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[WIP][1.8.x] SSTULabs - Low Part Count Solutions (Orbiters, Landers, Lifters) - Dev Thread [11-18-18]


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  On 2/10/2020 at 1:13 PM, raptor30 said:

That log file appears to be very old;  KSP 1.3.1 and Unity 5.4-something.

Try the KSP.log file that resides in the same folder as the executable;  it should not only be more up-to-date, but is also in a much more usable format (less whitespace/garbage in the log).


I can also tell from your screenshots that you have the stock reflections disabled (engines and other parts are black);  if you change the stock reflection update option from 'none' to 'low', you'll get a much more pleasant look on all of SSTU's parts.

  On 2/10/2020 at 3:34 PM, MaxxQ said:

I can also confirm that rolling back to Smokescreen 2.8.7 fixes the no sound/no plume issue.


Strange; wonder if that is somehow the version that I used for testing yesterday?  Thought I grabbed the 'latest', but could have been a bit older.

I'll do some further testing on this;  I really only tested four engines yesterday -- the SRBs, the RS-25, RL-10-B2, and the SC-C-SM engine.  None of those had issues, but I'm not seeing any of those in your testing screenshot either.

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  On 2/10/2020 at 3:55 PM, Shadowmage said:

That log file appears to be very old;  KSP 1.3.1 and Unity 5.4-something.

Try the KSP.log file that resides in the same folder as the executable;  it should not only be more up-to-date, but is also in a much more usable format (less whitespace/garbage in the log).


I can also tell from your screenshots that you have the stock reflections disabled (engines and other parts are black);  if you change the stock reflection update option from 'none' to 'low', you'll get a much more pleasant look on all of SSTU's parts.

Strange; wonder if that is somehow the version that I used for testing yesterday?  Thought I grabbed the 'latest', but could have been a bit older.

I'll do some further testing on this;  I really only tested four engines yesterday -- the SRBs, the RS-25, RL-10-B2, and the SC-C-SM engine.  None of those had issues, but I'm not seeing any of those in your testing screenshot either.


FWIW, my own issue was with the Merlin 1B, and one of the small hypergolic engines.  Personally, while it was an issue, I wasn't too concerned about it.  If a bug isn't game-breaking, or otherwise interfering with gameplay, I can usually overlook the problem.

Also, I noticed on the Smokescreen thread that this issue popped up in December, and 2.8.9 was created to fix the issue.  I've posted the bug there, as an addendum to someone else's same issue while using BDB (which I don't have installed on my JNSQ game), so this problem is NOT an SSTU problem, but appears to be a Smokescreen problem.

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  On 2/10/2020 at 3:55 PM, Shadowmage said:

I can also tell from your screenshots that you have the stock reflections disabled (engines and other parts are black);  if you change the stock reflection update option from 'none' to 'low', you'll get a much more pleasant look on all of SSTU's parts.


well I've seen that too... they look a bit weird... but in the VAB they are all ok with reflections... I tough is because of the texture unlimited mod... cause every time i install it the stock parts kinda lose their shine...

I have reflections on medium in the settings: iURXCYj.png

are there other setting of the mod for example that I need to modify?

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  On 2/10/2020 at 9:31 PM, raptor30 said:

are there other setting of the mod for example that I need to modify?


What you show in the stock config should be all that is needed for recent TU versions (I think starting with KSP 1.7?).  If using older versions (~KSP 1.6), TU had its own reflection handling system, but was enabled by default.

Very strange....

  On 2/10/2020 at 9:31 PM, raptor30 said:

but in the VAB they are all ok with reflections...


That is usually the indicator that the stock reflections need to be enabled.  Can you confirm that they show as enabled while in-flight?

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  On 2/10/2020 at 11:21 PM, Shadowmage said:

What you show in the stock config should be all that is needed for recent TU versions (I think starting with KSP 1.7?).  If using older versions (~KSP 1.6), TU had its own reflection handling system, but was enabled by default.

Very strange....

That is usually the indicator that the stock reflections need to be enabled.  Can you confirm that they show as enabled while in-flight?


yes they are in flight too... but not like in the VAB they are like 25% reflective... and the stock parts that suppose to be shiny well they are kinda dull for example the sphere probe... I will provide more images tomorrow.

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  On 2/10/2020 at 11:43 PM, raptor30 said:


yes they are in flight too... but not like in the VAB they are like 25% reflective... and the stock parts that suppose to be shiny well they are kinda dull for example the sphere probe... I will provide more images tomorrow.


