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Survived !


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I'm messing around Eve but I didn't plan to land on the planet. I've probes designed to land there and a station from where I operate.

I was collecting science from "near Eve" with my generic vacuum heavy lander (3000m/s for 7T) which I use for Gilly.

Then Aldrick Kerman said : "Why not give it a try, it's quite nice down there !" No heat shield, no air-brakes, no parachutes, piece of cake !. Well, he's only a scientist, what does he know about piloting and heating effect.


Starting from LEO, burn for 60km PE, use 1000m/s leftover fuel to slowdown at high altitude (it's a terrier). No heat problem (no gauge appeared), terminal velocity at 55m/s.

I jumped out of the ship 50m before impact. Both pilot and ship survived. I only broke the Terrier

PS : Career mode, normal difficulty.

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Hi Warzouz

I suggest that Aldrick has now plenty of time to take a little walk around, maybe going to swim a bit in the explodium sea...:wink:.

Or climbing a mountain with a tabletop, that could help the rescueteam... if you consider any rescue at all, but i really hope so.

Good luck Aldrick... errm... yes :P

Edit... oh no... R.I.P. Aldrick

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Eve... where the gravity is so punishing you fall over and DIE.

I dunno if you're trying to make this "hardcore" or anything, but I personally would disregard that incident as the glitch it is and load a quicksave.

Well, I quicksaved BEFORE deorbiting. The goal of the mission was to gather science from space near Eve and grazing the upper atmo to go get science too.

I deorbited the lander, just to see if it could survive the landing. I was very very surprises it did.

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Well, I quicksaved BEFORE deorbiting. The goal of the mission was to gather science from space near Eve and grazing the upper atmo to go get science too.

I deorbited the lander, just to see if it could survive the landing. I was very very surprises it did.

Landing on Eve is easy, even in 1.0.4. Getting back off of it is the challenge...

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