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Discussion thread - BD Armory AI tournaments

What features would you like in a AI dogfighting tournament?  

423 members have voted

  1. 1. What features would you like in a AI dogfighting tournament?

    • Stock + BD Armory only
    • Other mods too (please state preferences)
    • 2 v 2 format as mentioned in OP
    • Another format (please state details)
    • Stock aerodynamic model
    • FAR aerodynamic model
    • Open entry class
    • Different classes of planes
    • Open weapon loadouts
    • Restricted weapon loadouts

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  t3hJimmer said:
A bit cheaty running an unmanned plane against a bunch of piloted craft dont you think? :huh:

Also LOL at the 5 sets of reaction wheels :sticktongue:

Yeah, the reaction wheels are frankly OP. They help a lot with aim. Not having a pilot also cuts the mass down by around 0.9t.

In regards to the comments about planes starting at uneven times, I tried to start them as close together as possible. The problem was that the engines were already activated from taxiing to starting positions, so I had to use the "standby" setting on the AI pilot. For whatever reason, this worked on some crafts but not others. On the ones that it didn't, I had to manually start the pilot. In those cases, I alternated which plane took off first, to try to keep it as fair as possible.

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  QuesoExplosivo said:
Yeah, the reaction wheels are frankly OP. They help a lot with aim. Not having a pilot also cuts the mass down by around 0.9t.

In regards to the comments about planes starting at uneven times, I tried to start them as close together as possible. The problem was that the engines were already activated from taxiing to starting positions, so I had to use the "standby" setting on the AI pilot. For whatever reason, this worked on some crafts but not others. On the ones that it didn't, I had to manually start the pilot. In those cases, I alternated which plane took off first, to try to keep it as fair as possible.

Use Hyperedit to put them in position.

And to everyone, what do you set your AI's steer factor to? I set mine to 20 because it seems to really help at dodging missiles and maneuvering, but the AI's aim is iffy.

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So I saw this thread a little while ago, and on a lark decided to build this:

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6 Sidewinders, 4 countermeausre pods, 2 .50 turrets locked forward, 2 boxes of ammo, 60 points

Some quick testing and it seems to perform well.

Fighter Pod: http://kerbalx.com/SuicidalInsanity/Fighter-Pod.craft

Are entries still being accepted?

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So colmo, you should really update the OP with the rules, and points, now that we have it established.

So we're clear,

No reaction wheels, and pilots required yes?

Also, are we changing the points for anything? I personally think missile cost should be reduce and countermeasure cost increased.


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  RocketTurtle said:
Starring my old and worthless Blizzard!

Now we have the F-42 Blizzard B!

Anyways, there's an easier way. Just rotate the planes the desired direction in the hangar.

I sometimes get glitches with control surfaces moving the wrong way when I do that.

Your old worthless Blizzard gave my Goblin a hell of a fight.

I need more ammo, and you need another CM pod :sticktongue:

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  t3hJimmer said:
I sometimes get glitches with control surfaces moving the wrong way when I do that.

Your old worthless Blizzard gave my Goblin a hell of a fight.

I need more ammo, and you need another CM pod :sticktongue:



Give her a spin, see how she holds up now. ;)

(It might be awful. I'm just trying to hold on to my last bit of confidence)

And I'm still waiting for your video to upload.

Edit: just found out my plane blows itself up when firing missiles above 300m/s. Woops.

Edit #2 fixed

Edited by RocketTurtle
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  t3hJimmer said:
oops, accidentally closed the window before it was done uploading, it'll be up in a minute.

I've got to go, but I'll run a skirmish with your new design tonight or tomorrow:kiss:

Alright that's cool. Have a good night.

woops. My Blizzards vert stab is angled slightly. Make sure you fix that before you fight them.

E; I changed it for you. https://www.dropbox.com/s/g7ax1u9mhf31lxc/F-42%20Blizzard%20B.craft?dl=0

Also, before you fight them, can you change the amount of fuel in my 2 tanks from 160 to 200? Thanks.

Edit #5000, completely unrelated, but I just kamikazed my plane into the astronaut complex, and went on EVA when I was lined up. Guess where Jeb lands? In the pool. I died.

Edited by RocketTurtle
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  t3hJimmer said:
It was a great fight!


You ended up beating me 3-2;.;

That was nice!

