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Master Tech Aerospace


How do you guys like the part color? Vote for how you would improve it  

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  1. 1. How do you guys like the part color? Vote for how you would improve it

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  TMasterson5 said:
I have been honored by the red vs. blue guy! *gasp* yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas! Also this is why I asked for the animation help on your mod page the other day. And thanks for your compliments. Any suggestions on parts/look?

Hate to break it to you but your thinking of Scoundrel. I just comment my rear off around the BD Armory related forums. That being said, thanks for the mix up? I don't mod at all, I just know a lot of useless stuff that leaks into suggestions

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Hmmm, well, your modeling is coming along nicely, especially compared to your first release. As is your texturing. For what to do next...recreations of existing parts is never a bad idea, though I'm not sure what your vision for this mod in general is. Touching up what you've already made, re-modeling for better fidelity and texturing work are never going to be the wrong way to go.

As for actual parts to add...nothing comes to mind. Maybe some non US/Russian weapons? Those two seem to always be overdone

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Thank you and yeah many hours have been spent in blender and Unity for this update. My vision in general is to get it to be a stand alone mode as much as possible since it has a different texture that all the other mods so it doesnt really mesh with them very well. So weapons bays and engines will be next once I figure out animations. As for weapons between BD Armory and PEW that have the US and Russian weapon spectrum pretty well locked down honestly so maybe I will look into some Euro weapons or something.

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Dev will be paused for about a month since staring next week I will be gone for about three weeks. Dev will resume when I return. Until then please feel free to make requests or comments on here about the mod and I will try my best to respond. Thank you for your continued support and understanding!

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I'm glad to see you are interested in making ksp weapons and am very impressed with your progress already. If you run into any issues feel free to PM me and if you decide to make guns using non vanilla ammo types please consider using C.A.L to help with compatibility if a new ammo type is needed also PM me and I will update. Any other questions once again feel free to PM.

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  LORDPrometheus said:
I'm glad to see you are interested in making ksp weapons and am very impressed with your progress already. If you run into any issues feel free to PM me and if you decide to make guns using non vanilla ammo types please consider using C.A.L to help with compatibility if a new ammo type is needed also PM me and I will update. Any other questions once again feel free to PM.

First off having you compliment my mod is huge. I've seen and use your mods on a regular basis and they are all awesome. If I do make any weapons I will most likely use an existing ammo type and that is a long ways off anyways. Next step for this is me figuring out animations and making more engines and weapons bays. Again thank you for the compliments and offer!

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  DownHereInChile said:
The people of Kerbin ask for stockalike textures! And a Su-30 cockpit (Two seater Su-27), please :)

Wellllll the SU-27 Cockpit is already included so I can just do some CFG changes and get you a two seated varient for that once I retur . As for the stock alike textures that is still a ways off as I will have to essentially make an entire second set of textures and models for that. Next on the to do list is figure out animations and work on the weapons bays and engine . Stock a like will probably follow after that and will be included as an alternate texture option in the download.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hey guys just a heads up Im not stopping support for the mod, I am just insanely busy at work right now and for the foreseeable future. But I will return when I can and knock out these weapons bays and engines and then stock a like texture for you guys. Thanks for all of your support so far!
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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys V.3.4 is up with an F18 cockpit and the first look at the stock like texture. Hope you enjoy it and as always let me know what you think and thanks for your continued support!

Edited by TMasterson5
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Alright guys I know a lot of you have been waiting for this so it is finally here, the first rendition of stock a like textures for MTA. Includes all parts that dont already exist in stock. If you wish to use the stock a like version only place that folder into your game data. You can have one or the other, not both stock and MTA style. 

IMPORTANT: The cockpit names have changed so before you update ensure that you remove any MTA cockpits from your craft or you will lose the craft.

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