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[WIP][1.8.x] SSTULabs - Low Part Count Solutions (Orbiters, Landers, Lifters) - Dev Thread [11-18-18]


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Thank you so much.

I will write a patch note and post it for anyone that is intrested. I have one for engines and tanks as well but balance is... arbitrary.

About the Inflatable heat shield, It would be realy nice to do a SSTU version just like you did for for stock heat shield. I don't know if it would be complicated, but it would be cool if "light / medium / heavy" would apply to inflatable heatshield and other heat-soak. So technicly you could make a shuttle that can land on Eve and so on. 

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Module manager is wonderfull, here is the HeatShield patch for 64k:


	@ablationEfficiency *= 15
	fluxMult = 9 // If fluxMult was present in every part, it would be @fluxMult *= 9 . I think it would be better.


I noticed during my earlier test that fluxMult is also present in HeatShieldTypes.cfg. However it doesn't work, I raised it up to 400 without any result. You might want to remove it, its confusing.

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I want to write a patch for SSTU tanks that allow me to add supplies (USI-LS) to them as a configurable resource. For me it makes sense that engineers would stick those inside a tank, rather than adding them to the outside. 

However I have no clue:

1.) (even after some googling) how the patch format works

2.) what configuration parameters need to be changed in SSTU to add these

Anybody that can help me out with an example?



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  On 5/15/2016 at 7:41 AM, blowfish said:

Or half re-entry heating.  Easy enough to just change an in-game slider.


Sadly I was burning before being out of ablator. If a reduce reentry heat to 40%, it kinda works but I still have to add ablator or increase ablationEfficiency. At 30% then I don't burn even without ablator. 


  On 5/15/2016 at 10:21 AM, MacLuky said:


I want to write a patch for SSTU tanks that allow me to add supplies (USI-LS) to them as a configurable resource. For me it makes sense that engineers would stick those inside a tank, rather than adding them to the outside. 

However I have no clue:

1.) (even after some googling) how the patch format works

2.) what configuration parameters need to be changed in SSTU to add these

Anybody that can help me out with an example?





There you go: 


			resource = Supplies
			resource = Mulch

// You can fix the volume here:
	name = Supplies
	volume = 1

	name = Mulch
	volume = 1


If it doesn't work, it is probably the " :NEEDS[USILifeSupport] " part that is spelled wrong. I no more use USI-LS so I don't know. 

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  On 5/14/2016 at 8:49 PM, Kramer said:

First want to say that I love this mod; I can't contemplate playing KSP now without it. It is just about perfect.

One bug I noticed that remains with the 4.31.110 release you just made concerns the LC2-POD. It seems that the ascent tank variant disappears quite often on a reload or scene change or something. I select "ascent tank" variant and they show up as expected. If I save the craft and reload in the VAB the tanks are no longer visable. It is very reproducible for me.

Another question: are the lander tanks that had selectable landing legs, solar panels, etc. not supported under 1.1 KSP? I loved using those for landers and can't find them. Maybe I just am looking in the wrong place.

-Thanks, Kramer


Cannot duplicate during normal testing.

Select pod as single part craft; launch.  Tanks are there.  Go to space center, return to craft, tanks are there.  Quick-save, and quick-load, tanks are still there.  No problems that I can see.

If you want this problem fixed, add more issue to the ticket here:  https://github.com/shadowmage45/SSTULabs/issues/308  including exact steps necessary to trigger the problem.

  On 5/14/2016 at 9:51 PM, Kramer said:

I am seeing an occasional crash when I hide the flag on a tank. Does not happen every time, but often enough. Whole game crashes to desktop. Sorry for the vague report. I do have other mods installed. This is the last things in the log:

[LOG 17:47:11.343] Updating part flag from on flag changed PartMessage
[LOG 17:47:11.344] Model updating attach nodes; names length: 4
[LOG 17:47:11.345] node name: top
[LOG 17:47:11.346] node name: top2
[LOG 17:47:11.346] node name: top3
[LOG 17:47:11.347] node name: top4
[LOG 17:47:11.348] Model updating attach nodes; names length: 4
[LOG 17:47:11.349] node name: bottom
[LOG 17:47:11.350] node name: bottom2
[LOG 17:47:11.351] node name: bottom3
[LOG 17:47:11.352] node name: bottom4
[LOG 17:47:11.355] Updating part flag from on flag changed PartMessage
[LOG 17:47:11.360] Model updating attach nodes; names length: 4

Sadly there is no crash dump or anything else that I can find. This is with the 4.31.110 release.


Cannot duplicate during testing.

Took a tank in vab, spammed the 'toggle flag visibility' button at least 200 times, no crashes or errors.  If you would like this issue solved then you will need to add more information to the bug report: https://github.com/shadowmage45/SSTULabs/issues/315  including -exact- steps needed to duplicate the issue.

No duplication = no fix; No further data = not even looking at it again.

