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[1.0.5] FASTCORP Roads 2.2a Colliders Hotfix


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A mod for Kerbal Konstructs

Last updated Jan 2nd 2016 - Colliders Hotfix




FASTCORP proudly presents its first ever released mod for Kerbal Space Program - Roads!

Throughout the many Konstructs mods there are roads - but they're attached to something much larger and don't have the capabilities to be actual road systems.

That's the reason I've created this mod, for the purpose of creating your very own roadways to travel or test your speed machines.

The parts were created with Sketchup Pro, textures were made in Photoshop, and bump maps were made with CrazyBump.

If you'd like to get involved with this mod, suggest new parts, report a problem, etc. please email me.

Be sure to check back here for updates on the project! :D





What's New (Version 2.2):


Because of the sheer size of the superhighway, it WILL reduce performance. If your computer is med- or low- end, I would suggest that you download the "CustomFree" version of the mod. FASTCORP Island will also have a small impact on performance. This is a consequence of having very modular parts.


Billboards and Signs! Also, banked curves!







Version 2.2 - Signs of the Times
    They're Canadian, as I am Canadian.

    Make your own billboards! Simply replace any image in the Billboards folder. Make sure it has a 2:1 ratio (e.g 1024x512, 2048x1024)

+Banked Curves!
    A 45 degree banked curve and a 90 degree banked curve.

+Parts to get onto banked curves!

-Last update for a while.

Note: It may take a while for the game to place all the statics. Loading time will increase. Delete the "Customs" folder if you don't want any custom stuff. It may look like the super highway is not there, but when you launch a vessel it will be there. [COLOR=#ff0000][I]I STRONGLY suggest you have either the superhighway or the racetrack island at once.[/I][/COLOR]
Version - 3, 2, 1, Go
Please delete your FASTCORP Folder before installing this version, unless you want to keep your tracks, then follow the text file in the zip.
+DDS Textures!
    Quicker loading and less memory usage
+It's a release version of 2.1 with updates
Version 2.1 - 3, 2, 1, Go (unreleased, includes all below)
+Modular Racetrack Parts!
    Brand new racetrack parts as modular as you can get em!
        The list of parts is too long! Play the game and find them all out 

    New Scenery items to make racetracks easier to make
        Grass block - Set it at the same height as your racetrack parts and it will always be a tad lower.
        Faux Mountain - Fake mountain (Kinda polygonal, might update model in future)
        Faux Terrain - Simple hill
        Pit Garage - It's also a launchsite! LAunch your cars right near your track instead of driving wherever you've built it
        Fence - it's a fence
        Barrier - it's a barrier

+Stunts (By amankduffer!)
    Stunt parts by my mod parter, amankduffer!
        Double width ramp
        Single width ramp
        Barrel roll ramp
        Small ramp

+Hazard Racetrack Parts
    Sandtrap - bumpy sandy trap for pushing others into

+Claimed FASTCORP Island!
    Check out the forum post for images on where FASTCORP Island is!

+FASTCORP Island Silverstone Replica
    Custom Silverstone circuit replica on FASTCORP Island!

+FASTCORP Island Stunt Park
    Custom Stunt Park containing amankduffers Stunt Parts!

+FASTCORP Island Terminal
    Airplane Terminal for landing your planes containing your cars!

+Support for Konstructs' Custom Instance Importer
    All custom instances are now located in the "Customs" folder. Delete anything you don't want in there.



Check out FASTCORP Island! Currently the location of all custom racetracks (aside from the highway)


Please note that the SuperHighway is, in fact, a racetrack as well, so there are jumps and off road portions and gaps in the road for the purpose of racing enjoyment.



The old textures (left) vs. new textures




Overhead view

2015-08-19_12_22_08.pngHighway parts


First two racing parts


Confetti particles!



Future Plans:

Red: Distant Future | Orange: Planned | Yellow: Beginning the work | Blue: Nearing Release (Most likely on next release)


***Hiatus*** Runway Pieces - Thanks for the suggestion KBluey! - Konstructs already includes runway pieces. Therefore, this part of the mod will get in as a feature sometime in the future.

Plugin to place roads Rollercoaster Tycoon style


Recommended Mods (Stock wheels just don't cut it):

Alpha Ash's Rovers and Roadsters

KduffersKorp Multiwheels

Kerbal Foundries


Delorean in video


You may notice spaces between models. Please view this thread for the reason why.


