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Do you play World of Warships  

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  1. 1. Do you play World of Warships

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Well, if I start playing this, I'm definitely using destroyers. I remember them being a lot of fun. Eat torpedo!

As Baron Von Gamerz would say, "Give 'em Torpedus!"

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I'm actually going up the American Battleship line! I want them big 16 in guns!

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Ok, here's my most recent Chester Replay. Note, you will need to use World of Warships to make this work...if someone could record this for me and send me the recording, it would be most appreciated so I can post it on youtube and then the link here!


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nevermind, I got the recording software to work...finally...

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Thanks to the post here about it (not in this thread0 ....yes.... I started playing it AND stopped playing KSP....

Treason? no.... taking a break.

I'm hooked, I have a battleship and saving up the hard way for a better ship.

I'm playing on the EU server.... keep an eye out for my name... its the same in WoWS as it is here... :)

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Thanks to the post here about it (not in this thread0 ....yes.... I started playing it AND stopped playing KSP....

Treason? no.... taking a break.

I'm hooked, I have a battleship and saving up the hard way for a better ship.

I'm playing on the EU server.... keep an eye out for my name... its the same in WoWS as it is here... :)

Eu? Rats, i'm on the north american server.

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A note for fellow WoWS players: A gift ship is currently available for the 17th Anniversary of Wargaming. If you enter the code "ALBANY" (without the quotation marks of course) in the bonus code section of the premium shop, you will get the premium ship Albany (CL-23, to clarify which Albany it is) and a port slot for it.

Edited by mike9606
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Thanks to the post here about it (not in this thread0 ....yes.... I started playing it AND stopped playing KSP....

Treason? no.... taking a break.

I'm hooked, I have a battleship and saving up the hard way for a better ship.

I'm playing on the EU server.... keep an eye out for my name... its the same in WoWS as it is here... :)

Hey, mind if I ask what battleship you have?

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I love this game!

I'm on the BB Wyoming and the CL Phoenix at the moment. Can't wait to get to tier 5 with the BB New York and the CL Omaha. Barely played any IJN ships yet, waiting for a friend to get his PC fixed up for that.

In game name is Rainbowlicious.

Nice, my username on there is Toa_Sampa (surprise) my baddest (meaning awesome) ship,is the S Carolina. I also am,wanting to work on the japanese bb line, but, only at the tier 2 chikuma.

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