the weekend - with one day still to go on that, I\'ll keep moving him down, I didn\'t expect Candre to be done so quickly! Otherwise we\'d be waiting 48 hours, instead we get to have a few more flights done and then he still gets his turn.

Khyron42 - it\'s your ... oh. yeah. brb.


Flight successful! The lander/base 'E Aho Laula' has been placed at the Cloria I base. This flight at least, the HQ survived, but it did bounce around a bit. (The name is from an old car commercial and is Hawaiian for 'Wider is Better.')

I didn\'t add any new mods.

There\'s still an upper stage with more than enough fuel to leave the Mun.

Post-flight screenshots:

Looking towards mine from Misterspork\'s


Looking towards Misterspork\'s from mine


SanctionEnvy - it\'s your turn!

To put what I\'ve been doing for sirscott into the rules, I added 6a:

6a. If you warn me ahead of time and ask to put your turn on hold for up to 48 hours if it comes up, I\'ll just keep bumping you down instead of waiting for you to fly when you\'re not available.

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Base request:

Owner: Misterspork

- Thrionian Cloria Ia Base

-- New Minmus Base(I plan this to be a new one as it seems the current base will be rather full in a couple days)

-- New mod: BigTrak

-- Additional Info:

--- Will be on a plateau, no specified coordinate, will be non-equatorial

--- This is the second in a line of many 'Cloria' bases, designed to sustain a small crew and contain supplies for an extended period of time. This version is designed to carry a large detachable rover capable of carrying many weeks supplies as well as a medium amount of storage in the main structure. Most of the time is intended to be spent in the rover.

--- We intend the base proceeding this to be the first 'Degnin' class, designed to be a mini city base on the Mun, capable of permanent habitability.

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is mechjeb an accepted plugin here? its not on the list...

btw... i made a new heavy launch vehicle that works really well, and is based off of the planned NASA SLS heavy launch vehicle =D

by the time its n orbit, it has 1/2 of a 3m double fuel tank left! if any1 wants screenies, ill post em

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