  On 5/14/2016 at 10:56 PM, rasta013 said:

@Shadowmage Ok, with the latest release I'm seeing this in the VAB....tank masses are reporting incorrectly and it's showing with the 20.1t mass in MechJeb/Engineer and the stock flight engineer so it's not just a display bug.  Found this when a new career started wouldn't let me lift off because of this tank... LOL :D

It's doing this on both the MFT-A and MFT-B



Lemme guess, using RealFuels?

So.. next time -STATE THAT WITH YOUR INITIAL BUG REPORT.  I just wasted 20 minutes trying to look into an issue that doesn't exist in a stock install, and I'm not going to install real-fuels just to test it; sorry you are on your own with this one.  Feel free to submit a PR to fix the code if you want it fixed.

Honestly, I'm about half a step away from dropping RF and RO compatibility completely, I'm sick of wasting my time fixing up other peoples mods' that I do not use.  All the do is increase the support load unnecessarily, and add extreme amounts of frustration due to wasted time to something that -should- be a fun task.

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  On 5/15/2016 at 3:42 PM, RedParadize said:

I had the flag crash thingy as well. If I had to bet its a stock bug. There is also the bug when you remove part and drop them in the menu.

1.1.2 is not quite stable yet.


Thanks for the confirmation;

If it is indeed as inconsistent as it appears than it likely is a stock bug related to threading or update order. 

Mod bugs will generally appear very consistently for a given set of circumstances/program state.

Either way I would need to know precise steps that duplicate the problem a majority of the time before I can even begin to investigate.


Edit to add (in-editor toggle only, does not effect its flight state):



Edited by Shadowmage
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  On 5/15/2016 at 2:27 PM, Shadowmage said:

Lemme guess, using RealFuels?

So.. next time -STATE THAT WITH YOUR INITIAL BUG REPORT.  I just wasted 20 minutes trying to look into an issue that doesn't exist in a stock install, and I'm not going to install real-fuels just to test it; sorry you are on your own with this one.  Feel free to submit a PR to fix the code if you want it fixed.

Honestly, I'm about half a step away from dropping RF and RO compatibility completely, I'm sick of wasting my time fixing up other peoples mods' that I do not use.  All the do is increase the support load unnecessarily, and add extreme amounts of frustration due to wasted time to something that -should- be a fun task.


I was just coming here to report that.  It got added in for something else I was running a test on and I didn't notice it until today when I started goofing with other tanks.  I would've never reported it otherwise.  My sincere apologies on that. :blush:

EDIT: By the way, in my embarrassment, forgot to mention it was Modular Fuel Tanks, not RF/RO that was installed...

Edited by rasta013
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  On 5/15/2016 at 4:10 PM, rasta013 said:

I was just coming here to report that.  It got added in for something else I was running a test on and I didn't notice it until today when I started goofing with other tanks.  I would've never reported it otherwise.  My sincere apologies on that. :blush:

EDIT: By the way, in my embarrassment, forgot to mention it was Modular Fuel Tanks, not RF/RO that was installed...


Thanks for the reply, and please note that its nothing personal :)   That was just the third bug/issue in a row that I had investigated this morning that turned out to be a non issue, and my patience starts to get a bit frayed at that point.


Either way, I should have the RF/MFT compatibility fixed up a bit later today (will push another release when it is ready);  was helping fix up some RO patches for someone else and it was a bit of a showstopper for the tanks to misbehave so poorly.  Turned out to be a not-so-intrusive of a fix, and cleaned up the overall program setup a bit in the process.

^^^ On that note, I have submitted a PR to RO that should update most of the SSTU stuff for the 1.1 changes.  No guarantees that it is all fixed/working as I don't use RO and wouldn't even know where to begin in testing things... I'm more serving as technical advisor and intermediary for the process.  But.. things should be in a better state compatibility wise than they were previously :)

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  On 5/15/2016 at 4:55 PM, Shadowmage said:

Thanks for the reply, and please note that its nothing personal :)   That was just the third bug/issue in a row that I had investigated this morning that turned out to be a non issue, and my patience starts to get a bit frayed at that point.


Either way, I should have the RF/MFT compatibility fixed up a bit later today (will push another release when it is ready);  was helping fix up some RO patches for someone else and it was a bit of a showstopper for the tanks to misbehave so poorly.  Turned out to be a not-so-intrusive of a fix, and cleaned up the overall program setup a bit in the process.

^^^ On that note, I have submitted a PR to RO that should update most of the SSTU stuff for the 1.1 changes.  No guarantees that it is all fixed/working as I don't use RO and wouldn't even know where to begin in testing things... I'm more serving as technical advisor and intermediary for the process.  But.. things should be in a better state compatibility wise than they were previously :)


No worries at all and frankly, I would've responded sooner and closed out my issue if I hadn't been irritated over my other test going so poorly - totally unrelated to SSTU but it got under my skin nevertheless and made me stop testing last night.  As for the RF/MFT stuff - that's good to hear.  I usually don't run either except under my RO setup whenever I do play it, which is infrequently recently, but knowing that I might have SSTU available for it makes me go hmmmmm... :D 

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  On 5/15/2016 at 8:27 PM, Shadowmage said:

Updated testing release is available:


Fixes up RO/RF/MFT compatibility, and includes a few other minor updates.  See the change-log for details and download links.  Github, AVC, and Curse have all been updated with these changes.


