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Difficulty centering docking port (VAB)

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I'm trying to attach a docking port facing downward in line with a fuel tank but it doesn't seem to want to attach itself to the green node; I can center it approximately by hand but it just isn't enough to keep the craft from bending when I throttle.

If i look at the structure from the side instead of from below it does attach but the wrong way around (docking side against tank).

Is there any workaround? Is it a bug? Am I doing something wrong?

Will attach pictures later if necessary (dont tell anyone im writing from the office :P)

My spacebound kerbals will appreciate any help avoiding unplanned dissassembly!

Edited by Francio
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Not a bug, just KSP's building system/UI being... far from optimised.

Best thing to do is rotate camera to have the attached surface so that it faces any side of your screen (top, left...) but not towards you (hope that's clear enough, I'll add pic if asked). Then approach the docking port you want to attach by above or right... You should be able to place it the way you want quite easily.

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For future help: Some parts just won't attach to a node, like the place-anywhere RCS thrusters, even if you hold Alt. To fix this, place if close enough to centered, then use the offset widget to move the part. It will move in snapped intervals, but one of those will always be centered on the part you're attaching to.

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Thx everyone for the quick response!

  FancyMouse said:
hold alt when attaching to force attach to node. if it's wrong way, wasdqe to get the right orientation before attaching.

This seemed to work just fine

OMW to Minmus to do some science


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Personally, I switch 2x radial symmetry on and tweak the position until the two elements overlap perfectly. Then without moving the mouse I switch symmetry off and click.

2x mirror works on centering on the middle of a side of a tank/fuselage too if it's placed across the hangar. (e.g. a tug based on LF fuselage long, engines on the far ends, docking port in the middle).

It's worse with fuel cell array: its center of mass is not in the middle.

Edited by Sharpy
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