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[1.0.4] - RealPlume - Stock Configs v0.8.1 - 2015/281


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Installed mod with stock configs via CKAN and nothing is showing up (no blank textures) except for light coming from the Engines. I have Active Texture Manager installed along with Smoke Screen, Engine Lights and Collision FX along with a slew of other mods that I don't believe are relevant. Does anyone have any advice?

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Have you or the community created a set of RealPlume configs for CMES that you are aware of? I use that addon a lot so I would love to see your plumes on those engines. The way they are configured now...the engines with the exception of the SRBs burn too "cleanly" so there isn't much in the way of smoke/condensation trails. Also, the CMES rockets do not vent exhaust from the launchpad's exhaust trenches but I noticed that when I use engines that do have RealPlume configs like FASA, SpaceY, etc, they do show the trench plumes.

That's something in the config files, the engines are missing a field like:

name = ModuleSurfaceFX
thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
fxMax = 0.8
maxDistance = 50
falloff = 1.8
thrustTransformName = thrustTransform

You could add it pretty easily to every single engine that uses either RealPlume or the new stock FX module (might not look right for everything) with a MM patch in a config file like so:

name = ModuleSurfaceFX
thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
fxMax = 0.8
maxDistance = 50
falloff = 1.8
thrustTransformName = #$../MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX]/thrustVectorTransformName$

Pulled that from the Mainsail, so it might be overkill for smaller engines. But it should work.

Hey Felger you couldn't get in touch with Nertea to see if you could adapt the particles that come with the Cryogenic engines to realplume-ify them could you? Those particles are amazing and I'd love to see them available to use here.

As a matter of fact I have! It's on my to-do list, if you check it out, I've already got screenshots of the effects:


Just need to sit down and add them to the available generics. That, and figure out what real-life fuels and plumes they resemble most. Remember one of my goals here isn't necessarily a huge number of effects, but a few really good looking effects.


Could you give Mk2 Expansion, Taurus HCV, the Vanguard Astrodynamics VX series engines, LLL and RLA Stockalike the RealPlume treatment, please? :D

Oh boy, that's a lot of mods. Well, at the least I have RLA Stockalike already finished, get the latest release. For the rest of those, it's pretty easy to make the configs if you'd like to give it a shot. Go check out the guide on the wiki, or the summary in the OP.

Installed mod with stock configs via CKAN and nothing is showing up (no blank textures) except for light coming from the Engines. I have Active Texture Manager installed along with Smoke Screen, Engine Lights and Collision FX along with a slew of other mods that I don't believe are relevant. Does anyone have any advice?

That's weird, just double-checking, you have all the dependencies installed as listed in the OP?

Can you upload your ModuleManager.configcache file to dropbox and post a link here?

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As a matter of fact I have! It's on my to-do list, if you check it out, I've already got screenshots of the effects:


Just need to sit down and add them to the available generics. That, and figure out what real-life fuels and plumes they resemble most. Remember one of my goals here isn't necessarily a huge number of effects, but a few really good looking effects.

:o Thats awesome!!

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There are a couple of engines in near future spacecraft parts

.. ;)

That one I might get around to sooner than later since I think I'm using that in my game. Playing the game and refining the plumes as I go is my near-term plan.

:o Thats awesome!!

Should probably clarify that those are all screenshots with a generic "looks okay" config. It's a semi-involved process to turn those into good-looking prefabbed plumes ready for engines, and ready for the nice and easy PLUME node process.

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In any case, I took a bunch of screenshots of your particles and put them on the RealPlume repo, I'll have to look them over and figure out which. Probably one or two of the monoprop effect, and a couple others.

Neat! For the emitter settings I can just show you what I used, for the particle textures themselves I should be able to send you separate files that wouldn't come under any license. Just let me know which ones you want. :D

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Neat! For the emitter settings I can just show you what I used, for the particle textures themselves I should be able to send you separate files that wouldn't come under any license. Just let me know which ones you want. :D

Well, looking through your original licenses link, and looking through the licenses on all the particles and sounds I'm using, I think I might have to just split the license up among the various FX folders, and make a note that the particles and sounds are licensed separately from the configs. Messy, but simpler in the long run. Licenses:

Nazari's particles: CC BY-NC 4.0

Nertea's particles: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0

KW sounds: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Ferram's particles: CC BY-SA or Gnu-GPL 3.0 (Depending on whether they fall under his licenses or RO's license...)

