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Lost all re-entry heat / aero effects

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For some reason I have lost all effects relating to re-entry heating and it appears that the craft are not heating up since no matter what speed I come in at the ablator value never decreases. I did have mods installed when I first noticed the issue, but have since removed them all and started a new game to test and it has made no difference what so ever. Have tried reloading physics.cfg and that has made no difference either...

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


Edited by gazzareth
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I noticed the same thing after I copied and pasted KSP over to a new branchoff folder and I deleted the physics config, after that, I noticed that things wouldn't cool off properly.

I've tried copying and pasting the correct config over, but nope, I think there may be more to it than just the physics config.

Edit: Wait, module manager has physics cache, maybe if I delete that, pretty sure I don't need MM with the stripped down mod setup I have on the branchoff KSP atm.

Edit2: Yeah, removing MMs cache did the trick. Either that or copying everything but the gamedata folder into the branchoff folder again.

Edited by smjjames
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Are you running your main game from Steam? If so, try doing a cache integrity verification on it (right click on game in library > properties > local files).

Edit: The only reason why I didn't copy over gamedata is because there was already a gamedata folder with the mods that I wanted in the branchoff KSP. Besides, you're going to need the SQUAD files in the gamedata.

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I had this problem once while using 1.0.3.

However if i went into the game folder and started the game exe, rather than using a shortcut, the problem did not appear.

Edited by Nefrums
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If you remove the Physics.cfg KSP replaces it with a broken copy, you can find a link to the 1.0.4 Physics.cfg [here].

You can also have issues if you start KSP via a shortcut on the desktop, as KSP can look on the desktop for the Physics.cfg, fail to find it and run with incorrect values.

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I had this problem once while using 1.0.3.

However if i went into the game folder and started the game exe, rather than using a shortcut, the problem did not appear.

If you remove the Physics.cfg KSP replaces it with a broken copy, you can find a link to the 1.0.4 Physics.cfg [here].

You can also have issues if you start KSP via a shortcut on the desktop, as KSP can look on the desktop for the Physics.cfg, fail to find it and run with incorrect values.

Thanks for the help - you're bang on. Had started launching through Jebretary instead of STEAM - gone back to launching through STEAM and all seems good again !!


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You can also have issues if you start KSP via a shortcut on the desktop, as KSP can look on the desktop for the Physics.cfg, fail to find it and run with incorrect values.

I had the same issue on my Ubuntu install, and you just saved me hours of trying to figure this out on my own. Solved by adding "cd path/to/ksp/" to my launch script :D

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Yep, love being able to make a script or shortcut change directory for me on Linux ;)

Are you trying to claim that this doesn't work?


...or a .bat file that does something like:

cd c:\games\ksp
start ksp.exe

Edited by Padishar
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Are you trying to claim I claimed Windows could not do that? Because that looks like what you did....

Fact is most people just right click their exe and click "make shortcut", drag it to the desktop and wonder why it doesn't work, then come here and say that KSP is buggy.

The issue is resolved, don't turn this into an argument.

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Are you trying to claim I claimed Windows could not do that? Because that looks like what you did....

Don't be so defensive, I'm not trying to turn this into an argument (he argued ;) ). I didn't claim anything, I just asked a simple question because your post sounded to me like you thought this was only possible on Linux...

Fact is most people just right click their exe and click "make shortcut", drag it to the desktop and wonder why it doesn't work, then come here and say that KSP is buggy.

MS may have fixed it recently (though I don't think that's the case) but when I do exactly those steps on Win8.1, I get a shortcut with the correct directory specified...

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