Thanks for the modifications to the petal adaptors.

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  On 5/15/2016 at 10:40 AM, RedParadize said:


			resource = Supplies
			resource = Mulch

// You can fix the volume here:
	name = Supplies
	volume = 1

	name = Mulch
	volume = 1



So to understand this:

- create a cfg file in GameData

- @PART[*] match any part

- that HAS[@MODULE:[SSTUVolumeContainer] 

- provided that USI-LS in stalled: NEEDS[USILifeSupport]

- Add to each section that has a @Module[SSTUVolumeContainer]

- @Container, 0 [*] ? match any if 0 add???

That would mean I can add the camera mod with to any SSTU capsule:

        name = DockingCameraModule
        allowedDistance = 1000
        nightVisionArgs = 0.5,0.7,0.5,0.5
        targetCrossColor = 0.9,0.0,0.0,1.0
        targetCrossColorOLDD = 0.0,0.0,0.9,1.0
        noise = true

Need to test! thanks for the info


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Just an idea for the lander fuel tanks, would it be possible to make different textures for them and to remove the little slots down the edges of the tanks seeing that they dont really serve a purpose anymore?

texture ideas...    

EDIT: sorry for large post, not sure how to add spoilers sorry

EDIT 2: Thank you blowfish for the help!

Edited by SpaceBadger007
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  On 5/15/2016 at 4:55 PM, Doc-Zer0G said:

@Shadowmage Great news that your getting closer towards a release! 

I would however like to make one request; the ability to offset CoM of the command pods for re-entry purposes :wink: 


I've already weighed in a couple times on this, and the answer is 'not likely'.  I'm not entirely opposed to the idea (as I believe several pods have movable balast setups), but as I would never use it in game I'm not going to take the time to code the module that it would need.

I would say to go ahead and submit a PR if you were up for it, but honestly that module would make a nice little stand-alone mod/plugin.  (I would still take a PR, but its not really needed)


  On 5/15/2016 at 8:32 PM, Sudragon said:

Thanks for the modifications to the petal adaptors.


NP :)
Hopefully it is a useful little addition.


  On 5/16/2016 at 8:09 AM, SpaceBadger007 said:
  Reveal hidden contents
  Reveal hidden contents

Just an idea for the lander fuel tanks, would it be possible to make different textures for them and to remove the little slots down the edges of the tanks seeing that they dont really serve a purpose anymore?

texture ideas...    

EDIT: sorry for large post, not sure how to add spoilers sorry

EDIT 2: Thank you blowfish for the help!


Possible, sure.  Easy or fast, no.  Those parts are already scheduled for a refresh (all of them.. pods, tanks, the whole deal), but at the current rate of things it'll be 6mo-1y before I get back to them.  Gotta get some functional wheels first :)

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  On 5/15/2016 at 4:55 PM, Doc-Zer0G said:

@Shadowmage Great news that your getting closer towards a release! 

I would however like to make one request; the ability to offset CoM of the command pods for re-entry purposes :wink: 



  On 5/16/2016 at 4:28 PM, Shadowmage said:

I've already weighed in a couple times on this, and the answer is 'not likely'.  I'm not entirely opposed to the idea (as I believe several pods have movable balast setups), but as I would never use it in game I'm not going to take the time to code the module that it would need.

I would say to go ahead and submit a PR if you were up for it, but honestly that module would make a nice little stand-alone mod/plugin.  (I would still take a PR, but its not really needed)


Angel-125 solved the need for movable balast quite nicely for his DSEV mod.  He added a tiny part with changeable mass through a simple text box similar to what was done for the NRAP but with much more simplicity for the data entered.  If you're gonna add something in as a stand alone mod/plugin you might take a look at how both of them are doing it.  It is extremely handy I can tell you that.

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  On 5/16/2016 at 4:37 PM, 19chickens said:

I love this mod-keep up the good work.  ATM I'm using SSTU in a 1.1.2 RO/RP-0 save.  Now to wait for the craft files :D


make a .cfg file and put this anywhere in the gamedata folder, you'll need:

		name = start
		diameter = 2.0
		name = engineering101
		diameter = 3.0
		name = generalRocketry
		diameter = 6.625
		name = generalConstruction
		diameter = 7.0
		name = advConstruction
		diameter = 10
		name = specializedConstruction
		diameter = 16
		name = advMetalworks
		diameter = 50


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  On 5/15/2016 at 10:29 PM, MacLuky said:


Need to test! thanks for the info




No problem, but know that I am just a amateur compared to real modders. I only looks at their line, try to figure out what does what and then use it to other purpose. I literaly spend most of my playing time rebooting the game. What I posted for you was picked from SSTU-KIS-Integration.cfg. I just changed some stuff in it. I don't know what the ,0[*] really does!

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There was a thread about adaptors for multiple engines in stock I replied in... then there were pictures of ways to hack it.

Seeing the Mk1-2, awful, riveted 2.5m tank, and kludged on 3 engine upper stage made me realize that I don't use the stock parts at all any more.

Thanks again for this awesome mod.

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