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KSP or Minecraft?


KSP or Minecraft  

113 members have voted

  1. 1. KSP or Minecraft

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Minecraft and KSP are completely different. Minecraft is more of a game for the normal gamer, its pretty simple. I played Minecraft before KSP, but I quickly got bored with it. KSP teaches you rocket science and might change you completely, so you might find yourself plotting gravity assists with Joolian moons while listening to the history of rockets. Some say that Minecraft teaches you architecture, but architecture is not realistic when you have no gravity to fight against :rolleyes:. With the sellout to Microsoft I got even less interested in Minecraft since I like Indie games and Microsoft has a bad habit of ruining buyed things… (Nothing against Windows users, its just my opinion) In Minecraft, going mining is very important, but I'm afraid of caves that are dark, full of green things that explode you and are containing lakes of lava :blush:. Luckily, I'm not afraid of the vast darkness and beauty of space :D!


A lot of people say that KSP has poor graphics. Well, compared to Minecraft, it has probably the same quality. Both games are good ones, I just like KSP more.

Edited by ZentroCatson
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Hm. I played both before it was cool. I'm such a hipster ...

Nah, srsly, I lost my interests in MineCraft a long time ago, partly due to being unable to finding a suitable server - it was either mods and admins with - to put it mildly - strange behaviors, or the servers changed to minigamey-things all of a sudden, attracting a new audience I don't wanted to deal with, and requiring this mod and that mod and these mods too, and I was like "You know what else is required? Less me!".

No one bothered it, especially not me, because I think videogames are not a religion or should be the main focus of anyones life, same with KSP here. I played it, it was cool, the game told its story to me, and now I'm just visiting the forums for the Science Labs/Space Lounge-part every 2 or 3 days. That's one pro-KSP argument, on the mc-forums they constantly ask for my favourite Yu-Gi-Oh-Character or something. Go away.

I think the last time I started up KSP was two months ago.

Maybe I try it for a last time after summer, but I doubt it will spark my interest again.

So, tl;dr, for the poll - do I like bananas or a sunrise on a free day? I guess the correct answer is "A pot of coffee or Norah Jones, maybe both, maybe playing soccer with my friends".

Oh hey look, a butterfly ...

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I have probably close to the same number of hours in both now (actually, Minecraft might still be winning with that). I started playing Minecraft in Alpha 1.1 and played it basically nonstop until Release v1.7 or so. When RedPower went away, that's around the time I did. Mostly though it's because I lost interest after I found KSP, since KSP appealed more to me. Since then (June 2013) I've pretty much been exclusive to KSP, though I did try to start up a lightly modded server with my friends in 1.8 (but ThermalExpansion wasn't updated so my original plans with it fell through).

I attribute my main programming experience to be Minecraft modding, without which I would have never begun KSP modding. The two are very different, but I learned the basics primarily from Minecraft modding (what are classes and inheritance, public/protected/private members, etc.)

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  cutlercollin99 said:
Obiously most people will say KSP, but what are the main diferences between the two games? What are your thoughts?


Once you've played Dwarf Fortress it's hard to go back to Minecraft, after having the experience of being able to grow your productivity through the use of AI controlled population.

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  AaronLS said:
Once you've played Dwarf Fortress it's hard to go back to Minecraft, after having the experience of being able to grow your productivity through the use of AI controlled population.

I never thought I would say that Minecraft looks a million times better than anything, but in this case it makes sense.

Edited by Camacha
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KSP because it's actually pretty fun to play, has proper(ish) modding support, and has a much better community than Minecraft. Minecraft is just terrible and is much less stable and buggier than KSP and also looks much worse. I'll even go out on a limb and say that KSP's developers are much better than Minecraft's, albeit Squad is starting to look a bit like Mojang with their recent actions...

  PhylumCnidaria said:
Minecraft for nostalgia

Nostalgia? How? Oh, nostalgia back to the time where games were boring, terrible, buggy, couldn't be modded without insane workarounds, and looked like crap. That makes sense.

  PhylumCnidaria said:
I am now the smartest person in my school when it comes to orbital mechanics.

I'll just hope that you're being sarcastic.

Edited by mythbusters844
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  \ said:
Nostalgia? How? Oh, nostalgia back to the time where games were boring, terrible, buggy, couldn't be modded without insane workarounds, and looked like crap. That makes sense.

From what I understand - there are no insane workarounds or anything. The community just made their own modding API using a Minecraft decompiler, simple as that. They even provide ten times more freedom in modding by, basically, writing mods in the same way the devs would write Minecraft.

And to stay on topic: don't really have a preference. Both Minecraft and KSP are games to which I keep coming back again and again. Funny thing, to each one - almost purely because of modding.

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  mythbusters844 said:
Minecraft is just terrible and is much less stable and buggier than KSP and also looks much worse. I'll even go out on a limb and say that KSP's developers are much better than Minecraft's, albeit Squad is starting to look a bit like Mojang with their recent actions...


Nostalgia? How? Oh, nostalgia back to the time where games were boring, terrible, buggy, couldn't be modded without insane workarounds, and looked like crap. That makes sense.


