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[1.0.4] - RealPlume - Stock Configs v0.8.1 - 2015/281


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Oh, bwahaha sorry, it looked tiny from the picture :P I'll be able to make you a config file in roughly 24 hours unless someone else does it before then.

Oh that would be awesome, thanks! :):):)

While you're at it, KSPX also has one more engine that could use some Real Plume love.


The larger ion engine.

Edited by lajoswinkler
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Did some process of elimination and it is 100% confirmed that realplume is causing the Turbofan engine scaling problem. I have traced the problem to the RealPlume/MP_Nazari_FX/emissives folder where custom Turbofan emissives are located. The emissive.cfg file is the culprit. It may be wise to remove the folder for the next release, or to edit the .cfg to fix the scaling and position of the Turbofan.

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I just submitted a pull request that includes a fix for the weirdo turbofan scaling caused by the file Justicier mentioned. You can either download it through the RealPlume Github repo or download this file and just overwrite your GameData with it. Also if you want a fixed engine effect for RealPlume-Stock, download this file and overwrite your GameData as well.

- - - Updated - - -

So I just realized that this plume is actually from HotRockets (am I right on that?) so I can't, as far as I'm aware, add that specific look to it as I only have what Felger has made available at my disposal but I did go ahead and make configs for the SFX so that engine has a RealPlume effect its just not *that* effect. I'm submitting a pull request as we speak for the added config so the next update will have them or you can grab it from the repo.

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So I just realized that this plume is actually from HotRockets (am I right on that?) so I can't, as far as I'm aware, add that specific look to it as I only have what Felger has made available at my disposal but I did go ahead and make configs for the SFX so that engine has a RealPlume effect its just not *that* effect. I'm submitting a pull request as we speak for the added config so the next update will have them or you can grab it from the repo.

I do remember LV-N having this look with Hot Rockets, that's correct.

OK, see what you can do. :)

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Can someone have a punt at putting the hydrolox blue plumes used on the ven stock revamp config in this pack on the klockheed Martian ssme engines?

Tried doing it myself and ended up with no effects on the nozzle...

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I leave for a week on vacation, and y'all talk your faces off, time to answer some questions!

Congrats on being featured for Modding Mondays!! It appears as no one has mentioned that here yet. ;)

Thanks! Hope y'all like it!

Oooo I just saw my mod is supported, gotta try this out.

EDIT: Why...why have I not tried this mod yet? The effects are fantastic!

Well, I'm probably not the right person to ask, because I tend to be critical of my own work, but I'm glad you like it!

To-Do list:

  • Increase exhaust speed and randomize starting location so increased exhaust speed looks right.
  • Improve plume expansion parameters
  • Make smoke / plumes line up better
  • Give emission parameter in PLUME configs for multi-nozzle single-part engines to reduce lag. (Especially on vehicles like the N1, look at those crazy Russians and their 30-engine first stage rocket.)
  • Make sounds a bit better
  • Other stuff I'm not thinking of off the top of my head.

Hi there! Featured this mod in my 2 Minute Mods series. Thanks for the amazing work!

Glad you like it!

I have yet to try this (Updating to Windows 10 problems), but it looks fantastic! Even more happily, many mods I use are supported. This with Engine Lighting sounds like it will be amazing!

And I know you already have a bunch of mod capatability and probably don't want more suggestions, but I have to throw out two others. OMSK and the enigmatically updated KSOS.

Anyway, I can't wait to give it a try!

(As far as I'm aware) Neither SmokeScreen, ModuleManager, or RealPlume use any OS-dependent functions, as long as KSP works, RealPlume should work.

Those do look like good mods, if you're so inclined, adding a plume to an engine is a pretty easy process, I have a guide up on the RealPlume wiki, or generically, there's only three steps (specifics in the wiki link above).

  1. Make a config file for your part with the stuff in it RealPlume needs
  2. Launch the game, tweak the plume / flare size & position
  3. Save your changes to the config file you made in step 1.

I've tried to keep the process simple to make it so that anyone can add a plume to an engine if they feel so inclined.

I'd like to see homegrown rockets too! I tried adding plume to stock engines, did pretty decently until I saw the work done here and just used that.

HGR rocket plume would be awesome! Pretty please!

Absolutely! Though if you like, I wouldn't mind if you went through and added plumes yourself. I know for sure I'll have my hands full making the tweaks to the generic plumes that I outlined above, to improve the overall appearance of the plumes added by the mod.

Nice mod.

