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[WIP][1.2.2] Keridian Dynamics - Dev Thread [Last Update: 2017-01-21]

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  • 3 weeks later...

Could a simplified version of this mod be made for beginners? I'm asking, and not demanding and don't hope to insult anyone [saying this cause I've been met with a lot of rude folk on this forum] My idea would be that the mod uses ore to make parts and doesn't need to convert them or use one hundred tanks each of different types to make parts. It would be simple, a 3d printer and a launchpad which would be used to make parts from ore, the 3d printer and launchpad would be one part, it would look like a launch tower sort of with a small pad attached to the side and the pad would have ramps on 3 sides, I think it could be called the launch site. 

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  On 8/24/2017 at 9:03 PM, The-Doctor said:

Could a simplified version of this mod be made for beginners? I'm asking, and not demanding and don't hope to insult anyone [saying this cause I've been met with a lot of rude folk on this forum] My idea would be that the mod uses ore to make parts and doesn't need to convert them or use one hundred tanks each of different types to make parts. It would be simple, a 3d printer and a launchpad which would be used to make parts from ore, the 3d printer and launchpad would be one part, it would look like a launch tower sort of with a small pad attached to the side and the pad would have ramps on 3 sides, I think it could be called the launch site. 


Most of what you're asking for is actually changes to EL, I think.  There are a couple of simplified versions of EL out there.  This mod is just parts for EL.

Heck, if you just wanted to build everything direct from Ore, all you'd need to do is write a recipe file for EL.  (And *all* EL parts would use that recipe, no change needed in the parts.)

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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
This is really cool and I'm glad something like this is being maintained, so happy that there are alternatives to EPL's parts, however I can't be the only one who thinks the hexagonal tanks' textures and models look out of place in this mod, can I? :o
I think I'm confused about just one thing though, I'm unclear on what exactly the dependencies are for this mod. Does it need anything other than EPL's .dll files?
And, will the recycler be able to consume ships part-by-part or will we have to disassemble them manually with KAS? Also, if I wanted to stick to realism and make it so that ore can only be refined into metal and I'll need a modded resource to make LFO, what sort of mods and config edits do you recommend?
Edited by b0ss
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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 2/18/2018 at 4:07 PM, b0ss said:
I think I'm confused about just one thing though, I'm unclear on what exactly the dependencies are for this mod. Does it need anything other than EPL's .dll files?

Bare dependencies are Simple Construction (which is the simplified version of EL) and either interstellar fuelswitch or Firespitter (both have mesh/fuel switch functionality)

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  • 3 weeks later...

For anyone that uses KD, I have made some patches that change some configurations, as follows:

  • The cost of the majority of parts has been greatly reduced.
  • Resource Tanks do not display negative cost values anymore.
  • All tanks can now also store Specialized Parts.
  • All tanks are now either under the "Container" category/tab (when KIS is installed), or the "Utility" one (when KIS is not installed).

If you want to profit from those changes just copy and paste the text below into a .cfg file and then put it inside the GameData folder.

Notice: Do not use these reconfigurations if you have SimpleConstruction installed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

EL major update!

for everyone who uses EL 6.0 ONLY:

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Edited by LatiMacciato
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Question, is there a particular way to orient the sidepad? I had been using it, resulting in rovers spawning standing and with the root part at the ground altitude - which lead to fancy explosions if the root part was in the middle of the vessel. Even accounting for the root part, if the side pad is at the side of a base, can the rovers spawn horizontal to the ground?

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  On 4/8/2018 at 12:39 AM, LatiMacciato said:

EL major update!

for everyone who uses EL 6.0 ONLY:

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Thank you for your contribution!

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It's been quite a while but I'm currently working on the next update for Keridian Dynamics. Similar to the EL update it will break savegames. Hopefully v.0.9 will be the last savegame-breaking update and if everything goes as planned it will become the 1.0 release.

I will not release this update before KSP 1.4.3 but I made a PreRelease of the current status for everyone who wants to take a look or do some testing (which I would greatly appreciate :) ). The PreRelease is only available on GitHub: Download

The picture below shows the new ExtensionPad (left) that can be used to extend exisiting vessels, the LaunchPad (OrbitalPad replacement, middle) and the powerfull LauchPad/ProbeCore combination Keronica.
The LaunchMarkers have been reworked and now show the unity axis at the vessel spawn point (toggleable).

Changelog (so far):

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Big THANK YOU to @534443 for the cost and entryCost rebalance!