What version of KSP and TexturesUnlimited are you using?  Just have to make sure we are all talking about the same stuff here...(major differences in setup between the newer and older stuff)

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  On 2/11/2020 at 2:19 AM, Shadowmage said:

What version of KSP and TexturesUnlimited are you using?  Just have to make sure we are all talking about the same stuff here...(major differences in setup between the newer and older stuff)


I use last version of KSP: 1.8.1 and also last version of TexturesUnlimited:


You can see the stock parts don't have the reflection they should have... they show well in the little preview image but outside they are kinda matte...PBHMWFt.png

this is at the launchpad

isblKqf.pngthis one is showing ok but I removed the TexturesUnlimited mod

fizbMWz.jpgthis is how they show with all dependencies(they have reflection in the small preview window)

Jkc0OJd.pngwhen the part is on the launchpad it has reflections only at the windows

Pciggy4.pngand same thing with the engines too


O9qJcN2.pngthis is my mod list (I took this after I removed textureunlimited mod for the picture but is there)

here is the log file: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1tPM8dOfz3iMIps3ZPGQ9n3AGmWQ611lF

Edited by raptor30
entered log file link
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  On 2/11/2020 at 10:49 AM, raptor30 said:

I use last version of KSP: 1.8.1 and also last version of TexturesUnlimited:


You can see the stock parts don't have the reflection they should have... they show well in the little preview image but outside they are kinda matte...

this is at the launchpad

this one is showing ok but I removed the TexturesUnlimited mod

this is how they show with all dependencies(they have reflection in the small preview window)

when the part is on the launchpad it has reflections only at the windows

and same thing with the engines too


this is my mod list (I took this after I removed textureunlimited mod for the picture but is there)

here is the log file: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1tPM8dOfz3iMIps3ZPGQ9n3AGmWQ611lF


You can see the stock parts don't have the reflection they should have... they show well in the little preview image but outside they are kinda matte...


Actually, those images all show things looking exactly as they should.  The reflections you see are exactly what you should be seeing.  Yes, the icon-previews look different than the parts do in the editor, or in flight (because they are using different reflection maps for each).


when the part is on the launchpad it has reflections only at the windows


That is exactly how those parts were intended (the lander cans).  The windows are of course very reflective, but the metal hull was intended to be more of a brushed-metal style of shiny (so not truly 'reflective', but will still show some environmental lighting effects).


If all of those are fine; I wonder what the problem was with the engines in your previous screenshots?  Perhaps the issues you were having with SmokeScreen were preventing the stock system from working.

I feel I have to put this out there -- in KSP 1.7/1.8, TU does not mess with, adjust, or manipulate the reflections in any way; that is entirely a stock system, and any issues you may be encountering are stock problems, and not something that I can fix.  If the shaders are loaded, and the textures applied, that means TexturesUnlimited is working properly (as that is all that the mod does; load shaders, and update materials on models).

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  On 2/11/2020 at 5:28 PM, Shadowmage said:

If all of those are fine; I wonder what the problem was with the engines in your previous screenshots?  Perhaps the issues you were having with SmokeScreen were preventing the stock system from working.


So it's ok then... I tough that it should look like in the small preview window (there seams to be more reflective) the problem with the first picture with only the engines is taht I had the stock reflections off in the settings when I put it on medium as you see in the settings screenshot it was looking like this after I restarted the game. But I can still see a difference with shiny stock parts that are losing a bit of the reflections after installing textureunlimited mod, not a big deal anyway :D

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  On 2/13/2020 at 2:52 PM, leatherneck6017 said:


At some point did the "enable parachute staging" for re-entry capsules stop functioning? I can't seem to get it to work.


Not that I've personally noticed, but it may well could have if SQUAD did some changes to module staging mechanics.  I'll add it to the list to investigate for a 1.9 release...

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  On 2/13/2020 at 3:01 PM, Shadowmage said:

Nah, just the KSP.log file should be sufficient.  ModuleManager shouldn't be involved in the SSTU parachutes much, and certainly not the staging portions of it.


Loaded up a clean 1.8.1. Here are some files. I have in-game debugging set to show warnings and exceptions, but nothing gets triggered when trying to stage the parachutes. I also tried staging the docking port with no success.



Edited by leatherneck6017
share craft, not save
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  On 2/13/2020 at 5:51 PM, leatherneck6017 said:

Loaded up a clean 1.8.1. Here are some files. I have in-game debugging set to show warnings and exceptions, but nothing gets triggered when trying to stage the parachutes. I also tried staging the docking port with no success.




