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Adding Science and making it stick

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Hi all,

I am trying to add Science outside of using experiments (both Career and Science Sandbox mode, KSP 1.0.4), and I found this:

ResearchAndDevelopment.Instance.AddScience(1.0f, TransactionReasons.Any);

If I then check to see if the science was added, I use this:


I've verified that ResearchAndDevelopment.Instance.Science reflects the amount of science added using ResearchAndDevelopment.Instance.AddScience. The second I go back to the Space Center and look at the Science meter, it retains the value it had before entering Flight and altering the Science. As far as I can tell, the ResearchAndDevelopment scenario isn't saving the adjustment to Science when I switch the scene from Flight to Space Center. I'm also seeing that the Science readout in Flight doesn't reflect the change I did. Is there a way to tell the ResearchAndDevelopment scenario to save its new values? Is there another place to set Science other than in the ResearchAndDevelopment scenario?

Thanks for the help. :)

Edit: Nailed it! :) The problem is that I was adding science during the OnStart method. All I needed to do is wait a bit such as during OnUpdate or OnFixedUpdate.

Edited by Angel-125
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I'm more familiar with how R&D works outside of the Flight scene, and in that case, saving the game solved a similar issue for me.

GamePersistence.SaveGame("persistent", HighLogic.SaveFolder, SaveMode.OVERWRITE);

However, I am not sure how forcing a save might affect reverting, etc. when in the Flight scene.

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You may need to fire the onScienceModified event, e.g.

GameEvents.onScienceModified.Fire(1.0, TransactionReasons.Any);

You may not need to do the other call in this case (the R&D center may have an event handler for that event). You'll either need to experiment or look for a mod that does something similar...

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As I recall that method takes TransactionReason as a parameter. Try different reasons. I've tried the "RnDs" value and everything was fine as long as I could see. If nothing helps, there's also the method CheatAddScience.

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