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[1.0.4] - RealPlume - Stock Configs v0.8.1 - 2015/281


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RealPlume - Stock Configs

RealPlume is a mod that adds realistic engine exhaust plume expansion to engine parts in Kerbal Space Program. This mod would not be possible without the help of the many contributors on the project:


Felger, Nazari1382, ferram4, Dragon01, Kickasskyle, Probus, Nhawks1717, DerpyFirework, Svm420, randazzo, nanuschao

Some plume screenshots:

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You absolutely need all of these mods installed, or RealPlume will not work.

Module Managerlink

Real Plumelink

SmokeScreen link

Squad's FX folder


These are the supported mods, all (with few exceptions) of the engines in these mods are configured by RealPlume Stock Configs.

AB Launchers link

AIES link

Atomic Age link

Better Than Starting Manned link\

Cryogenic Engines link

Custom Clusters link

FASA link

KSPX link

KW Rocketry link

Modular Rocket Systems link

Pheonix Industries: Boosters! link

Procedural Parts link

RLA Stockalike link

Space Shuttle Program link

SpaceY Expanded link

SpaceY Heavy-Lifters link


SXT link

Taerobee link

Tantares link

Tantares LV link

Taurus HCV link

Tundra Exploration - SpaceX Stockalike link

Ven's Stock Revamp link



Configs Download

RealPlume Download



This is fully cross-compatible with HotRockets, however RealPlume will overwrite HotRockets plumes where both configure the same engine. Because of the way ModuleManager works, any other mods that add effects to engines will either be overwritten, or potentially overwrite RealPlume configs depending on where they fall in alphabetical order relative to RealPlume.


If you find you have a lot of lag in your game due to the particles, try setting the particle limit in SmokeScreen a bit lower. To do this, you'll need Blizzy78's Toolbar mod.


Since we don't support all the mods that add engines, we're always looking for contributors to help attach plumes to engines. The process itself is very easy. Start out with a regular RealPlume install, with Blizzy's Toolbar installed as well.

  1. Make a .cfg file for your engine with this text in it:

@name = ModuleEnginesFX
%powerEffectName = Kerolox-Lower
name = Kerolox-Lower
transformName = thrustTransform
localRotation = 0,0,0
localPosition = 0,0,-0.15
fixedScale = 0.5
energy = 1
speed = 1

Launch the game, and put your engine on the pad upside down.
Open the SmokeScreen config tool and adjust the parameters in the PLUME nodes to size and position the plume to the part.
Copy those parameters back to the config created in step 1 and hit save.

And you're done! Submit them as a Pull Request to the RealPlume-StockConfigs repository, and you're good to go!

For more detailed instructions, check out this Wiki Page on Adding a Plume to an Engine, or just ask in the thread and we'll help you out!




DerpyFirework added or updated support for the following mods:

Pheonix Industries - Boosters CTN

SpaceY Expanded


Taurus HCV


nanuschao added support for:

Space Shuttle Program Mod

Randazzo added support for:

Custom Clusters

Some minor tweaks to plume appearance.

CryoEngines is now supported

RLA Stockalike is now supported

Change atmospheric scaling based on solar system.

Adjusted placement of effects for non-VSR stock engines

Added support for BTSM

NHawks17 edition!

Fixed Turbojet emissives

Added support for KSPX

Added support for new solids in SpaceY

Fixed NonVSR mainsail plume placement

Updated hydrogen ntr nerva plume placement to match new particles.

Added plume to stock LES.

Improved plume placement and sizing on several packs

Added support for the following:

  • SXT
  • Tantares
  • AIES

Some plume improvements

Added support for:

  • Tundra Exploration SpaceX Stockalike
  • Modular Rocket System
  • Completed SpaceY Lifters
  • Procedural Parts SRB
  • Atomic Age Nuclear Rockets

Initial release, supported mod packs:

  • AB Launchers
  • FASA
  • KW Rocketry
  • SpaceY Lifters
  • Squad
  • Tantares LV
  • Ven's Stock Revamp

Edited by Felger
Release 0.8.1
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Hey Felger, can you check the Hydrogen-NTR plume. I keep running into the plume not showing up like how the sepratron plume is doing. I've tried it on the Atomic Age engines and the MRS nuclear engine and neither are having the plume show.

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  Nhawks17 said:
Hey Felger, can you check the Hydrogen-NTR plume. I keep running into the plume not showing up like how the sepratron plume is doing. I've tried it on the Atomic Age engines and the MRS nuclear engine and neither are having the plume show.

Do other plumes show up on the same engines?