Thanks for the testing and craft/log files; much appreciated, should be very helpful in my initial investigation.

I've opened an issue ticket on this to keep the information from being lost in the forum shuffle, and will be posting further updates to the problem there:  https://github.com/shadowmage45/SSTULabs/issues/820

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Maybe I need to go over and post this in The Texture Unlimited forum since it seems to be a TU problem but are the GL shaders for Linux users supposed to be working in the latest version? Mine appear to be just as broken with TU in 1.8.1 as they were in the last version ? Just installing TU results in Over saturated textures and broken dulled stock reflective textures. Seems to work fine under windows  DX11. But is still a no go with reg OpenGL or forcing GLcore under Linux ?  Cant do it right now. But if you need it I can grab a couple of pics to upload  and a log? Just wondered if this was just me or if others are having problems with Linux.


Thank's  !

Edited by Delbrutis
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  On 2/14/2020 at 6:37 AM, Delbrutis said:

Maybe I need to go over and post this in The Texture Unlimited forum since it seems to be a TU problem but are the GL shaders for Linux users supposed to be working in the latest version? Mine appear to be just as broken with TU in 1.8.1 as they were in the last version ? Just installing TU results in Over saturated textures and broken dulled stock reflective textures. Seems to work fine under windows  DX11. But is still a no go with reg OpenGL or forcing GLcore under Linux ?  Cant do it right now. But if you need it I can grab a couple of pics to upload  and a log? Just wondered if this was just me or if others are having problems with Linux.


Thank's  !


Screenshots of the issues, and log files, would go a long way towards having the information to even address this (let alone investigate, or solve).  And yes, this much more belongs in the TU thread, as it isn't directly SSTU related.  If everything is working, TU should not touch stock parts at all; zero changes, as it doesn't do anything to them, nor to any of the stock rendering.  If you migrated older TU configs forward (merged new version into the old), there may well be some config-level issues from duplicate files/etc.

Part of the problem is I have zero access to Linux or Mac desktops, so I can only ever 'guess' that the releases will continue to work, and can never do any sort of hands-on testing.  I have no doubts that there may be issues; unfortunately, I cannot confirm them, and any attempts at fixes will be 'guesses'.  I believe they can likely be resolved, but I will need the cooperation of a willing test-case who has time to try out a couple of the attempts at fixes.

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  On 2/14/2020 at 3:17 PM, Shadowmage said:

Screenshots of the issues, and log files, would go a long way towards having the information to even address this


I will try and get a log and a couple of screens up after I get off work tonight. Might be late I am on west coast time and don't get of until 6:00. I will post this in the TU forum where it belongs. I know Linux is a small percent of users and a pain to support. So I really don't expect much . Honestly I'm worried that this new DX11 camera thing and the new shaders is going to end up breaking EVE and Scatterer for Linux and mac users .  Some of the issue may be my old config files but they appear  to be Working under windows.  I'll be sure to get those screenshots  and the log later. Thank's for the response. I was mostly just curious  if it was something with my set up or a general issue with GL users.  I hope Everyone Appreciates the time you put into this I know I sure do. 

Thank's Again !


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  On 2/14/2020 at 4:34 PM, Delbrutis said:

I will try and get a log and a couple of screens up after I get off work tonight. Might be late I am on west coast time and don't get of until 6:00. I will post this in the TU forum where it belongs.


Thanks, your efforts are appreciated; and no worries on the timing, I know all about work responsibilities :)


  On 2/14/2020 at 4:34 PM, Delbrutis said:

Honestly I'm worried that this new DX11 camera thing and the new shaders is going to end up breaking EVE and Scatterer for Linux and mac users .


Already has.  Might be fixable, but it is going to require some additional work out of the devs, as now they need completely separate code-paths and setups; one dealing with a single camera, and one dealing with the multi-camera setup.

Thankfully, the old multi-camera code should be portable to the new versions and stuck behind some OpenGL-only conditions, and it is actually the single-camera setup that will require new work and changes.

The real problem is going to be that the possibilities/capabilities between the two are going to be vastly different.  There are going to be things possible with DX11 that simply aren't available for OpenGL.


  On 2/14/2020 at 4:34 PM, Delbrutis said:

I was mostly just curious  if it was something with my set up or a general issue with GL users.


It could be either, but I suspect and expect it to be a widespread OpenGL problem.

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