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[1.3](Jun08/17) ModActions: Control your vessel (including other mods) via ActionGroups.


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Alright, in that case can you please:

-Check you also have ModuleManager.dll in your GameData directory.

-Check that ModActions.dll and all the *.actions files live at GameData\Diazo\ModActions\ModActions.dll.

-Go into the editor to try to assign an action, then quit the game and get me a copy of the output_log.txt file.

-Are other actions working? Such as wheels or the science lab?

At this point we need to figure out what is different on your installation then mine.



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Alright, the files look correct.

However, are you opening up the ModActions window and actually assigning the action to the part? (It's the window with 1/P.On/CtrlSuft/Pitch/P.On in the picture in my previous post.)

It's a two step process to use ModActions. First you have to select the part and choose the actions you want to assign to that part. Once you've done that only those specific actions will show in the available actions list in the action group editor for you to assign to an action group.

ModActions is up to 100 actions total at this point, I can't assign all those actions to all parts as 100 more KSPAction objects on every part on every vessel would be quite the processing load.

So this mod makes only a few dynamically assignable action slots on each part, but this means they start hidden without an action assigned until you open the ModActions window and assign an action to that action slot.


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OK, Me bad....


Now I see what is going on, and it is going on OK.

I am going to have to find a youtube on this.  I now see everything, but not able to get it to work.

Might be I am just to tired right now.

Thanks diazo, all looks fine from your end.  now just up to me to figure it out.


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There is no youtube video that I am aware of, but I'll try and get an Imgur album up or something later today.

In text form the steps are:

1) Build your ship

2) Switch to the Action Group editor mode and click the ModActs button to open the window.

3) Select the part you want to assign an action to, in your case an Evelron, it will be marked with a purple circle. (Or multiple will if they were placed in symmetry.

4) In the ModActions window, click the "ClickToSelect" button, pick the CtrlSurface option and it will auto-fill with the Pitch On action as that one is first. You can click on the Pitch button to switch between Pitch/Roll/Yaw and the On button to switch between On/Off/Toggle. There are multiple actions on the part so you can add as many actions as you want. The text box on the left is for text entry, this text string is what will show as the action's name in step 5 and you can type whatever you want in here.

5) Go back to the Action Group Editor, this part works the same as stock KSP, you should just see new actions in the part's list that you added in step 4 and you can add them to an action group at this point.

6) To confirm everything worked, launch to flight mode open the evelron's right-click menu, activating the action group will change the evelron's status in the right-click menu in real-time so you can confirm everything works on the runway without having to take off an test.

Hope that helps,


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@Diazo So I was actually going to make a video for as he requested, except not of FAR control surfaces, but of just switching SRB thrust values. I started filming and...didn't work. Even though it was a Kerballed craft, I decided to switch to Bypass Remote tech, then I started getting an NRE everytime I clicked the Action Group. Not sure if you changed things, but below is the NRE. Note: I can no longer change SRB thrust values at all it seems with this mod, which is unfortunate, as it was the original reason I got it, but oh well. Full log here.

I'll redownload the latest version and try again, since I know you did something with wheels lately and one of the errors is related to ModuleWheels. Pretty sure I have the latest, but no version file (we had that conversation:rolleyes:) and log says it's version which doesn't seem right.



MissingFieldException: Field 'ModuleWheels.ModuleWheelBrakes.brakeTweak' not found.
  at ModActions.ModuleModActions.Action3 (.KSPActionParam param) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at BaseAction.Invoke (.KSPActionParam param) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ActionGroupsExtended.AGXFlight.ActivateActionGroupActivation (Int32 group, Boolean force, Boolean forceDir) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ActionGroupsExtended.AGXFlight.ActivateActionGroup (Int32 group, Boolean force, Boolean forceDir) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ActionGroupsExtended.AGXFlight.ActivateActionGroup (Int32 group) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ActionGroupsExtended.AGXFlight.FlightWindow (Int32 WindowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

AGX RTQueue Fail&Recover 1 System.MissingFieldException: Field 'ModuleWheels.ModuleWheelBrakes.brakeTweak' not found.
  at ModActions.ModuleModActions.Action4 (.KSPActionParam param) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at BaseAction.Invoke (.KSPActionParam param) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ActionGroupsExtended.AGXFlight.ActivateActionGroupActivation (Int32 group, Boolean force, Boolean forceDir) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ActionGroupsExtended.AGXFlight.CheckRTQueue () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 


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@Deimos Rast Looks like Remotetech changed something in the KSP 1.1 update.

Grabbed the latest official release and installed in my dev environment and immediately both this mod and AGX started spewing errors.

I'll look into it tomorrow, but for now it looks like RemoteTech flat out breaks my action group related mods.


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  On 6/5/2016 at 4:46 AM, Diazo said:

@Deimos Rast Looks like Remotetech changed something in the KSP 1.1 update.

Grabbed the latest official release and installed in my dev environment and immediately both this mod and AGX started spewing errors.

I'll look into it tomorrow, but for now it looks like RemoteTech flat out breaks my action group related mods.



I use it fine with AGEXT and have been for a while, even with Bypass Remote Tech.... it's just ModActions that threw started the snowball errors, and only with the SRB. Trying to think if I've used Mod Actions successfully since the latest update and I'm drawing a blank.