But I have to say a few words about sounds here because I cannot find a thread related to RealPlumes mod itself. The samples are good, the ones for SRBs make you feel all the power under the "hood". But when played in a loop some of them feel a little monotonous like steam machines: "choo-choo, choo-choo". I think stock engine sounds are played in a loop too but haven't such a noticable effect because they lack any significant peaks or distinct sounds that make ears catch the rhythm. May be the better way would be to play the samples in portions arranged in a random order rather than simply loop over the whole sample?

Hrm, now that you mention it, that's probably something I could do. It'll require a change to the SmokeScreen plugin, and it'll require some tinkering, but it's probably doable. What you're hearing is the ever so slight offset in multiples of the same sound files playing at what the game thinks is the same time. However, because it's a game and single-threaded, they'll always start playing sequentially, which means you'll end up with some "beats" within the sound, like you're describing. I'll see if I can figure out a way to get SmokeScreen to recognize if more than one copy of a sound file is playing, and force a (random?) time offset in the looped sound file. It should make a much better sound.

First af all, this mod is one of the greatest ones, besides Scatterer.


But can we actually have hot air effects in KSP? Most games use transparent particles with normal maps for them.

That would be nifty! As was mentioned by Avera9eJoe, BahamutoD is working on it. Hopefully there's no conflict between SmokeScreen and his mod when it comes out, because that would be awesome.

This, I've said it three times now in this thread xD Thankfully others are seeing it. @Felger do you think you could add something in the OP telling people they can reduce the particle amount to help with frame rate?

Yeah, I'd better put an FAQ section in the OP and start it out with that. Wish this were like Github where @Felger would actually notify me that you'd said my name. Oh well.

Oh, there! LOL

Thanks. :)

edit: maybe it should be noted in the first post that the only way to set the particles would be installing the toolbar mod, because other than that, you can't access smokescreen's properties. I've spent an hour trying to figure this out.


If this


could do this


it would be so cool.

Indeed! It's actually not too hard to add a plume to an engine, I have a whole wiki page dedicated to it. If you feel like giving it a shot, dive in! Otherwise, you'll probably have to wait until I (and my extraordinarily free schedule) get around it.

Is there a config file where I could specify the particleMaximumAmount for not have to alter it on every launch?

SmokeScreen should store it automatically when you change it in-game as a config file, though you might have to relaunch the game for it to take effect. Otherwise it's in the SmokeScreen Folder in GameData.

Have a possible bug report. When running realplume my Turbojet engine model is reduced in scale, and its connection node is out of position. I am not running Ven's stock revamp due to the amount of memory crashes I got with it, so my game is mostly stock with regards to parts. I suspect that might be the issue as Ven's revamp changes the model and realplume may be calibrated for it and not the stock model. Anyone else experience this?
I have the original ION sound wav that could be included

Hmm, I should go through the stock game sounds and see about adding them to engines where appropriate. Not all of the stock effects are terrible.

I just submitted a pull request that includes a fix for the weirdo turbofan scaling caused by the file Justicier mentioned. You can either download it through the RealPlume Github repo or download this file and just overwrite your GameData with it. Also if you want a fixed engine effect for RealPlume-Stock, download this file and overwrite your GameData as well.

- - - Updated - - -

So I just realized that this plume is actually from HotRockets (am I right on that?) so I can't, as far as I'm aware, add that specific look to it as I only have what Felger has made available at my disposal but I did go ahead and make configs for the SFX so that engine has a RealPlume effect its just not *that* effect. I'm submitting a pull request as we speak for the added config so the next update will have them or you can grab it from the repo.

This is strange, I'll have to poke around at the turbojet effects and make sure they're working as I intended them. Thanks for getting the fix in!

I do remember LV-N having this look with Hot Rockets, that's correct.

OK, see what you can do. :)

Yes, the particle I used for the Nuclear Thermal Rockets is the same one from HotRockets, though the expansion is much different to reflect a realistic expansion rate. It's why Nazari1382 is listed as a contributor in the OP!

Can someone have a punt at putting the hydrolox blue plumes used on the ven stock revamp config in this pack on the klockheed Martian ssme engines?

Tried doing it myself and ended up with no effects on the nozzle...

Hmm, I have a number of things you can try in the Wiki Guide down at the bottom, have you given any of those a shot?

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how would I make the plume bigger?

Couple ways. In the PLUME node, energy makes the plume live longer. fixedScale makes the individual particles bigger (plumeScale and flareScale allow you to specify separate scaling if you want.) speed will cause the particles to move faster or slower, which will also make the plume longer.

So I thoroughly enjoy the effects and their dynamic behavior, but I'm not sold on some of the engine sounds (good example: RAPIER, it sounds like an SRM and its not). How would I go about removing the sound changes without harming the visual FX?

