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[1.7-1.9] SMURFF: Simple Module adjUstments for Real-ish Fuel-mass Fractions 1.9.1 (02019 Nov 12)


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[LOG 20:08:50.736] Applying update SMURFF/Special_UniversalStorage2/@PART[USHydrazineWedge]:BEFORE[zzz_SMURFF] to UniversalStorage2/Parts/Fuels/HydrazineWedge.cfg/PART[USHydrazineWedge]
[LOG 20:08:50.739] Applying update SMURFF/Special_UniversalStorage2/@PART[USAerozineWedge]:BEFORE[zzz_SMURFF] to UniversalStorage2/Parts/Fuels/AerozineWedge.cfg/PART[USAerozineWedge]
[ERR 20:08:50.741] Error - Failed to do a maths replacement: @MODULE[USFuelSwitch] : original value="0.042|0" operator=Divide mod value="4.2"
[LOG 20:08:50.741] :FOR[ZZZ_SMURFF] pass

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  • 9 months later...
7 hours ago, Professeur Fromage said:

Is this still working with KSP latest updates ? I installed it with RSS but I'm barely able to reach orbit even with huge rockets and very small payload, and not able to reach the Moon or other planetSs

I haven't got my RSS install upgraded to 1.12.5 yet, but I just tried SMURFF in my test install and it seems to be working.  As a quick test, if you load up the stock Kerbal X in the VAB, it should give you 8850 m/s with SMURFF, compared to 'only' 6428 m/s in the stock game.

Even with SMURFF, you'll still need to make pretty substantial rockets to get into space, and even more so to go interplanetary -- approximately 9.5 km/s of delta-V to get into Earth orbit (you only need 3.5 km/s or so for Kerbin), plus another 3+ km/s to escape.  The Saturn V had a launch mass of nearly 3,000 tons (compare to 130 tons for the Kerbal X) to put about 140 tons into Earth orbit and send 44 tons towards the Moon, of which 15 tons landed on the Moon and 5 came back to Earth.

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  • 1 month later...


I'm having some trouble getting it to work. It seems to not patch any of the stock fuel tanks or engines.



Edit: Looks like an incompatibility with Rational Resources. I'm using these:







If I had to guess, I would imagine it's an incompatibility with the RationalResourcesSquad module.

Any help would be appreciated!

Edited by UltraJohn
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On 3/4/2023 at 10:12 AM, Professeur Fromage said:

Is this still working with KSP latest updates ? I installed it with RSS but I'm barely able to reach orbit even with huge rockets and very small payload, and not able to reach the Moon or other planetSs

You can try the Transmogrifier mod, which is an extension of SMURFf (in my sig). It’ll rescale basic rocket parts to real scale/volume.

probably won’t work with procedural style parts though.

Edited by Nightside
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Is there any mod that makes the tanks not behave as tough as. . .  a tank?  The parts in this game seem pretty impervious to destruction. I'm going to guess this is a compromise/limitation of how the game doesn't seem to model materials (at all?). I'm guessing it also doesn't really account for twisting vs bending vs shearing types of forces that can act on them.

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8 hours ago, Kurld said:

Is there any mod that makes the tanks not behave as tough as. . .  a tank?  The parts in this game seem pretty impervious to destruction. I'm going to guess this is a compromise/limitation of how the game doesn't seem to model materials (at all?). I'm guessing it also doesn't really account for twisting vs bending vs shearing types of forces that can act on them.

Yes, it's a game engine limitation and there is no mod afaik that "fixes" it. The only thing we have is the vanilla joint rigidity but even that is faulty, that's why we have to use the Kerbal Joint Reinforcement mod. Even in the realism overhaul mod you can put an entire Saturn V on top of a space shuttle orange super lightweight tank, or massive weights attached to the side of balloon tanks, and accelerate them to 10G with no worries. I guess we can only simulate realism up to a certain extent, and beyond that, we can only pretend (or live with the guilt, your choice).

Edited by mateusviccari
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  • 4 months later...
  • 5 months later...
3 hours ago, Zyberdash said:

Is SMURFF not compatible with Cryoengines and Cryotanks? They seem to have way less deltaV than the stock engines.

I intended for SMURFF to work with those mods, there's some code specifically to handle them -- but it's also possible something broke while I've been away.  One thing that's tricky about LH2 is that it's very low-density, so you need much bigger tanks to hold a comparable mass of fuel.  If you just swap out the tank type in-place, there will be less fuel and therefore (possibly) less delta-V, even with the higher Isp.  The way to be sure is to add tanks until the total mass is the same as the original LF/O vehicle, and then compare delta-V.

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  • 4 months later...
26 minutes ago, BOBBER said:

Regarding cryo fuels, i've noticed LqdMethane is around 40% density of LqdFuel, but it should be more like 80%. Any way to modify this?

The density of kerosene is 780-850 kg/m3. The density of methane is 415 kg/m3. What's wrong?

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  • 3 months later...
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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/6/2025 at 7:44 AM, Squirrel Slapper said:

Aye, it does for me

Afaik Benjee's mods are made for 2.5-2.7x scale so your ACK parts are probably coming out somewhat overpowered.

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1 hour ago, JD_ said:

Afaik Benjee's mods are made for 2.5-2.7x scale so your ACK parts are probably coming out somewhat overpowered.

Not even slightly. None of the default SLS craft files included in ACK can even reach Earth orbit. I've had to heavily modify them all to have this base capability.

Mostly clipping more fuel tanks into the first stage, but also clipping into the RS-25 engines a second set of RS-25 engines that are activated by the same stage that separates the SRBs. Then replacing upper stage engines with ones that actually work (it is not hyperbole to say that the starting TWR of Block I's interim cryogenic propulsion stage is 0.21 in vacuum by default).

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1 hour ago, Squirrel Slapper said:

Not even slightly. None of the default SLS craft files included in ACK can even reach Earth orbit. I've had to heavily modify them all to have this base capability.

Mostly clipping more fuel tanks into the first stage, but also clipping into the RS-25 engines a second set of RS-25 engines that are activated by the same stage that separates the SRBs. Then replacing upper stage engines with ones that actually work (it is not hyperbole to say that the starting TWR of Block I's interim cryogenic propulsion stage is 0.21 in vacuum by default).

I said 2.7x scale. RSS is 10x Kerbal scale. Big difference.

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