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How old is your Kerbal Space Program?


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I had a career game before Beta, I started a new one after Beta, then a new one after Release. I hope I don't have to start again for v1.1 update.

I think the longest in-game time I had was around 50 years.

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Real Life: ~1.5 years

KSP Time: ~3000 years


- Large-scale bases present on Duna, Mun, Minmus

- Medium outposts present on Kerbin, Eve, Moho, Gilly

- Landed and orbited every moon and planet

- Space Stations around Jool, Gilly, Duna, Minmus, Eve, Moho, Sun, and a small space station around Mun

- 72 Satellite Network around Kerbin

- 32 Satellite Network around Mun

- 14 Satellite Network around Minmus

- ~40 Satellite Network around Duna

- ~30 Satellite Network around Sun, planned to 120

- ~10 Satellites throughout Jool and its moons

- Airports based throughout Duna and Kerbin

Most influential mod: That networking mod that I can't remember the proper name of that needs satellites to control probes xD

I am very happy about this save ^_^

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  guitarxe said:
Whatever save you've played the longest (career, science, or sandbox), how long in game time has your KSP lasted, and how much has it accomplished in that time?

My saves, surprisingly, are barely more than a year old at max. I tend to concentrate on Mum/Minmus for some reason, to the exclusion of everything else, and have actually never left the Kerbin system, despite having played KSP for years now.

I'm with you OP. Usually I make it up to just after the first Jool window before squad changes version on me enough that I have to start from scratch. Then again, I've build dozens of Munar bases, more space stations than I can remember, and many a Jool armada...

Rune. The most unbelievable thing about my space program is the launch cadence!

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14 Years. I have Outer Planets mod + Trans Keptunian as well as using Construction time and no reverts. So far I have no casualties, have visited every stock planet at least once and scansat mapped most of them except Moho. Only outer planet I've gotten to was Sarnus (Saturn) and that was an early career flyby mission. I have 3 missions on the way to the outer planets though. 1 to do a true mission to Sarnus achieving orbit and mapping some of the moons. Another one to do some limited science at Urlum(Uranus). I launched it fairly early in my career with a 15 year transit time.... Only 5 years left to go! And finally a mission to Putto(Pluto) New Horizon's style. Only a 5 year transit, but it's gonna be zipping right by it.

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  theend3r said:
About 150 years give or take. Return mission to and from everywhere about a dozen times, refueling station network to allow SSTO spaceplanes to go everywhere and back (with the exception of a few surfaces that were too much for an SSTO), various surface outposts (mostly on anomalies)...etc. I had that save for at least a year or two though.

Same. About 125 years. 39 kerbals stranded awaiting rescue. I named the save "Rescue Rangers" but sadly I'm probably not going to rescue them till the base game bug platform is stabile. Till then I play in separate saves.

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  guitarxe said:
Whatever save you've played the longest (career, science, or sandbox), how long in game time has your KSP lasted, and how much has it accomplished in that time?

My saves, surprisingly, are barely more than a year old at max. I tend to concentrate on Mum/Minmus for some reason, to the exclusion of everything else, and have actually never left the Kerbin system, despite having played KSP for years now.

I'm one of the most experienced players the are. I do have KSP purchased full price on steam now, but originally, as I do with every game I can do it for, I pirated it in order to try it out. I was so hopelessly hooked that I played for months, where sometimes I would play for 20 straight hours in a day. I forgot to eat. Forgot to leave. I was pulled in so severely I forgot to pay for the game for nearly a year. KSP sucked me in like a particularly brutal Krack addiction and I only came out of it with the help of my best friend who confronted me. I had a very real problem with KSP addiction, and that's the serious truth!

Terrifyingly, I honestly don't know how many hours I played. I believe I was in the pit of addiction for about 8 months. I believe I played, on average, about 10 hours per day in that time. If those numbers are even remotely accurate, then I would have logged nearly 2,500 hours in that time. It may be worse than that, since I remember there were times where I spent 20 straight hours playing KSP, went to sleep, and got up and did it again the next day, for a week at a time. I'm truly afraid that I may have spent up to 5,000 hours in this game, which is an earth-shatteringly, sickeningly huge number. I have since bought KSP on steam which has logged nearly another 1,000 hours.

I've pretty much done everything. I've landed Ion ships on Moho. I've landed on everything. I've landed 1,000 ton drillers on most things. I've mastered docking skills to such an extent that my "Simple" landers are sometimes modularized craft that use twin docks for expansion ports and I switch them around with ease. I can do everything manually, and have mastered playing stock, because during the first few months that I played KSP, it didn't occur to me that mods or a community might exist.

This was made with most of the tech tree still locked up.


Edited by Camaron
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