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Jeb or Val?


Jeb or Val?  

114 members have voted

  1. 1. Jeb or Val?

    • Jeb! Explosions! Males! Veterans!
    • Valentina, with girl power and a bad-s flag too.

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EDIT: Thinking about this, it seems like most (including me) think KSP has only two pilots. Jeb and Val.

Then again, given the "comic" out there, I'm starting to rather like Bill. He seems to know its only a computer game but tries hard not to let on. :)

Edited by Vanamonde
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Only turned "dumb" when you posted... DUDE, and there is no rule saying you have to read OR post in a thread you don't like.

EDIT: Thinking about this, it seems like most (including me) think KSP has only two pilots. Jeb and Val.

Then again, given the "comic" out there, I'm starting to rather like Bill. He seems to know its only a computer game but tries hard not to let on. :)

Are you refering to that "Hardly Rocket Science" comic thats been dead for a while? Or some other Kerbal Comic? If it's a new one i don't know about... SPILL THE BEANS!

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Are you refering to that "Hardly Rocket Science" comic thats been dead for a while? Or some other Kerbal Comic? If it's a new one i don't know about... SPILL THE BEANS!

Look in THE THREAD OF THE MONTH post.... its there, its how I found it... its ongoing, and will be starting again when the author gets back from his vacation.

Here it is....


Edited by kiwi1960
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I tend to edit my save file so Val is first in rotation, and thus my "default" if I don't edit the crew before launching. I still tend to alternate them on important missions.

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As much as I love Jebediah, my heart belongs to Valentina. R.I.P., Val.

She died while at the helm of the U.K.S. Carphe's Revenge warship. Defending against giant starships. She died the way she lived, as an absolute badass!

She died on a routine suborbital tourism flight. Damn parachutes.

Edited by GregroxMun
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I didn't vote. There's no 'I can't choose' or 'Both are nuts' options.

I personally view Val as my lead spaceplane/jet pilot and Jeb as my rocket guy, though I do send each on occasional missions that are the other's specialty. Val did my first orbital rescue this career. Jeb was first into orbit. Like both of them.

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I see a pattern here, Either Jeb or val (or both) are lost in the very early stages of the game, while leaving or returning from an orbit of Kerbin....

Come on guys, admit it, you hate one or the other, or both, so kill them off rather than have them screw up!


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A fair number of posts have been edited or removed from this thread for throwing insulting terms for regions of the country at each other, arguing, and just plain going off-topic. Keep it civil and relevant to the subject of the thread, please.

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A fair number of posts have been edited or removed from this thread for throwing insulting terms for regions of the country at each other, arguing, and just plain going off-topic. Keep it civil and relevant to the subject of the thread, please.

Wow, don't all my threads fall into that?

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Original Posted By Vanamonde

A fair number of posts have been edited or removed from this thread for throwing insulting terms for regions of the country at each other, arguing, and just plain going off-topic. Keep it civil and relevant to the subject of the thread, please.

Um......does that really matter if they're going off topic....its not really that bad since the thread creator is fine with it..

BTW mine is Val.....cause Jeb led my shuttle out of the sun's SOI.

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Neither. Didn't see that option in the poll.

Both, being orangesuits, are nobs so have better things to do wtih their time than spend years going forth and back to Jool and whatnot. Far better for them to just invest in the East Eelooan Trading Company and reap vast profits while staying safe at home on the society circuit and getting Byron-esque society cred for having spacesuits at all. Seriously, no decent Kerbal would ever go out in space further than Minmus. All that dirty, tedious, dangerous mucking about in deep space is why the Kraken divinely ordained a stratified Kerbal society, so that the lower orders could take all the personal risks and do all the undignified stuff with space toilets.

I'm realizing that, humor aside, this is exactly how I run my space program. I keep my "core four" home, because I don't like losing them on years-long missions. The longest they spend away from home is when Bill or Bob spends a few months on the initial setup of a refueling station or munar/minmus outpost.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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