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I just tested it again and no, none of them do actually. And oddly enough without any special config on it the nuclear engine from MRS has a jet engine smoke/sound effect coming from it so I think something broke haha

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  Nhawks17 said:
I just tested it again and no, none of them do actually. And oddly enough without any special config on it the nuclear engine from MRS has a jet engine smoke/sound effect coming from it so I think something broke haha

Yeah, I've seen that on a couple of engines. One thing to check is that you've got the right transformName selected. Check the original part.cfg, or in ModuleManager.configCache for your engine and see what the transformname is called in there.

  sashan said:
Aren't they too long in atmosphere? They should become turbulent and turn into shoke much earlier, aren't they?

I certainly hope not! But if you think they should be shorter, just adjust the "energy" parameter in the PLUME node. However, I did use real rockets as guides for how the plumes should look. Some examples:




In fact, a valid complaint might be that our plumes are in some cases too short.

  Mrsupersonic8 said:
Insta-download. Looks great!

Thanks! Hope you like it!

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Cue Felger launching up his game to play some, launching a Redstone rocket and noticing the enormous plume.

So, I may have been a bit hasty, I'm certain we'll be making some refinements to the plumes as we go, it's quite easy, so if you find one that needs a tweak, tweak it and send it my way! I'll incorporate your changes.

Edited by Felger
Queue != Cue
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  BrutalRIP said:
Cryo Engines support would be nice....


Cryo Engines already has its own great particle effects. Why would you want to overwrite that? A better thing to do would be ask Nertea to make a cfg for his effects to support this, so you get the beautiful base effects plus dynamic plume.

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  sashan said:
Oh, ok. I'm just concerned about KSP misaligned smoke and plume. Have you got them aligned?

No, they aren't aligned. I don't think this can be fixed unless Squad fixes it themselves but I'm not positive.

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  Captain Sierra said:
Cryo Engines already has its own great particle effects. Why would you want to overwrite that? A better thing to do would be ask Nertea to make a cfg for his effects to support this, so you get the beautiful base effects plus dynamic plume.

yeah i agree thats probably the best option..thanks

EDIT: Done

Edited by BrutalRIP
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  Captain Sierra said:
Cryo Engines already has its own great particle effects. Why would you want to overwrite that? A better thing to do would be ask Nertea to make a cfg for his effects to support this, so you get the beautiful base effects plus dynamic plume.

Because they are unrealistic even if they look "nice" :rolleyes:

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I love this mod, especially your addition of the KW sounds.

Though, should liquid fuel engines leave so much "smoke" behind them? I mean IRL they leave practically nothing, even less than stock ksp.

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  sashan said:
Oh, ok. I'm just concerned about KSP misaligned smoke and plume. Have you got them aligned?

Unfortunately, not yet. It's going to have to be a longer-term project, figuring out how to do that properly. The way KSP does smoke effects isn't really conducive to well-aligned smoke/engine plumes.

  Torih said:
Noticed a slight issue with the LV-N, its not producing any effects at all.

Good catch! Not sure how I missed that one, I'll put out a release soon to fix it.

  Captain Sierra said:
Cryo Engines already has its own great particle effects. Why would you want to overwrite that? A better thing to do would be ask Nertea to make a cfg for his effects to support this, so you get the beautiful base effects plus dynamic plume.

Well, unfortunately RealPlume is kind of all-or-nothing. I will look into Nertea's particles and see how well they fit, but it is a fairly simple matter to add plumes to engines if you'd like to give it a go.

  Frizzon said:
I love this mod, especially your addition of the KW sounds.

Though, should liquid fuel engines leave so much "smoke" behind them? I mean IRL they leave practically nothing, even less than stock ksp.

Sometimes, most liquid engines do leave a "contrail" smoke pattern, where some distance after the plume has ended you get condensation, similar to jet aircraft. I tried to simulate that using the smokejet particles, since they fade into existence, but it is definitely something I want to tweak quite a lot more.

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Well, I'm not sure how this got in there, but there is a mistake in the Hydrogen-NTR config. I'll make a RealPlume release tonight to fix it, thanks for calling that to my attention, Torih!

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  Felger said:
Well, I'm not sure how this got in there, but there is a mistake in the Hydrogen-NTR config. I'll make a RealPlume release tonight to fix it, thanks for calling that to my attention, Torih!

Ohh, so will this fix my issue of the effects not working on the engines?

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Hey, I really enjoy this mod. One question though. Is it possible to remove, and or make the smoke or contrail effect dissipate as the vehicle gains altitude, and vanish as it leaves the atmosphere? I used this mod the other day and launched a kerbal x. There was still a trail of smoke behind the mainsail engine at 100k altitude.

Also, has anyone started a config for procedural parts solid rocket boosters?

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