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On The Subject Of Reputation.


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Yes, instead of standing apart due to rep, they now stand apart due to shunning it.

It's very, very different.


Hiding or not hiding rep doesn't matter in the least; at the end of the day everyone trends towards the limit.
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This might sound silly, but rep is a sort of goal and achievement for me. I often make a special effort to get the next bar when I am close by posting a lot and trying to help everyone. When I do get repped, it feels good to know that someone appreciates what I have posted.

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This might sound silly, but rep is a sort of goal and achievement for me. I often make a special effort to get the next bar when I am close by posting a lot and trying to help everyone. When I do get repped, it feels good to know that someone appreciates what I have posted.

If you are saying that getting rep encourages you to make better posts, then that is the best endorsement of the rep system I've heard yet. :)

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Hi everyone! I'm back from a three-day vacation, and it was a real pleasure reading through all of the negative comments on here, let me tell you. :P

I do agree with some of the viewpoints here; I'll try to explain my thoughts on all of the other points people brought up...

And yet we have people who care about it enough to deal with it 'the most in the Kommunity'. Silly green Internet points.

*drooling intensify*

...I think you meant "drooling intensifies," DuoDex. Also, you have +Rep bars again!

But on a more serious note, yes, I do admit that I've been way too closely involved with the topic of Reputation as a Forum-goer. I should probably stop... but this thread actually marks the transition of me caring less (and encouraging y'all to do the same)! So at least I'm taking steps in the right direction.

I could care less about reputation. I don't give two *****. In fact, if you gave me a vast quantity of *****, I wouldn't give any of them to the Rep system. I care more about the quality of the posts and writing in a person's piece rather than their reputation. I (at least) try to write posts that will accomplish the goal of being written well and with a clear, concise voice rather than posts that will accrue reputation points. If I see a post that I think is excellent, I'll remember the person's name, and when I see their name as the author of a post or comment I'll be more likely to read it than if I don't recognize their name. If I really like it I might give them a reputation point, but usually I'll give one to thank them without replying in the thread and thus cluttering it with something off-topic. If I canvass a thread and just look at the reputation bar, It's a crapshoot whether or not I'll like the post or comment.

My view is rep on any forum is just like Facebook friends. Some make a big game out of seeing who can accumulate the greatest amount, some don't ever want to accumulate any at all. Some think it's a great feature, Some think it's a horrible feature. Some have a little, some have a lot. Some use it usefully, some use it outrageously. But ultimately, it means absolutely nothing and is probably a waste of time.

I agree with your statements, though I personally would have probably been a little gentler in saying them.

Okay, a disclaimer here: the below post rubbed me in the wrong way a bit. Sorry if my response comes across as harsh in any way; it's not supposed to...

Disclaimer: My debate and criticism skills are mind-numbingly bad

Nah, they're not too bad (and I'm not great at debate myself). Keep at it and you'll get better :)

I wonder why... Sure, it might seem quite absurd at first to suggest your thread as one of the main causes of the what you described (rep inflation), but it makes sense if you realize that your it's the most viewed thread in the Kerbal Network subforum. It's plausible that the reason why rep has been devauled is because of your thread, along with the Green Iron Crown crap and the "How Close are YOU to Your Next Reputation Rank?" thread.

I'm pretty sure that out of all of the people that posted in that thread, I got the most Reputation out of it (that wouldn't be an unreasonable assumption, anyway). The total amount of Reputation I got out of the thread, however, is probably less than fifty points: I think about ten people have repped me for that thread since its inception in October. That's really not a lot of Reputation, especially considering the amount of +Rep tossed around in threads like the 'Destroy GIC' bonanza. Perhaps my thread has brought the concept of Reputation to more people, but I don't think it has devalued it as much as you fear.

That being said, the Light-Green Group was also created at a different time in the history of the Forum, when joining the Group was considered to be a bigger deal than it is now. I'm actually in quite a bit of a Catch-22: I actually don't really want to update the thread at this point, as it doesn't reflect my current thoughts towards Reputation, and I seriously considered ceasing updates a month ago... but the public sentiment was quite strongly in favor of an update, for obvious reasons. Maybe I should hand over the thread rights to a moderator or something.