I'll just hope that you're being sarcastic.


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  Plume & Akakak said:

Minecraft actually is overrated. And the graphics ARE bad, not because I-hate-everything-not-HD, but because the textures don't even follow a defined style and some of them are so bad that I could redraw them in under a minute. Plus the entire gameplay is not well done. Survive? Well, I got a farm and a bed in a house and I am done. Building also gets old because the developers didn't not bother adding more non-1x1 cube blocks like upside down stairs.

Modding support was promised... I think more than three years ago with NO reports of any proper progress apart form "we are working on it". Plus the updates they add nowadays are so useless I can barely tell the difference between any versions above 1.0 through normal gameplay footage and have abysmal texture quality, yet they take around 250 days to make.

The game has already lived way too long and has to die to make room for much, much better games. Space Engineers is starting to overtake minecraft as planetary landings are close to being added in and the game is still in alpha with steady developer progress. Other games like seed of andromeda also look promising.

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  PenguinsMeep said:
Minecraft actually is overrated. And the graphics ARE bad, not because I-hate-everything-not-HD, but because the textures don't even follow a defined style and some of them are so bad that I could redraw them in under a minute. Plus the entire gameplay is not well done. Survive? Well, I got a farm and a bed in a house and I am done. Building also gets old because the developers didn't not bother adding more non-1x1 cube blocks like upside down stairs.

Modding support was promised... I think more than three years ago with NO reports of any proper progress apart form "we are working on it". Plus the updates they add nowadays are so useless I can barely tell the difference between any versions above 1.0 through normal gameplay footage and have abysmal texture quality, yet they take around 250 days to make.

The game has already lived way too long and has to die to make room for much, much better games. Space Engineers is starting to overtake minecraft as planetary landings are close to being added in and the game is still in alpha with steady developer progress. Other games like seed of andromeda also look promising.

Minecraft with shaders is pretty awesome though. I kind of wish graphics enhancement mods were never invented, it ruins the stock/vanilla experience.

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  DestinyPlayer said:
From what I understand - there are no insane workarounds or anything. The community just made their own modding API using a Minecraft decompiler, simple as that. They even provide ten times more freedom in modding by, basically, writing mods in the same way the devs would write Minecraft.

And to stay on topic: don't really have a preference. Both Minecraft and KSP are games to which I keep coming back again and again. Funny thing, to each one - almost purely because of modding.

But if you want to install around a hundreds of mods without a modpack the game will crash, not because it can't handle the mods, but because there are going to be a ridiculous amount of conflicting files which will take you days to reorganize.

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  PenguinsMeep said:
But if you want to install around a hundreds of mods without a modpack the game will crash, not because it can't handle the mods, but because there are going to be a ridiculous amount of conflicting files which will take you days to reorganize.

Pardon me, but that's not how it is now. There are no mods that conflict with each other unless they do somethnig really stupid. There are even no IDs anymore, everything works by name, not by ID.

In fact, the only reason modded Minecraft crashed for me lately, is because I forgot to install something essential, not because I installed too much.

Edited by DestinyPlayer
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  PenguinsMeep said:
Minecraft actually is overrated. And the graphics ARE bad, not because I-hate-everything-not-HD, but because the textures don't even follow a defined style and some of them are so bad that I could redraw them in under a minute. Plus the entire gameplay is not well done. Survive? Well, I got a farm and a bed in a house and I am done. Building also gets old because the developers didn't not bother adding more non-1x1 cube blocks like upside down stairs.

Modding support was promised... I think more than three years ago with NO reports of any proper progress apart form "we are working on it". Plus the updates they add nowadays are so useless I can barely tell the difference between any versions above 1.0 through normal gameplay footage and have abysmal texture quality, yet they take around 250 days to make.

The game has already lived way too long and has to die to make room for much, much better games. Space Engineers is starting to overtake minecraft as planetary landings are close to being added in and the game is still in alpha with steady developer progress. Other games like seed of andromeda also look promising.


  DestinyPlayer said:
Pardon me, but that's not how it is now. There are no mods that conflict with each other unless they do somethnig really stupid. There are even no IDs anymore, everything works by name, not by ID.

In fact, the only reason modded Minecraft crashed for me lately, is because I forgot to install something essential, not because I installed too much.

It still is like that if you don't use Forge My Loader ULTIMATE HD Java Not Us Edition Bukkit and instead have to overwrite .class files. Please be specific about what you're describing.

  DestinyPlayer said:
From what I understand - there are no insane workarounds or anything.

How is decompiling the .jar file and trying to figure out what class files do what and having to write code by hand not an insane workaround? There's no official documentation either, which strengthens my point.

The community just made their own modding API using a Minecraft decompiler, simple as that.

Key word: community. That's like saying KSP has the best graphics of any sandbox game because the community made visual mods.

They even provide ten times more freedom in modding by, basically, writing mods in the same way the devs would write Minecraft

Well no crap sherlock, writing mods line by line without an API provides total freedom but is no where near the best, easiest, or most optimized way to do things.

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It still is like that if you don't use Forge My Loader ULTIMATE HD Java Not Us Edition Bukkit and instead have to overwrite .class files. Please be specific about what you're describing.

