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WW2 BAD-T - World War 2 BDArmory AI Dogfight Tournament [FINISHED]

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Interesting to see how a WW2 style tournament is progressing into Star Wars with machine guns and propellers. I did my best to build a really conservative plane, based on the tech and knowledge we had back then.

So I think it would be nothing but fair to keep this really based on WW2, and have a different tournament for post-WW2 design principles. Otherwise the reason we started this thread is a bit meaningless.

And I certainly disapprove of huge spaceplane airbrakes as extra control surfaces.

Edited by Azimech
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Interesting to see how a WW2 style tournament is progressing into Star Wars with machine guns and propellers. I did my best to build a really conservative plane, based on the tech and knowledge we had back then.

So I think it would be nothing but fair to keep this really based on WW2, and have a different tournament for post-WW2 design principles. Otherwise the reason we started this thread is a bit meaningless.

And I certainly disapprove of huge spaceplane airbrakes as extra control surfaces.

Actually the airbrakes would come under space age tech wouldn't they?

- - - Updated - - -

And if you look at my entry for monoplanes, it looks like a pre WW2 polish fighter, and for another example my biplane uses a very WW1 biplane look and uses about 7 struts per wing to make it look the vintage.

Edited by TUKE
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Where is the list of planes?

Working on it, I finished the list now I need to add them to the OP.

The one working on the models is my friend VintageXP, who also made the banner and the badge.

@Kunighit: yes you do, but I also give you one chance to update the AI, just pm me with new AI settings and I will change it for you.

But I will not do this again, if anyone else wants to change their AI settings resubmit the craft ASAP.

And no, no one should be allowed to update a craft that already fought, these were the only two exceptions, no more exceptions will be made.

@Three1415: shock cone intakes and aerobreakes are space grade parts, please try to keep your plane under ww2 era tech.

Also, make it at least look like it would be on a ww2 battle, as Azimech said, that is the purpose of this challenge.

But it would be bad to enforce replicating, I want unique and new designs, so I did not add a rule for that, but new rules always show up when something is being abused.

Same applies for super thin wings, some people will receive notifications to resubmit their crafts because of that.

All-moving wings must also be used sparingly.

No formal tournament bracket will be maintained with future fights to allow late updates, if you knew who you will fight against you would not be able to do that.

There will be some form of tracking for battles that already happened, I am thinking about something.

Both Kunighit's planes resemble a lot the J7W, that's why it's fine, but the second one comes only after the Sanka is eliminated.

@nigelwx: no, I disabled them for you.

Edited by tetryds
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@worir4: looks good for a first plane!

@TUKE: yeah that is a known stock bug that shows up more on FAR, stuff explodes.

Just reading back through and saw your reply to this, i was actually making a point about FAR being weird as my modded floats broke FAR but only for the plane using them, and the original version of the plane with wheels flew fine when i switched to it without even going back to the KSC. The floats themselves are one piece which is probably why they don't mirror.

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Working on it, I finished the list now I need to add them to the OP.

The one working on the models is my friend VintageXP, who also made the banner and the badge.

Is he just doing models or setting them up and doing the .cfg's as well?

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He is making the models, I am setting up the configs, requirements, etc.

Ok, because this will pretty much kill a project i was going to give myself, as i was going to make custom models for my pack. SO instead i will request a version of the hispanio without the casing, as it was not installed on the likes of the Whirlwind, and gives us options.

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Ok, because this will pretty much kill a project i was going to give myself, as i was going to make custom models for my pack. SO instead i will request a version of the hispanio without the casing, as it was not installed on the likes of the Whirlwind, and gives us options.

The pack will have at least one version of each weapon on this challenge's pack and more.

Those will have the same parameters as the current pack, or similar if the way BDArmory works changes.

All weapons will be balanced for gameplay.

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I think you might of set the spread on the turret a bit too high Tetryds. There's already a mass and drag penalty from adding the extra Kerbal with cockpit and it can fire a crate of 800 rounds at a stationary target at 300m and not destroy it. Seems to do even worse when it's flying around.

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Yeah, no tweakscale.

