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[0.15] Spider Tech Engines (1.3)/S?nger-Projekt (0.1)

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You do realize that sure, it may look small, but really, hes got to lead the team, and balance it out against other jet engines, plus he also tests it, etc, has to deal with the general frustrations of making a working aircraft up there due to such a thin atmosphere.

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[mod].ADestroyer360 Posting nothing but a reaction image isn't just bad conduct but also against the forum rules.[/mod]

OtherDalfite: Calm down, how these people decide to split their work up is of none of your concern.

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Might be a little overpowered. From ground I can boost up at 50 degrees with just two scramjets and end up with a 300 km apogee, on less fuel than is in one mk II fuselage. If I climb slowly and aim for max speed, I end up leaving the atmosphere at 2800 m/s, apogee up around 1800 km - on about 2 mk 2\'s worth of fuel.


I\'m not sure how to fix that with the current engine system, though. Maybe give them even lower optimal airflow? Higher fuel consumption?

Also - one thing that almost every plugin does is put the plugin name abbreviation in front of the part name, so that it\'s easy to find them in the list of parts and easy to replace them when a new version comes out. The parts in the VAB and SPH sort based on the part folder name. It\'s also helpful, to avoid two mods using the same part folder name and overwriting each other.

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Might be a little overpowered.

So I\'ve been playing with these a LOT recently and I am pretty confident I got them to be pretty balanced right now, here are my settings for the scramjet only (I made the ramjet similar, but with better thresholds etc. so it is a bit like the stock engines)...

// --- standard part parameters ---

mass = 1.5

dragModelType = default

maximum_drag = 0.001

minimum_drag = 0.001

angularDrag = .1

crashTolerance = 20

maxTemp = 12500

// --- Atmospheric Engine ---

// --- Intake Types 0 = Square 1 = Circular (for area


IntakeShape = 1

intakeSize = 2

intakeSuctionPower = .1

maxIntakePower = 2000

// -- Definition of Airflow performance curves. Lower

curve is defined by lower threshold to optimal. Longer

spread between values defines a subtle curve. Where closer

values will have much faster fall off. Upper curve is

between optimal and maximum airflows.

optimalAirflow = .1

lowerAirflowLimit = 0

upperAirFlowLimit = 50

//-- Stall threshold determines the point (thrust power)

at which the engine can no longer sustain function

stallThreshold = 500

// How quickly the engine spools up and down (lerp by


engineAccelerationSpeed = 0.001

engineDecelerationSpeed = 0.0001

intakeResponseSpeed = .001

// Maximum Engine output

maximumEnginePower = 1000

maximumExhaustSpeed = 5000

// -- Standard Engine Parameters

heatProduction = 2000

fuelConsumption = 1

Essentially it only works above 40,000 and then it rockets you to 2500 m/s slowly over time. Do note that it DOES give you a quick liftoff squirt, but it immediately chokes up.

It\'s a bit rough and still unbalanced, but it\'s some progress. I am considering giving it a MUCH bigger intake area so it really gets going only at super high altitudes and chokes up much quicker at lower ones, as well as some more intake response and a much higher stall number (so it only really activates at PEAK thrust). Oh and do note that with ANY atmospheric engine, it WILL consume fuel based on the throttle you give it regardless of whether it is actually producing thrust or not. This is synonymous to the scramjet dumping fuel into the chamber but being wasted since it\'s not being combusted.

Again, I had to lift it up all the way to 40km before it took off and at that point, while keeping the plane at a pitch of 0 (parallel to ground), I eventually got its apoapsis up to maybe 120km before the engine shut down.

EDIT: It actually goes to about 800km... But I had to fit two turbojets to get it to its operating altitude and if you go up too shallow, it actually falls back down too quickly.

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First release of the Shuttle. Its a test so don´t be to judicial, please.

You need MechJeb to use the Shuttle. The Textur is very simple.

Don_Parpan haven´t got time the next two weekes so the project is delayed to this point.

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Hurry up ;D

Humanity has managed in 10 years on the Mun, ooops sorry moon, so I think Sänger-Project is a project for one day to create,

I believe in you ;D

Have YOU ever created a mod?

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