Or maybe because the forum's just aging and more and more people are getting rep and you're feeling jealous.

The only ill will I harbor towards others with high Reputation counts is that it's difficult to update my aforementioned Light-Green Group now. You try organizing over a hundred people and writing nice things about them!

With all seriousness, I'm ranked #3 on the Forum (or #5 if you count the two souls who chose to make their Reputation invisible). This is actually just about the highest on the +Rep totem pole that I've ever been, mind you. Saying that I'm jealous of two to four other people and want the top spot for myself seems to imply that I am a whiny soul who won't stop his so-called "jealousy" until he's at the very top spot. That's not tremendously nice.

You're saying this as you're prominently advertising a thread you created specifically for the praise of those with high amounts of rep.

See above... :)

I know it's tough to realize other people have different opinions, but maybe it was because they agreed with their criticism?

It's about time for people to start saying things like this on the thread, isn't it? *sigh*

You just implied that people who criticize Squad are trolls.

If I said anything remotely like that, it was not intentional. Rather, the 'trolls' referred to people who were unfairly critical to their fellow Forum members. Read the previous sentence once or twice and see if you can interpret what I actually meant here.

It's only you that thinks harsh criticism of Squad is "bullying". This harsh criticism is only because Squad hasn't listened to our criticism in the past, so we're resorting to harsher means in the hopes that they'll listen to us (which they aren't). It's also because of the fact that people warned Squad about the dangers of going to 1.0 and predicted what the finished product would be like, and when Squad pushed ahead and the product was indeed half-glassed and alpha-quality it resulted in this harsh criticism. Also, your last sentence suggests you're feeling less special with your high amount of rep and hints at the underlying reasons of why you made this thread.

Pretty much all of the above is untrue.

I would link you to one of the dozens of posts that state that the community was being overly harsh, but if you haven't read a single one of them, you probably won't read my links either: the pages are easy enough to find, and they are quite numerous. A majority of moderators and a large chunk of the community seem to think that SQUAD is indeed being unfairly criticized.

The community being viciously harsh to SQUAD is the equivalent of a child throwing a temper tantrum in the supermarket. It may capture the mother's attention and it's certainly loud enough to hear, but at the end of the day it is not fostering a positive relationship between the two entities involved and it may not result in the child getting what he or she wants.

What you don't seem to understand is that there is a line between "constructive criticism" and "criticism." There's nothing constructive, for example, about your above implications that I am a jealous little man. Rather, your statements seem designed to anger me. If you are doing the same sort of things to SQUAD, I think you need to calm down and consider that people who are angry at you rarely agree with your points, whether they are valid or not.

As for my Reputation counts... well, we've already discussed this. And I'll also discuss it below, because you mention the whole "jealousy" thing there too.

"Should the Reputation System exist at all?" No

I think you're just envious that a bunch of people are nearing you amount of rep, so you want the entire system removed or devauled to a miniscule point so that you don't have to worry about it anymore.

Wait a minute.

So, I'm saying, "I don't like the Reputation system because it generates negative sentiments within the Community. I think we shouldn't care about it quite as much." You're saying, "I don't like the Reputation system either, but I'm sure you don't like it because you're feeling jealous of other Forum-goers that have Reputation too. I also think we shouldn't care about it as much."

What? You just agreed with me on my general premise. Why did you then have to attack me based on your interpretation of a few lines of my post? I'm not entirely sure where you're coming from here, or what you intend to achieve. Maybe you can reply and let me know?

Okay, with that, I must eat. I can sup with the knowledge that the majority of the coming posts are a little nicer. I'll probably reply to them quite soon :)


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  • 1 month later...

Alright guys, you can stop bashing Upsilon for the Light Green Group, because I now have the reigns on that. I will be updating it regularly hopefully. So if you wanna bash someone for putting in hours of work for the community who asked for it* and being thankful for a bit of rep for my efforts, you can bash me. :sticktongue:

*as in, once Upsilon started it, everyone in the LGG wanted him to update it because they liked seeing their name on the list.

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