Sounds are definitely on my list, not super happy with all of them either. If you want to change the sounds after the fact, you can do so with a module manager patch that runs in AFTER[zz RealPlume] I believe. There's an example in the guide, or I'll post the exact MM code when I get to my computer.

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To change the sound file for a config, do something like this:

@clip = something_else
@volume,0 = 0.0 0.0 //varies volume by throttle.
@volume,1 = 0.5 9.124
@volume,0 = 1.0 20.0

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The poodle engine in the current stock release has an inset plume:


I'd fix it myself but the way you made the config files is super confusing :confused: lol

It almost looks as though it's the plume meant for Ven's revamp.

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The poodle engine in the current stock release has an inset plume:


I'd fix it myself but the way you made the config files is super confusing :confused: lol

It almost looks as though it's the plume meant for Ven's revamp.

Yeah I ran into this issue on this engine as well. If Felger doesn't do it by the time I get around to it I'll go ahead and do a pass over of the stock engine configs to adjust all the ones that have this happening, if there are anymore that do this.

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The poodle engine in the current stock release has an inset plume:


I'd fix it myself but the way you made the config files is super confusing :confused: lol

It almost looks as though it's the plume meant for Ven's revamp.

What's confusing about it? And yes, I did most of my testing with Ven's, because Ven's is better. Probably should have done more testing without it.

Yeah I ran into this issue on this engine as well. If Felger doesn't do it by the time I get around to it I'll go ahead and do a pass over of the stock engine configs to adjust all the ones that have this happening, if there are anymore that do this.

Yeeeaahhhh, I'll get around to it when I finish tinkering with SmokeScreen to make the plumes go faster to reflect realistic exhaust velocities.

But the best way to do it is like this:

@PART[liquidEngine1-2]:FOR[RealPlume]:NEEDS[SmokeScreen] //H-1/RS-27
name = Kerolox-Lower
transformName = thrustTransform
localRotation = 0,0,0
localPosition = 0,0,1.3
fixedScale = 1.2
energy = 1.2
speed = 1
@localPosition = 0,0,4
@name = ModuleEnginesFX
%powerEffectName = Kerolox-Lower

And just adjust the parameters you need after the fact if VenStockRevamp is present.

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I did most of my testing with Ven's, because Ven's is better. Probably should have done more testing without it.

Your just saying that because you didn't make your own custom textures! lol I agree his models are far superior to the stock versions. The reason I don't use his mod is because the part models and clipping is different from vanilla. Feels too much like cheating to me :P

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Your just saying that because you didn't make your own custom textures! lol I agree his models are far superior to the stock versions. The reason I don't use his mod is because the part models and clipping is different from vanilla. Feels too much like cheating to me :P

Fair enough, and at the very least my stock configs should be good, under the assumption that the user isn't using Ven's, so I'll get that fixed this weekend, I think.

I can't use this properly anymore because running in opengl is giving me awful framerates, ever since i upgraded to windows 10 it's gone fubar for me :(.

Well, I'm mucking about in the SmokeScreen plugin, I'll see if there are any optimizations to be done. No promises, but I'll give it a shot!

- - - Updated - - -

As an aside, are you on the very latest graphics drivers for your card for windows 10?

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I wanted to let you know that BTSM works compatibly with RealPlumes, but the five engines that he added don't have effects. They use custom models transformed from stock parts and stock textures (This is probably irrelevant data). I tried adding custom configs for his engines without any luck. If I list the name of the engine and the name of the plume I suggest it goes with, could you quickly make the config files/tell me where they should go? It should be straight forwards but I'm having no luck with my own efforts.

BTSMSolidRocket1 --> SolidBooster plume (Medium SRB)

BTSMSolidRocket2 --> SolidBooster_sm plume (Flee SRB)

BTSMLiquidEngine1 --> liquidEngine3 plume (LV-909)

BTSMLiquidEngine1-2 --> engineLargeSkipper plume

BTSMLiquidEngine3 --> liquidEngine2-2 plume (Poodle)

If you can get the effects showing up in-game, I can edit the properties until they're acceptable.[/color]

Updated: I've gotten the configs to work. I'll have a BTSM compatibility pack up some time soon :)

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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Posting this on the BTSM page as well.

I just finished adding engine plumes to the BTSM engines. If you are including compatible mod packs somewhere, feel free to put this there too ;)


Download: RealPlume-BTSM (Dropbox)


Awesome! Can you submit it as a pull request to the Github Repository? That's the easiest, and gives you full credit for your work on the repo. Steps:

  1. Fork the repository to your account
  2. Download Github for Windows
  3. Use Github for Windows to clone the repository locally
  4. Make and Commit your changes
  5. Sync them to the website and submit a pull request

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