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HDYPOTD: How do you pronounce "Cheating"?

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Hey true story: I did high school in the US and back then I was still learning the english language and one day in summer school during history class the teacher split the class into two groups and I was seated back in the room. She was asking stuff about Roosevelt to the other group and one guy had the book hidden under the desk in his lap and was looking at the answers. I got pissed and yelled: "Hey! They are cheating over there!"

Except my english was really bad back then and english doesn't go well with portuguese phonetics and anyway, it came out "Hey! They're s.h.i.t.t.i.n.g. over there!"

Needless to say the whole class started laughing. Even the teacher was trying to hold her laughter. I never felt worse in my life!

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