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Shock Cone Intake vs Ram Air Intake

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Hello, this is my first post here :)

My question is - which one is better - shock cone or ram intake? I see people are saying that shock is better, but in the game it has lower values - 0.009 intake area vs 0.01 for ram and 0.9 air amount vs 1.0 for ram.

So, if Shock is better, could anyone explain to me, why is that?

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  mrclucks said:
I think ram intakes are best due to the description saying it works best at faster speeds, but it may be all fluff

This great forum community taught me not to trust the part descriptions, especially those written by Squad. Regarding the intake dilemma, I also read somewhere that shock cone has better heat resistance and is less draggy. The second one probably makes up for less Intake air capacity (difference is only 0.1, folks!)

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look at the weight on em.

shock cone intake is outrageously heavy, and the ram has a larger area. Unless you're specifically trying to recreate a MiG-21 or something, I'd say go with the ram air every time.

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  viktor19 said:
(difference is only 0.1, folks!)
0.1 of 1.0 is 10%. 9 rams = 10 shocks.
  Mic_n said:
look at the weight on em.

shock cone intake is outrageously heavy, and the ram has a larger area. Unless you're specifically trying to recreate a MiG-21 or something, I'd say go with the ram air every time.

That was my conclusion as well...

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This calls for test. I wont be able to test it soon, but i would take whiplash engine, precooler, probecore and stick ram/shockcone intake on the top. Then only thing left to do is launch it verticaly and note highest altitude reached.

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  Cebi said:
This calls for test. I wont be able to test it soon, but i would take whiplash engine, precooler, probecore and stick ram/shockcone intake on the top. Then only thing left to do is launch it verticaly and note highest altitude reached.

Just take a look at the numbers in the part.cfg files. I haven't looked much lately, but in the old days it was really just a matter of intakearea. Some have a higher capacity of intakeair, but given how low those capacities are relative to how quickly it's burned, that really doesn't matter much.

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  Cebi said:
This calls for test. I wont be able to test it soon, but i would take whiplash engine, precooler, probecore and stick ram/shockcone intake on the top. Then only thing left to do is launch it verticaly and note highest altitude reached.

Also note top speed please.

edit: I tried my own tests. The rocket with RAM seemed to fly somewhat slower... resulting in exploding due to overheating later ;) I'm not sure how to read these results, whether the overheating was late due to better thermal capacity or due to lower speed.

Edited by Sharpy
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name = [B]ramAirIntake[/B]

mass = 0.01
thermalMassModifier = 12.0
emissiveConstant = 0.7
angularDrag = 1
name = ModuleResourceIntake
area = 0.01
intakeSpeed = 10
name = IntakeAir
amount = 1.0
maxAmount = 1.0

name = [B]shockConeIntake[/B]
mass = 0.025
thermalMassModifier = 8
heatConvectiveConstant = 0.75 // air goes into jet, not bashes on intake.
emissiveConstant = 0.95
angularDrag = 1.2

name = ModuleResourceIntake
area = 0.009
intakeSpeed = 12
name = IntakeAir
amount = 0.9
maxAmount = 0.9

These are the relevant differences. I culled all identical and irrelevant entries.

Okay, someone care to explain their meaning?

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Oh, this thread again.

Conclusions from empirical testing in 1.02 (can't be bothered to find a link to the thread):

> Shock cones have significantly less drag

> Shock cones are heavier

> Drag difference typically more significant for LKO based craft

> Little, if any, difference in heat management

> Closing the intakes: it does nothing!

Fun note the shock cone is also the lowest drag 1.25 m part period. (as of 1.02)

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  selfish_meme said:
Red Iron Crown tested it, shock cones win, plus little nosecones on the ends of Rapiers are worth it too. Drag is king.

... for Kerbin, Eve, and Laythe. Duna's atmosphere is a little thin for drag to be king and Jool is a special mission anyway.

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  selfish_meme said:
Red Iron Crown tested it, shock cones win, plus little nosecones on the ends of Rapiers are worth it too.

Worth noting, however: only in stock. If you want more realistic drag physics, Ferram is waiting for you as always.

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  ajburges said:
... for Kerbin, Eve, and Laythe. Duna's atmosphere is a little thin for drag to be king and Jool is a special mission anyway.

Unless you have some "alternate launchpads" mod, Kerbin alone is sufficient.

I'm seriously considering replacing my SRBs with jet boosters now. With gravity turn they won't sputter out long after SRBs would be discarded, and they are small enough not to be a burden to the orbit.

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BACC: thrust 300.0, TWR climbing from 3 to 17

S1: Thrust 670.0 TWR climbing from 2.2 to 13.45

Whiplash: top thrust 754, TWR 43. (though that will drop somewhat with fuel tank and intake).

Besides, Whiplash will keep accelerating at the time I'm through the second stage of BACCs and finishing an S1.

I believe a ring of hammers to get the initial 100m/s or so would still be acceptable, but the real work would be better done by jets.

edit: peak TWR of Whiplash + small tank (with oxidizer removed) + intake is 734000 newtons / ((earth gravity)*2112.5kg) = 35.43

TWR at rest is 6.27

Edited by Sharpy
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  selfish_meme said:
Drag is king.

That's why I use inline nacels, and stick the adapter on front that adapts from that size down to the size that a "small nose cone" fits. That adapter holds 80 fuel.

That nicely tapered nose is pretty low drag and the inline gets occluded and seems to thus have much less drag.

Although everything I say is in question without proper expirment

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  selfish_meme said:
Red Iron Crown tested it, shock cones win, plus little nosecones on the ends of Rapiers are worth it too. Drag is king.

I did? I think you are confusing me with someone else. :) The tail connector part is the lowest drag nosecone as determined by empirical testing. I use ram air intakes on my planes because I like the way they look, the performance difference between them and the shock cones is not overly large.

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