Either way, no rush.



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Version 1.2a

Download here.

-Fix ModuleWheelBrake actions (was causing a cascade error that caused all actions set by this mod to fail.)

-Show/Hide window in Flight mode on F2 now.

Alright, it's amazing what looking at stuff when not fighting to not fall asleep at the keyboard. Some fixes to some pretty basic errors here but things should be good now.

@Deimos Rast The RemoteTech thing was a red herring caused by posting past my bedtime last night. Issue is resolved now though, let me know if anything else comes up.

@drtedastro The issue I fixed for Deimos Rast was probably also affecting you and explains some of the confusion we were having. Please let me know how things go for you.



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Many thanks.

Downloading now and will start testing.

Problems is most likely me... lol.


That did it.

For some reason, the small control vs the large control have different 'names' but now all are working.

MANY THANKS.  This helps alot on my shuttles and I can see many uses in other craft.


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I just finished the video I set out to make last time. You can find it here. It's not the greatest, as I just discovered how to make videos last week (there is no audio, but I did edit out the unnecessary parts).

It's basically me using ModActions to make an ingame "Thrust Curve" (aka hotkeys corresponding to different thrust levels) for an SRB, including 0 thrust, allowing me to stage the SRB and have it sit there idling at 0% thrust indefinitely, until I issue the next hotkey. Perhaps a bit cheaty, but that's besides the point - the point of the video is to show quickly and simply how to use ModActions and how it integrates with AGExt. The relevant part is only a minute or so long (setting up three hotkeys on an SRB), then it cuts to me showing it in action for two minutes (feel free to skip that part, it drags a bit).

Of importance, and what took me a while to figure out (shown at the 0:40 mark) is how to get the ModActions hotkeys to actually be recognized by AGExt. You have to "refresh" AGExt by clicking on a different part than the one selected, then reselect the original part again and your hotkeys should be available. (This might be a bug, but it's always been this way).

I assume you already know how to open the ModActions menu. If not, Blizzy's Toolbar --> Configure Visible Buttons --> Mod Actions. Same way you would open AGExt essentially.


If you stick it out for the SRB portion, note that SRBs use engine response time, which is why the SRB doesn't cut off immediately and instead trails off slowly over the course of an entire minute. As I toggle the various thrust points (100/75/50/25/0 percent), pay attention to the KER deltaV display and the rightclick context menu info and you can see the relevant information change accordingly.


If you have any ideas on how I could better improve the video to better demonstrate how to use your mod, let me know. Your mods add a ton of value and the least I can do is try to make a video that isn't complete rubbish in return.

Edited by Deimos Rast
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  • 4 months later...

Version 1.3a

Github Download

-KSP 1.2 Update, no usability changes.

-Contract Configurator compatibility fix.

Note: It is recommended to deleted and replace your GameData\Diazo\ModActions directory as some of the files have changed. If you do upgrade, make sure that the files "StockWheel.actions" and "StockWheelSteeringNew.actions" have been deleted. If they are not they will cause malfunctions in this mod.

Happy KSPing all.


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Oh, hmmm.

Currently it is intended that the button show up in flight, I use this mod with AGX (my other mod) installed which allows for edition of action groups in flight so I show the ModActs button to allow changing things in flight.

I'll add a check that it only shows in flight if AGX is installed. (By default, I'll add an override in the settings file.)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Diazo, is there any chance of this mod supporting the various autostrut tweakables in 1.2+? It would be great to be able to turn on a particular kind of autostrut, and turn it off again, in an action group. My use case is for IR rotatrons and using them to rotate engines on a VTOL craft. Autostruts prevent my engines bobbing around crazily, but of course those struts break IR parts when movement is needed.

So, the way I would use such a function would be:

1) un-autostrut (action group)

2) rotate/extend with IR parts

3) re-autostrut (action group)

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  On 11/13/2016 at 8:07 AM, Bluebottle said:

1) un-autostrut (action group)

2) rotate/extend with IR parts

3) re-autostrut (action group)


Not exactly same thing, but you can use active struts that comes with IR reworked parts.
With active struts you place starting point on one craft part and strut end point where you want to strut to be connected on another craft part.

Then you can create links in editor and can also be used with regular action groups. That workaround could suffice until Diazo is able to do the same with stock invisible autostrut parts.

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Version 1.4a

Github Download.

-Add auto-strut actions. Note that most parts are set to Off by default. If you use the Toggle action on a part with this setting, it will attach to the Root part. Once a mode is assigned to the part, either via action group or mouse in the GUI, the Toggle action will remember that mode and use it as expected.

-Hide window in flight if AGX is not installed. Can be overridden in the ModActions.settings file. Set the FlightBtnVis value to 0 (zero) to never show the ModActs button in flight, 1 to always show it and 2 (the default) to only show the button if AGX is installed.

@Gianni1122 and @Bluebottle this update should address both of your issues.

Happy KSPing all.


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  On 11/16/2016 at 4:38 AM, Diazo said:

Version 1.4a

Add auto-strut actions. Note that most parts are set to Off by default. If you use the Toggle action on a part with this setting, it will attach to the Root part. Once a mode is assigned to the part, either via action group or mouse in the GUI, the Toggle action will remember that mode and use it as expected.


Brilliant, thank you! :D

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