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Mod Community Base 3.0 - multiple bases, limited actions allowed - see rules

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...player C\'s entire french cathedral made entirely out of wing parts...


I am going to announce that I will add the Orbital Construction mod and also start working on providing a nice cathedral for those kerbals that launched rockets and didn\'t commit sin. All for the glory of Nonproverglatizers!

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I am starting to think that the community base option is going to get away from reasonable any time mods are included. I\'m willing to hand this off to someone else if they want to try managing the madhouse, change the rules however you like if you do take over, but if I\'m still running it I\'d like to see a little more just building bases together.

If I keep running it, a turn needs to be 'I am going to launch a single craft to add to this base, and land it there.' Anything else can be done elsewhere; the goal is to build community bases on the ground at limited locations, as laid out in the updated OP.

I\'ll update the OP\'s title to something like 'Limited Mod Base' to clarify, and people can sign up still if they like.

I hope enough people will still be interested in doing this to keep the bases growing, and look forward to taking part in Twinky827\'s community Kessler too.

(updated to clarify)

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I am starting to think that the community base option is going to get away from reasonable any time mods are included. I\'m willing to hand this off to someone else if they want to try managing the madhouse, change the rules however you like if you do take over, but if I\'m still running it I\'d like to see a little more just building bases together.

If I keep running it, a turn needs to be 'I am going to launch a single craft to add to this base, and land it there.' Want me managing this still?

I want you doing it, but if you don\'t, I\'ll do it!

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Aw crap, I thought I was on the list the entire time. I decided to go with a Minmus base.

Damn, now I have to wait like another week... ::)

GRAAAAAAAHHHHHH! Now you\'re just trying to mess with me by deliberately not listing which of the bases, right? Surely I don\'t need to repeat the list again, or tell you it\'s there in the OP again?

I\'ll put you on the list anyway - but please, name which base, and I\'ll update your reservation. The Minmus options are Lake of Broken Landers, and Candre\'s future Minmus Base. If Candre\'s gets 3 more reservations for it, we\'d open up the option of a third minmus base for any flights after those 3.

xeranes - adding you now!

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I would like to land at the current thrionian base with a new hq, and can I request a second one after that?

If so, I want to wait till the soonest base opening and add gaby\'s miscellanea.

Just requesting everything in advance :P

Sorry about horrible grammar, on mobile with stupid autocorrect functions.

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No one person should be able to register weeks ahead of time for second slots, or decide they\'re the one who will be allowed to make the new base. Instead, whoever is registering for a new (or followup) flight can choose to make the new base when the option comes up.

Regarding getting your name on the list twice or three times, that\'s not fair to other players trying to get turns too, or to people just joining us.

If I was letting people say well ahead of time 'I want to make a new base, and will wait until whenever it\'s an option' our next 20 bases would already be planned out (based on how many people have said 'I\'ll make a new base when it becomes an option' instead of registering for a flight.) I\'m not going to keep track of all those requests, instead when the base option becomes available whoever isn\'t already booked can book the new base.

I considered asking everyone to give you a chance at being that first booking for a new base, but I think everyone else is waiting for the same chance. It\'s fun to be the new base explorer. You\'ve already been the guy to create one of them, and giving others that fun too is part of being a community.

After you fly your current reserved flight, I can try to keep track of what you\'ve already requested for a next flight - but it would be better if you just make the next flight reservation then ;)


Twinky has opened a 'Safety valve' base thread. I encourage people to go ahead and register flights at both if you want. It looks like he\'s keeping mostly the same rules but shortening the flight time allowed to 1 day, so people will be able to get turns in more quickly. Also - there are no current bases there, so the first person to sign up for each planet/mun gets to make that new base they\'re itching for! :D

People can have their names on this list, the safety valve thread\'s list, and the stock thread\'s list all at once - that will let you fly more frequent community flights. If you can\'t manage landing at a precise location without mechjeb, you can at least be on two of those lists (or try to register in the stock thread when a new base is available.)

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this may be a nooby question, but ive been at the tracking center in ksp, and when the bar containing the names of all the ships was full, i could not scroll down. Just wondering if that could be an issue or if im missing something, because of the amount of ships that will be landing.

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I\'ve run into that too. While there\'s no way to pick vessels below there from the list, you can find them in the map and click on them to select them, then 'Fly' that craft just like the ones you can pick on the list.

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Mincespy, it\'s been 48 hours - unless you\'re close to done with a fresh attempt, I\'ll bump you down the list. Any updates?


(almost an hour later) Still no word from Mincespy, bumping him down one. ThrFoot, second chance!

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I think for the second chance the length of time allowed should be reduced to 24 hours, because often I see when someone misses their first chance they miss the second.

I only remember my case as being an exception, but I completed it within 24 hours if I remember correctly.

Again, mobile : p

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Actually, you successfully landed on your first try but in an unstable state. Then you waited until your second try was almost over before saying to just go ahead with the unstable landing from the first try.

But yes, I was actually thinking to change it to just be 'missed your 48 hours = cancelled, re-register for a new slot.'

The other option was to drop the time for both tries to 24 hours; I was waiting to see how well that worked on the safety valve thread, but that seems like it\'s been replaced with 'fly if you\'re showing as actively online, and get bumped when you go offline.'

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Thrfoot\'s missed both his tries, and is off the list. Feel free to re-register - I know that it\'s the end of the school year for many people & time to play may be very limited.

Mincespy - you\'re up for your second chance! Please, if you can, let us know whether you\'re going to have time to fly, so that we can move on to the next pilot if you can\'t manage it!

This\'ll be the last second chance setup, we\'ll just remove people who miss their 48 hour chance and then they can sign back up if they want.

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I\'ve decided the location and name of the new Minmus base. It\'ll be at the north pole, and will be called 'Thrionian Cloria Ia Base, Planitia Livens.' I\'ll be sending another rover down so I can position it properly. I\'d like to add r4m0n\'s Camera mod if it hasn\'t been suggested.

Also, I haven\'t really been following this thread much, but I had an idea for the 0.16 base. We could have separate persistence files for each body, so that the queue would proceed faster as flights wouldn\'t necessarily be waiting on other unrelated ones. The drawback would be that flights to multiple bases on different bodies would not be possible. That a worthy idea?

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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