  On 2/18/2018 at 4:07 PM, b0ss said:
This is really cool and I'm glad something like this is being maintained, so happy that there are alternatives to EPL's parts, however I can't be the only one who thinks the hexagonal tanks' textures and models look out of place in this mod, can I? :o
I think I'm confused about just one thing though, I'm unclear on what exactly the dependencies are for this mod. Does it need anything other than EPL's .dll files?
And, will the recycler be able to consume ships part-by-part or will we have to disassemble them manually with KAS? Also, if I wanted to stick to realism and make it so that ore can only be refined into metal and I'll need a modded resource to make LFO, what sort of mods and config edits do you recommend?

Yes, the hextanks were very outdated and now they are gone :)
Still thinking about the best way to make the dependencies a bit clearer. In general all dependencies are for the plugins (dlls), no parts, models or textures from other mods are(/should be) required.
Ships are recycled part-by-part as long as they remain in the RecycleField.

  On 4/8/2018 at 12:39 AM, LatiMacciato said:

EL major update!

for everyone who uses EL 6.0 ONLY:

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Thank you very much for the quick fix! :)

  On 4/10/2018 at 2:29 PM, juanml82 said:

Question, is there a particular way to orient the sidepad? I had been using it, resulting in rovers spawning standing and with the root part at the ground altitude - which lead to fancy explosions if the root part was in the middle of the vessel. Even accounting for the root part, if the side pad is at the side of a base, can the rovers spawn horizontal to the ground?


I'm not sure if I understand that correctly, the rovers spawn looking at the sky? If a rover is spawned correctly aligned when normally launched from VAB/SPH it should also spawn correctly aligned from the SidePad. Could you upload some pictures visualizing the problem?

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  On 4/14/2018 at 10:54 PM, Eleusis La Arwall said:

I'm not sure if I understand that correctly, the rovers spawn looking at the sky? If a rover is spawned correctly aligned when normally launched from VAB/SPH it should also spawn correctly aligned from the SidePad. Could you upload some pictures visualizing the problem?


I didn't save a screenshot at the moment and I archived that savegame. I tried to replicate it with the beta you've just linked and I couldn't reproduce it - I got it right:


But when I posted, I was getting the spawned vehicle looking at the sky and with the root part at the ground level (so if the root part was the middle cargo bay in this screenshot, it would result with the plane spawning with half the fuselage underground.

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  On 4/15/2018 at 1:36 AM, juanml82 said:


But when I posted, I was getting the spawned vehicle looking at the sky and with the root part at the ground level (so if the root part was the middle cargo bay in this screenshot, it would result with the plane spawning with half the fuselage underground.


I've used the LaunchPadSide to build a plane similar to the one from the screenshot. Once with cockpit as root part, once with fuselage as root part and once with a rotated ProbeCore inside a cargobay as root. I was not able to reproduce the problem you describe, all three vessels spawned with the correct orientation.
From the screenshot I see you use a well modded install, have you tried a fresh install with just EL & KD installed?
If you have a craft-file (stock only if possible) that reproduces the error all the time, I'd take a look at it. Otherwise there is not much I can do.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The KD Extension Part isn't working as an EL disposable part. There are this two lines in the .cfg file

    // Optional MM-Modules
    // MODULE,1    {name = ELDisposablePad}        KeridianDynamics-EL.cfg

But commenting out the second line doesn't show anything in the module manager window at the KSC screen

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  On 4/30/2018 at 1:47 PM, juanml82 said:

The KD Extension Part isn't working as an EL disposable part. There are this two lines in the .cfg file

    // Optional MM-Modules
    // MODULE,1    {name = ELDisposablePad}        KeridianDynamics-EL.cfg

But commenting out the second line doesn't show anything in the module manager window at the KSC screen


That is odd, I just checked and it works for me (on KSP 1.4.2 and EL 6.0.0, haven't installed 1.4.3 yet).

The second line is just for documentation, it tells you where to find the MM-patch that applies the module (KeridianDynamics-EL.cfg). This applies the module:

		name = ELDisposablePad
		SpawnTransform = LaunchPos
		PadName = ExtensionPad

If this really doesn't work for you, try to replace the second line you mentioned in the PART config with this:

		name = ELDisposablePad
		SpawnTransform = LaunchPos
		PadName = ExtensionPad


Edited by Eleusis La Arwall
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FYI this mod is currently breaking the EL recycler when used in 1.4.3 with EL 6. Not sure about other configurations, but including this (even if no parts are used) will cause the recycler to produce about 1 order of magnitude less material making it pretty much useless. With this mod I recycle a 1t part and get 2.56 u of metal (where the recipe is configured for metal rather than scrapmetal). Without this mod I get 23.08 u metal.