You've got a great plane. Problem is, the AI doesn't understand how to take advantage of faster planes. If a real pilot was in there, he would have just boom and zoomed my planes to death.

Still, great fight!

And my plane still sucks at rolling. I really need to fix that.

I also would have found it extremely funny if Blizzard 1 had accidentally shot down Blizzard 2 at the end of round 1.

Edited by RocketTurtle
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  RocketTurtle said:
I also would have found it extremely funny if Blizzard 1 had accidentally shot down Blizzard 2 at the end of round 1.

That actually happened in one of the tournament videos, but i don't remember which one :confused:

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  t3hJimmer said:
That actually happened in one of the tournament videos, but i don't remember which one :confused:

That's pretty funny.

My Blizzard also needs to go on a weight loss program.

I'm not sure if I need the slats on the front of the wings... I removed them once, and the plane was SLIGHTLY less maneuverable, but lighter... hm...

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  RocketTurtle said:
That was nice!

You've got a great plane. Problem is, the AI doesn't understand how to take advantage of faster planes. If a real pilot was in there, he would have just boom and zoomed my planes to death.

Still, great fight!

And my plane still sucks at rolling. I really need to fix that.

I also would have found it extremely funny if Blizzard 1 had accidentally shot down Blizzard 2 at the end of round 1.

I suggested to BD that he add a 'minimum engagement range' for the AI, below which the craft would take evasive manoeuvres and run away before turning and having another go. Alas, I tried to design my little CK-141A this way (it's very light and slippery so accelerates extremely fast) but it would try to turn and engage far too close, getting chewed up in gunfire as a result.

This is why cannons are so powerful in this challenge.

I'm on my phone and not actually home from my trip yet, so updating OP is unrealistic! As the title appears locked, I'd prefer this remain the development thread and have a dedicated tournament thread for the fighter class.

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  colmo said:
I suggested to BD that he add a 'minimum engagement range' for the AI, below which the craft would take evasive manoeuvres and run away before turning and having another go. Alas, I tried to design my little CK-141A this way (it's very light and slippery so accelerates extremely fast) but it would try to turn and engage far too close, getting chewed up in gunfire as a result.

This is why cannons are so powerful in this challenge.

I'm on my phone and not actually home from my trip yet, so updating OP is unrealistic! As the title appears locked, I'd prefer this remain the development thread and have a dedicated tournament thread for the fighter class.

We can do that. Would you like me to start a thread?

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  SuicidalInsanity said:
So I saw this thread a little while ago, and on a lark decided to build this:


6 Sidewinders, 4 countermeausre pods, 2 .50 turrets locked forward, 2 boxes of ammo, 60 points

Some quick testing and it seems to perform well.

Fighter Pod: http://kerbalx.com/SuicidalInsanity/Fighter-Pod.craft

Are entries still being accepted?

Yes they are :D

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So yeah, I've finally decided to publish my entry. It is a pretty basic fighter that just turned out to be a good mix between being maneuverable while maintaining stability to fire it's Vulcans accurately. It is also armed with 4x AIM-9 missiles for initial engagement. Airbrakes help with yaw stability during horizontal turns at lower speeds.


Max Speed: ~1200m/s ASL due to overheating

Powerplant: 2x J-X4 Turbo Ramjet Engines.


4x AIM-9 (4pts) - 16 points

2x 20mm Ammo Box (4pts)- 8 points

2x 20mm Integrated Vulcan cannons (9pts) - 18 points

2x Countermeasure Pods (5pts) - 10 points

TOTAL: 52 points.

See you in the skies! :D

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Well I have two that are ready to fight,

the first is the next generation of one of my aircraft the subat 2 mk1 with a total of 60 points:

6 x aim9x sidewinders(4pts)=24 points

2 x hidden 20mm vulcan(9pts)=18 points

2 x Ammo Cans(4pts)=8 points

2 x countermeasure pods(5pts)=10 points

(total of 63 parts with 2x turbojets)

the second one is the NF-1B Sea rat with a total of 52 points:

4 x aim9(4pts)=16 points

2 x ammo boxes(4pts)=8 points

2 x 20mm hidden vulcana(9pts)=18 points

2 x countermeasure pods(5pts)=10 points

(total of 34 parts with 1x turbo jets)


the subat is the more maneuverable of the two while the sea rat takes off in much less distance and the smaller of the two.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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