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I always take an engineer along on missions... you never know when you'll need one to fix a flat rover tire - plus they always carry duct tape with them.

Clearly the real reason to take an engineer along is that they are the only ones who know how to get the refinery to turn out ethanol 'hydrazine'. :D

Happy landings!

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Yup, that's exactly what I did for the "Kerbahashi Maru" bridge simulator. Bill's station has the KER equipment, and of course that's Bob in front of the science console. Might look cool on a large ship to have a separate 'main engineering' room, with half of the ISRU clipped through the floor like a generator.


I looked at that pic and my first thought was: "Karaoke Night"

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I stuck a docking tower on top of a cupola. Someone on KSP IRC helpfully pointed out I just ruined the point of having a cupola - the windows.

I sat in it anyway, fired up the rasterpropmonitor displays. Looked at the blacked out windows and thought - hey, in a galaxy far far away a long time ago, this really reminds me of some reactor control room if we had some way to project imagery onto the blank windows in front of the operator's console.

That's it, cupolas for engineering sections for me. Infact that's what I did on my Interplanetary Cat Exploration Vessel. It has a cupola facing the main drive section for monitoring, diagnostics, maybe get a tan from all the radiation too.

It's not very visible in this pic because the auxiliary fuel tank is still docked to the back of the ship, but once it's gone, clear view of engines, secondary ion drives and the control stations for the ion drives and solar wings. (Yes, kerbals actually sit in the cargo bays where ion drives are mounted!)


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I just put engineers in external command seats where they have a good view of the ship (and can light it up without using electricity). I might put them inside a Hitchhiker Module or something similar if they're lucky, or if aerobraking or reentry is involved. Obviously the pilot should go at the front (if there is one) and scientists need to be able to store science somewhere where they can easily access the scientific equipment.

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I also have this, which are seats in the cargo bay close to where all the avionics, the useful-data-generation-thingies like that tape recorder thing, the batteries, the auxiliary fuel tanks, the storage containers. To simulate the work environment of traditional "real" Victorian-era engineers, no air conditioning!

So it's alright if engies don't have their own engineering section of the starship, I will engineer my own. Hehehehe!

Cool ship! I like that design. Here, eat a rep cookie for your awesome deisgn.

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Where engineers belong are in cabs of steam locomotives!:cool: But for real, they should have a pod, Where all the info you see in external view (stages, engine stats) are in screens in the pod and the resource tab info is in there too. Then there would be a screen if anything bad happened (blown up, broken etc) as well if anything important happened, staging or docking, Stats of crew like from Map view, Mini map view where if you click and drag, will rotate, and a view of the ship on a screen instead of a window with the click and drag thing like map.

Oh and an I phone playing, "Trust Me I'm an Engineer!":P

very rough example


Edited by Spacetraindriver
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Where engineers belong are in cabs of steam locomotives!:cool: But for real, they should have a pod, Where all the info you see in external view (stages, engine stats) are in screens in the pod and the resource tab info is in there too. Then there would be a screen if anything bad happened (blown up, broken etc) as well if anything important happened, staging or docking, Stats of crew like from Map view, Mini map view where if you click and drag, will rotate, and a view of the ship on a screen instead of a window with the click and drag thing like map.

Oh and an I phone playing, "Trust Me I'm an Engineer!":P

very rough example



Cool example

And nowI want a mod thatreplaes all VAB/SPH music with "Trust me I'm an engineer" (most kerbal song ever)

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