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War Of Insanity!

Dark Junior

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My ship has a Kraken Reactor, which alters the probability wave to siphon energy from stars.

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It causes the reactor to output 10x normal power, frying the AI!

Being the AI, it diverts all excess power to the defense perimeter, which uses it as ambient resonance.

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Nuclear pulse pistol heavily modified with my own personal upgrades (I'm sure you would know about it if you had chosen to read the new data you received rather than my captain's logs)

[Really... I saw nothing of the sort.]

So it IS electrodynamically disruptive. Clever design. Internal computer, engage hyper visual acuity settings. Computer, use internal gridmark 2 to re-erect the field. Remodulate ambient electrokenetic output by... Hold on...

23 kilohertz.

You'll have to do quite a lot of that to destroy my computer.

Edited by Xannari Ferrows
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Sees each one with the enhanced visuals, and narrowly avoids all but one, letting out a subtle grunt

[Thinking] No, I need to lead him left just another 3rd of a meter.

Counterstrikes with a swift strike ever so close to the right eye, as if getting him to favor it and stumble a little left

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