@Darren9: The AI is completely dumb about shooting things on the ground, unless its a cannon or some extreme precision gun where it aimbots.

If you get on the tail of another airplane, yours will have a massive advantage, if you are close enough almost all shots are going to land regardless of you being aimed at it or not.

Think about it, this weapon is meant for a very special case, and excels on what it was made for.

So, you just need to be close enough and its the most deadly weapon in the pack.

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I'm not sure I agree, there's no way to get close and stay close enough, the AI wont use the throttle. It doesn't really matter though. I made some adjustments to the Green_Machine and switched back to twin fixed guns to have a reasonable chance against the Attera which seems the bi-plane to beat at the moment. I'll wait for a judgement on the cockpit - it's enclosed on three sides, that's all I'm going to say :) It's available to test against.


Edited by Darren9
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They're all set to team A, autopilot on in standby, then quickly switch two to team B using the BD GUI. The BD GUI stays in the same place for each craft so it's click, switch craft, click. Almost to quick to see what's going on.

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They're all set to team A, autopilot on in standby, then quickly switch two to team B using the BD GUI. The BD GUI stays in the same place for each craft so it's click, switch craft, click. Almost to quick to see what's going on.

This has the advantage of tripping all the guard modes simultaneously, unless they have different scan intervals.

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This has the advantage of tripping all the guard modes simultaneously, unless they have different scan intervals.

All Weapon Manager modules are set to 1s scan interval, 360 degrees view angle and 5km range.

@Darren9: Eh, that cockpit is not really "safe".

would be better to have something in front of the pilot.

I am adding this as a rule now, open cockpits must be safe.

This does not affect any of the already submitted craft that did not receive a notice for it, by the way.

So, if you already submitted and didn't receive one when you did, you continue to be fine.

By the way, I really dislike people using wings so thin.

Such wings would not have enough structural integrity, and some submissions are starting to force me to add a rule to limit min thickness.

Edited by tetryds
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Hey, I was wondering about average fighting time. I have a good (to me) plane but it has only fuel for 7-8 minutes, I think it'll be enough but, I want to learn about other matches, how long they are?

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Hey, I was wondering about average fighting time. I have a good (to me) plane but it has only fuel for 7-8 minutes, I think it'll be enough but, I want to learn about other matches, how long they are?

The longest match so far was 5 battles on a total of 30 minutes.

I believe that the max that one battle is going to last is about 12 minutes, 8 minutes for long ones and average 4 minutes.

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Hey, I was wondering about average fighting time. I have a good (to me) plane but it has only fuel for 7-8 minutes, I think it'll be enough but, I want to learn about other matches, how long they are?

The big question, reduce fuel and fly better, or keep it and fight longer.

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All Weapon Manager modules are set to 1s scan interval, 360 degrees view angle and 5km range.

@Darren9: Eh, that cockpit is not really "safe".

would be better to have something in front of the pilot.

I am adding this as a rule now, open cockpits must be safe.

This does not affect any of the already submitted craft that did not receive a notice for it, by the way.

So, if you already submitted and didn't receive one when you did, you continue to be fine.

By the way, I really dislike people using wings so thin.

Such wings would not have enough structural integrity, and some submissions are starting to force me to add a rule to limit min thickness.

I wouldn't mind wing thickness limits being a thing for monoplanes, and maaaybe jets. WWI Biplanes did have terrifyingly thin wings though, requiring wings to be reinforced via struts or similar in a logical manner would possibly look much more Biplane-y. Though stock struts are a tiny bit on the heavy side, maybe only require 2 of them? Hard to say.

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I wouldn't mind wing thickness limits being a thing for monoplanes, and maaaybe jets. WWI Biplanes did have terrifyingly thin wings though, requiring wings to be reinforced via struts or similar in a logical manner would possibly look much more Biplane-y. Though stock struts are a tiny bit on the heavy side, maybe only require 2 of them? Hard to say.

Stock struts are heavy to the point that I am almost making custom ones for this pack using MM, really.

What do you guys think? Custom struts would be good?

They would be in three types: 1kg, 5kg and 10kg.

Any other part modification that fits this challenge can be added to this pack.

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