And that's what I'm talking about when I'm saying "Really stupid thing". Overwriting .class files is stupid, because it completely breaks ANY compatibility there is. Minecraft mods use vanilla classes as an API, so any change to that is a bad decision.

And Minecraft Forge is used by literally every modder of any worth.

How is decompiling the .jar file and trying to figure out what class files do what and having to write code by hand not an insane workaround? There's no official documentation either, which strengthens my point.

Again, there's only a single step more than usual, decompiling Minecraft. Space Engineers, for example, has no official documentation for their open-sourced code, and without that only relatively simple mods can be made.

Key word: community. That's like saying KSP has the best graphics of any sandbox game because the community made visual mods.

Even with KSP, I only play due to mods. Got bored with vanilla back in the version that only just added the moon. So, KSP for me equals mods, as does Minecraft. Because of that, I got used to thinking of the modding community as a part of the base game.

Well no crap sherlock, writing mods line by line without an API provides total freedom but is no where near the best, easiest, or most optimized way to do things.

And yet you can't say that it didn't lead to one of the most developed mod communities of any game ever. Because of the fact that modders themvelses made modding possible, the Modding API has exactly the things they need, without any stupid restrictions or limitations. In fact, every person can add to it whatever they need/want.

You could think of Minecraft as a "Block based Sandbox Survival" engine, not as a game by itself.

And overall, I think that Minecraft will never die. Granted, the devs will one day get bored and stop developing, or maybe even stop the servers. But the community will go on developing the game through mods. That'll probably be even better than now, cause there would be no new versions of vanilla that break stuff and require for mods to be tediously updated. And about the login/skin/whatever servers, there are already things that allow you to change what Minecraft connects to. For example, my friend somehow managed to make it so that Minecraft gets skin images straight from my own computer, not from the servers.

Edited by DestinyPlayer
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  DestinyPlayer said:

And that's what I'm talking about when I'm saying "Really stupid thing". Overwriting .class files is stupid, because it completely breaks ANY compatibility there is. Minecraft mods use vanilla classes as an API, so any change to that is a bad decision.

And Minecraft Forge is used by literally every modder of any worth.

...class files are not the API I'm talking about. By that, I mean being able to write config files that make new mobs KSP-style or KSP's plugin system.


Again, there's only a single step more than usual, decompiling Minecraft. Space Engineers, for example, has no official documentation for their open-sourced code, and without that only relatively simple mods can be made.

There's also the step of trying to find workarounds over Mojang's thousands of lines of uncommented legacy code that's incredibly buggy and never does what you want.

Even with KSP, I only play due to mods. Got bored with vanilla back in the version that only just added the moon. So, KSP for me equals mods, as does Minecraft.

Which is a problem, for any game.

And yet you can't say that it didn't lead to one of the most developed mod communities of any game ever. Because of the fact that modders themvelses made modding possible, the Modding API has exactly the things they need, without any stupid restrictions or limitations.

But there is no modding api. Also, if it (or the community one) doesn't give you any stupid restrictions and limitations, then why did this mod die even though it uses Forge My Life?

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...class files are not the API I'm talking about. By that, I mean being able to write config files that make new mobs KSP-style or KSP's plugin system.

There are community mods that allow exactly that, probably even simpler, but, unlike KSP, there's not really any point to it, cause not many people need mods that just add a bunch of pretty blocks that do nothing.

Which is a problem, for any game.

Dunno, I always prefer games that are bare bones, but have tons of mods that make it awesome to games that are full of awesome stuff, but limit modding to new weapons, quests, etc. that don't do anything other than stuff that's already possible ingame. Allows for more customization.

But there is no modding api. Also, if it (or the community one) doesn't give you any stupid restrictions and limitations, then why did this mod die even though it uses Forge My Life?

Decompiled Minecraft itself is a modding API. Because, well, API basically means "a collection of pre-made functions that allow for more simple programming". Nobody has to write their own block rendering or item data storage systems, they use what's already in Minecraft, and if there is not, they can write what they need themselves, they're not limited to whatever the API provides.

And this mod died mostly becasue the author had no time for modding. In fact, from what I've read, there are a ton of such mods that have the same functionality now. Or not, cause I've never ever heard of this mod before, even though I've played since the IC1 days, so can't say.

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  DestinyPlayer said:
Decompiled Minecraft itself is a modding API. Because, well, API basically means "a collection of pre-made functions that allow for more simple programming". Nobody has to write their own block rendering or item data storage systems, they use what's already in Minecraft, and if there is not, they can write what they need themselves, they're not limited to whatever the API provides.

And this mod died mostly becasue the author had no time for modding. In fact, from what I've read, there are a ton of such mods that have the same functionality now. Or not, cause I've never ever heard of this mod before, even though I've played since the IC1 days, so can't say.

It's not that he doesn't have any time, it's that he doesn't have time to deal with Minecraft's bull. Also, there does not exist a single mod that comes close to the splendor that Explosives+ was.

It's also fun to read through the pages of the mod thread (especially after he announces that he'll stop updating it) and see the amazing community in action.

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