CC-BY-NC-SA (also in download)


This mod was one of my first ever KSP mods. It will be either remade or succeeded by a much better mod that does the same function, but has major improvements.

Edited by Snark
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Very nice! I have a highway system that I was working on creating for the old Kerbin City and Kerbal Constructs mods, but due to the nature of complexity I have held out to wait for the full x64 edition of KSP. Nonetheless this would be a great addon for Kerbin Side (I made the Aircraft Carrier which is under slow revision.) Also would be great for the Cities of Kerbin mod I'm working on (also under slow revision).

'Slow Revision' = real life stuff interfering with modding time.

Edit: Now looking it some more, it looks like a Matchbox Motorway play set. :D

Edited by Eskandare
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  KBluey said:
Any plans to develop landing strips on other planets? I would love to be able to have smooth, long landing strips for large vessels on Laythe and Duna.

I actually came up with the idea of a roads mod when driving on Duna and flipping too many times... I'll look into it.

Edited by fast_de_la_speed
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  KBluey said:
Any plans to develop landing strips on other planets? I would love to be able to have smooth, long landing strips for large vessels on Laythe and Duna.

Look to the near future as I am updating Oceania for Kerbin Side, I have a few models I was creating for super cool landing strips on Duna, Laythe and Eve, as well as space for building cool bases.



Yes, yes, I know it is a big ol' boring concrete block with runway lights and markings. Also made one for Duna, and a mound for building bases for the Mun.

Edited by Eskandare
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  sashan said:
Please make them wider. Even my normal-sized tanks for bdadmory will have problems navigating them.

in time, sashan. These roads were created to scale of Alpha-Ash's Rovers and Roadsters. When the highway parts are released, you'll have plenty of room for tanks, large or small :)

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The next update will put your road systems out of place! ;.;

I've been fixing the origins of all parts, and your roads may need some small adjustments to be normal again.

This is to increase simplicity for placing parts, as the new origins are a lower corner of the model. This utilizes the copy-paste function of KK to it's full extent for now until the placing plugin is released.

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...I may pick this up just for the sake of trying it, I could see this being fun to make like, roads from base to base, as you unlock them for KSP Career, or just having a preset that links various bases together via roadways so you could literally drive from base to base. (*purely for the fun/RP value though in that case*)

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  KBluey said:
Any plans to develop landing strips on other planets? I would love to be able to have smooth, long landing strips for large vessels on Laythe and Duna.

you can place them with kerbinside i think

- - - Updated - - -

  HiAmerica said:
Suggestion: Once you have finished all the road and highway peices, make some structures, like houses and stores so that we can build towns.

me and some frirends were gonna develop that https://www.facebook.com/groups/896184303787433/?fref=ts but ut kinda died down after i couldnt figure oiut wat this fine gentlemen has!

- - - Updated - - -

  Jetenginestar said:
Race tracks anybody? :P

ive got da wheels!

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For a proper race track you will need to develop some road parts to facilitate the transition between flat roadways and angled roadways to counteract the momentum during high-speed turns. You'll also need to further modularize these parts so that two roadways can be placed side by side to create a wide road, and provide options for variable lengths of curve roads for the inner/outer lanes of the curve. This is going to get complicated fast unless you can get some sort of procedural lengths/shapes built into this stuff.

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  Gaalidas said:
For a proper race track you will need to develop some road parts to facilitate the transition between flat roadways and angled roadways to counteract the momentum during high-speed turns. You'll also need to further modularize these parts so that two roadways can be placed side by side to create a wide road, and provide options for variable lengths of curve roads for the inner/outer lanes of the curve. This is going to get complicated fast unless you can get some sort of procedural lengths/shapes built into this stuff.

banked turns are on their way, as you can see in the "planned" and there will be special racing pieces released that do just as you said. In the next update, the Highway parts will double as racing parts and can do around 80% of what you asked for. Also, there are two racing parts that are releasing with the highway update (a start line and a one-way start piece) will wet your appetite for the full racing release. And as for procedural lengths, more curves of different sizes will come with the racing update for this purpose.

Edited by fast_de_la_speed
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  Slam_Jones said:
Awesome!! I've wanted a road system for a long time :D

Any chance you can (eventually) upload a map with the road systems laid out? That'd be epic :)

Possibly with Kerbin City, adding a highway between it and the KSC?

On that note....I might try that.

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