Bummer, 'cause I really like these parts for storing things.

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  On 5/5/2018 at 1:45 PM, schlosrat said:

FYI this mod is currently breaking the EL recycler when used in 1.4.3 with EL 6. Not sure about other configurations, but including this (even if no parts are used) will cause the recycler to produce about 1 order of magnitude less material making it pretty much useless. With this mod I recycle a 1t part and get 2.56 u of metal (where the recipe is configured for metal rather than scrapmetal). Without this mod I get 23.08 u metal.

Bummer, 'cause I really like these parts for storing things.


Thank you very much for the report. The MM patch in KD expects the old recipe from before Dec 2016. My bad, haven't noticed the recipe change in EL for over a year :blush:

I was not able to reproduce your problem but since the patch currently writes some non-sense in the recipe, the result is not always the same
Are you using SimpleConstruction?

Easiest fix is to delete KeridianDynamics-EL-Recipes.cfg in GameData/KeridianDynamics. This way ELs default recipe is kept unchanged by KD.

Better fix is to replace the content of said file with the following:

		%Metal = 1
		%ScrapMetal = 8
		%loss = 1

For the next version I will make the recipe-change toggleable (with PatchManager).

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@Eleusis La Arwall I just looked through the pre-release on github.

Question: is it save to edit the savefile to switch the depreciated orbital pad with the new lightweight LaunchPad or is it more save to keep the part (also keeping the part config for this one from the latest stable version) and exchange the part manually in situ?

note: in my savegame I just use the orbital pad for building things because I love the design and the cool flow it brings rather than the EL-stock blue girder one!

According to the current EL 6.0 Recipes.cfg EL 6.0 originally recycles stuff only with ScrapMetal = 9 and no Metal output.

EL_RecycleRecipe {
	name = RocketParts
	Resources {
		ScrapMetal = 9
		loss = 1

Question 2: Is KD  adding 1 unit Metal in favour of -1 unit ScrapMetal?

In mind KD defaults a new EL recipe having 1 Metal, 8 ScrapMetal & 1 loss and the current   SC Recipes.cfg defaults the recycle output to Metal = 8 & loss = 2 I suggest this fix for the KeridianDynamics-EL-Recipes.cfg:

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NOTE: this cfg is for the KD v0.8.9-PRE and SimpleContruction is NOT updated to EL 6.0 yet!

Feedback is always welcome!

EDIT 2: Unsure if that is already noted but the 3 new LaunchPads (KD-LaunchPad, KD-LaunchPadSide, KD-LaunchPadTop) do not have different weights if form size is switched.

Edited by LatiMacciato
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  On 5/17/2018 at 12:50 AM, LatiMacciato said:

@Eleusis La Arwall I just looked through the pre-release on github.

Question: is it save to edit the savefile to switch the depreciated orbital pad with the new lightweight LaunchPad or is it more save to keep the part (also keeping the part config for this one from the latest stable version) and exchange the part manually in situ?

note: in my savegame I just use the orbital pad for building things because I love the design and the cool flow it brings rather than the EL-stock blue girder one!


Can't really tell if that is save because I almost never do save-file edits. I start a new save with every new KSP version :) If you're not short on RAM it's probably better to keep the old OrbitalPad files.

Glad to hear you like the design :D An overhauled version of the OrbitalPad-model is now used for the Keronica probe core.

  On 5/17/2018 at 12:50 AM, LatiMacciato said:

According to the current EL 6.0 Recipes.cfg EL 6.0 originally recycles stuff only with ScrapMetal = 9 and no Metal output.

EL_RecycleRecipe {
	name = RocketParts
	Resources {
		ScrapMetal = 9
		loss = 1

Question 2: Is KD  adding 1 unit Metal in favour of -1 unit ScrapMetal?


Yes, but with the next version this change can be turned off via PM.

  On 5/17/2018 at 12:50 AM, LatiMacciato said:

In mind KD defaults a new EL recipe having 1 Metal, 8 ScrapMetal & 1 loss and the current   SC Recipes.cfg defaults the recycle output to Metal = 8 & loss = 2 I suggest this fix for the KeridianDynamics-EL-Recipes.cfg:

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NOTE: this cfg is for the KD v0.8.9-PRE and SimpleContruction is NOT updated to EL 6.0 yet!

Feedback is always welcome!


I'm not planning dedicated support for SC in the upcoming version. I'll keep SC in mind and KD should still work with SC but no special configs anymore.
The config I posted above should do the same as the one you suggested. I can do an optional patch to run the recipe change at :FINAL but it should work already.