Hoojiwana's particles: CC BY-SA 3.0

I got permission to use all of those, but never really considered license interaction between them since I was bringing them all under one roof. Time to add license files to each particle directory!

Can you give RealPlume configs for Behemoth Aerospace Engineering and the Mk2 Expansion?

Try not to overwork yourself, even though it's very easy to make plumes for engines... :wink:

You can't stop me! But yeah, it'll probably be a bit. If you want to give it a shot, it's not too hard, and I'd love the help!

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You can't stop me! But yeah, it'll probably be a bit. If you want to give it a shot, it's not too hard, and I'd love the help!

Try Taurus HCV and Near Future Propulsion. If you do so, then gargantuan props to your awesome mod! But still, complete the RealPlume configs for BAE and MK2X.

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log warnings I came across while looking into another issue:

[WRN 03:24:48.336] Cannot create config from file 'D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\RealPlume-Stock\Squad\omsEngine.cfg'.
[WRN 03:24:48.344] Cannot create config from file 'D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\RealPlume-Stock\Tantares\Alnair_Engine_B.cfg'.
[ERR 03:24:48.540] Error: Empty part config file

Found at the top of ksp.log

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I would suggest emphasizing in the Wiki tutorial that the transformName is case-sensitive. I was working on a config for USI Sounding Rockets and they are called ThrustTransform but it was the same name as thrustTransform so I initially went with it, got no effects until I realized the difference and corrected it.

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log warnings I came across while looking into another issue:

[WRN 03:24:48.336] Cannot create config from file 'D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\RealPlume-Stock\Squad\omsEngine.cfg'.
[WRN 03:24:48.344] Cannot create config from file 'D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\RealPlume-Stock\Tantares\Alnair_Engine_B.cfg'.
[ERR 03:24:48.540] Error: Empty part config file

Found at the top of ksp.log

Yeah, both those files are empty, it shouldn't cause any issues, and will be resolved eventually^TM

I'd suggest you make configs for Mk2 Expansion, Taurus HCV and MarkIVSystem in the next update, okay? :)

Try and see what you can do with these mods

It's not too hard, you should try your hand at making some configs! I even have a guide up on Github that walks you through what to do! If you don't feel like it, it'll probably be at least until the next KSP version before I get around to those mainly because I'm refining the plumes by actually playing the game (What a crazy thought! Playing the game as a modder?!) and seeing how they look in-game, and I simply don't have RAM room in my install for any more mods. The game crashes often enough as is.

I would suggest emphasizing in the Wiki tutorial that the transformName is case-sensitive. I was working on a config for USI Sounding Rockets and they are called ThrustTransform but it was the same name as thrustTransform so I initially went with it, got no effects until I realized the difference and corrected it.

Good call! Anything with text (not numbers) is going to be case sensitive, I'll add that to the wiki guide.

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- One is visual : The Wiplash engine seems to be resized to 80% in all directions. Is this intentional ?

This happened to me too. It sure doesn't seem intentional because it makes the engine appear to float in mid-air separate from the attachment node. I didn't do any testing so I can't say whether it's RealPlume or SmokeScreen at fault.

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It is. If I remove the mod (3 folders) the Whiplash comeback to normal. It's only visual and I didn't noticed any other part which behave the same.

If I replace the engine with a fresh new whiplash, it's the same (around 80%) and it's not touching the attaching part.

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- I have to microfreeze which vanish when I remove the mod. How can I track them ?

I don't really understand what you're saying here but if you mean framerate stuttering then open up the SmokeScreen panel from your toolbar and lower the max particle count. Smoke particles are killer on FPS

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Felger actually added this to the main release of RealPlume, if you're running into this issue you need to make sure to grab the latest files of RealPlume, not just the configs! :D

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