  On 5/17/2018 at 12:50 AM, LatiMacciato said:

EDIT 2: Unsure if that is already noted but the 3 new LaunchPads (KD-LaunchPad, KD-LaunchPadSide, KD-LaunchPadTop) do not have different weights if form size is switched.


I'm still not sure if I want the mass to change. It would be logical but also annoying to bring extra weight with no benefit. There would be no reason to ever use a 2.5 m Launchpad.

A note on current development:
1.4.3 is out for a while now and there is still no official update for KD - unacceptable! - There is actually good reason for that. I'm doing a major part overhaule for the entire mod and it takes much more time to do than I had anticipated. At first I just wanted to do a little tweaking here and there but one thing lead to another and now I'm redoing most models and textures from scratch. Here's a preview of the new ChemicalReactor and Tanks (now with 0.625 m sized variants starting at 32 L volume):

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  On 5/17/2018 at 11:15 AM, Eleusis La Arwall said:

Keronica probe core.


i noticed and use it already, first I managed to exchange the depreciated OrbitalPad with the EL-stock blue girder one, then I added this shiny metal one!

  On 5/17/2018 at 11:15 AM, Eleusis La Arwall said:

There would be no reason to ever use a 2.5 m Launchpad.


very true, also I see your point for not changing masses that might just be logical but we are all no vulcans :D  .... and it's simpler this way it is in the pre-version! oh and BTW, are the pre-parts part of the new upcoming release or will there something change like in the beta parts of KIS (or was it KAS?) .. anyways, I hope there will not be much more part change tho.

Thanks also on the feedback, I made the config keeping in mind you might just want rudimentary support for SC but then only the EL change might just do it, like this maybe?
But please keep in mind adding another key might just add a second or 3rd key, It doesn't edit it. Please correct me if I'm wrong! This way there might be added multiple keys with the same name like having 2 keys like "Metal = 1" or similar (might bring up unseen consequences, or the Kraken) :D

I edited my cfg this way:

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And yes your completely right (I'm sorry lack of sleep). I forgot about the "%" in MM config files which means edit-or-create.

anyways, AWESOME STUFF! I enjoy using it, might never undo that and totally looking forward to it! hehe :D

Edited by LatiMacciato
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  On 5/17/2018 at 11:35 AM, LatiMacciato said:

oh and BTW, are the pre-parts part of the new upcoming release or will there something change like in the beta parts of KIS (or was it KAS?) .. anyways, I hope there will not be much more part change tho.


Unfortunatly the parts will change a lot in the next update. It's too much to write all of that down but I hope this will bring everything in line and I don't have to change anything vital after that.

I don't know yet how well I can support the older version in the new update. For example the texture from MobileVAB is used on the OritalHangar, PAM, PAM(small), FabricationContainer and the StationTanks. I'm gonna update this texture and the old models will look horrible.

BTW I plan on dropping the OrbitalHangar in the next release because I mostly forget that it's even there.

  On 5/17/2018 at 11:35 AM, LatiMacciato said:

But please keep in mind adding another key might just add a second or 3rd key, It doesn't edit it. Please correct me if I'm wrong! This way there might be added multiple keys with the same name like having 2 keys like "Metal = 1" or similar (might bring up unseen consequences, or the Kraken)


That is exactly what happens with current stabel version of KD and EL and why I switched to % ;)

Now your patch does exactly the same if SC is installed or not.

So far SC support was only necessary because of the differeing density of Metal but I found a way avoid that once and for all with MM. Here is the important part of the ResourceConverter config as an example :

			ResourceName = Ore			//	Density(Ore) = 0.01
			Ratio = 0.02 // t/s
			@Ratio *= #$@RESOURCE_DEFINITION[Ore]/volume$
			@Ratio /= #$@RESOURCE_DEFINITION[Ore]/density$
			ResourceName = Metal			//	Density(Metal) = 0.039
			Ratio = 0.002 // t/s, 10%
			@Ratio *= #$@RESOURCE_DEFINITION[Metal]/volume$
			@Ratio /= #$@RESOURCE_DEFINITION[Metal]/density$
			DumpExcess = false

KSP expects the Ratio in InGameUnits / sec. For the conversion to make sense, the ratio must be calculated with masses. Previously I made the calculations manually but now I just enter a tons / sec value and have MM multiply it by the Resources Volume and divide it by the Density to obtain IGU / sec. This way the mass-extraction-ratio is kept independant from resource-density. 20 kg Ore will always yield 2 kg Metal.

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