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Is anyone else experiencing Too-Much-KSP-Syndrome?


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Personal cycle:

Phase 1: growing interest in the game. Gathering inspiration from missions and designs posted on the forums. Picking up the game.

Phase 2: setting up ambitious missions throughout the Kerbol System with interplanetary vessels.

Phase 3: interest in the game declines. Retreating Kerbals to Kerbin and only playing short mission mostly on Kerbin and in LKO.

Phase 4: bored with the game and shelving it for some time.

And ... repeat. I'm now somewhere between phase 4 and 1.

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I can definately relate.. but.. like everyone's saying.. its a cycle..

I shall tell a story

I brought KSP after looking at it pre .20 days with a computer far too old to run it since my last one went bang in a wind related power surge some years before.. I never renewed the PC because.. all games just seemed to be.. meh recently.. im a big follower of the indie scene but besides from City Car Driver.. nothing really appealed to me or made me think wow.. I have to get a PC for this..

One day I brought a PC on a whim.. an old ex rental Core2Duo WX4600 HP workstation... I tried KSP demo but found its existing graphics card wouldnt handle it..

out of curiosity and nothing to lose .. PC cost 90.. I plugged the only remaining component from my former PC into this one.. an nvidia GTX260..

oddly enough. it ran. and ran well.. and so did KSP demo..

around 0.23 I purchased KSP on steam.. played with it for a while.. blew up things but.. hmm space flight. I love it... but. i HATE with a passion using time acceleration for anything.. it makes things feel so . fake and disconnected.. I had the same problem with Frontier Elite 2.. loved taking off planets.. annoying police and other ships.. hated playing the game due to time acceleration requirements..

I dabbled with KSP for a while on and off but.. generally left it alone.. put it in one of them.. good but .. meh.. categories of games of which I seem to have a few..

a few months later I brought a joystick and while the flight model was questionable.. started to love KSP again.. ignoring space entirely but loving aircraft..

I happened to lose a plane around 40km from KSC.. but the terrain made everything that tried to land there to rescue jeb just crash the same horribly..

I needed a way to rescue the pilot..

I built a rover.. then wondered what would happen if I used docking ports to make a trailer...

An earth shattering click happened.. I love trains... the trailer grew to a train and the rover grew to a locomotive..

THEN started the cycle :)

1... KSP trains.... wake up on weekend.. TRAINS.. spend half a day tweaking one rather than actually driving... sun goes down outside without notice.. work tomorrow..

2. next weekend(s) same happens.. start to wonder if this is healthy.. goto play KSP for 10 minutes end up building a battery electric shunter for the growing ecosystem of jet propelled locomotives that now scatter outside KSC in bits and on the taxiways now becoming a railyard..

3. a few months go by.. things get a bit stale and this plane that started it all is no closer from being rescued.. 100s of kerbals die in the course of train driving.. the plane is forgotten about... things start to get less interesting..

4. I wonder if I can do x, and if I do x.. will y happen... oh.. it does.. ok then.. i'll mod y to do z and then... ohhhhhhhhhhhhh... so it does work.. I like this modding stuff..

5.. next few weeks dedicated to not actually playing KSP but testing mods and modifications of existing parts to achieve an outcome.. the diesel electric land train..

6.. swear that I wont ever open KSP again and i'll actually enjoy weekends after the work week... to hell with KSP.. its a mysterious time-space void..

7.. spend weeks driving trains with the goal of circumnavigating kerbin... revitalising train development.. giving a purpose to train operations and modding requirements

8: goto line 1.. if no line 1.. goto line 6, 7 then 8.. Run program...

It never ends...your trapped..dont try to fight it..it'll only get worse

Edited by Overland
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Glad I'm not the only one who operates in cycles like that :D

I went thought a phase where I'd get as far as getting stations around Mun and Minimus and then a new update would come out and I'd restart career mode.

Then after playing for a while i'd reach the point where I'd make stupid mistakes and have to repeat stuff, or things would start to get a bit repetitive. I spend far more time in the VAB making stuff than I do flying them, and often find the nause of launching it and flying it to wherever before I can find out if it does the task I want it to can be be annoying, and I get bored and stop playing for a while

This time around I just rebuilt my PC with Win 10 and was reinstalling stuff so put KSP back on and started having a fiddle. I helps that the wife's away for a few days as I've been glued to it the last few evenings :D Now have a station orbiting the Mun and building one to go to Minimus and hopefully can complete most of the tech tree operating from those two stations. I've also made one major change this time around and have installed MechJeb, I'm finding it pretty good for taking out the drudgery than make the game boring. By the 20'th time I've set up a node and fiddled with the handles to get a circularisation burn set up properly or align my plane with the target it starts to get boring, MechJeb's doing a great job of freeing me up from the stuff that I know how to do but just takes time, and lets me concentrate more on the fun stuff like designing new craft or figuring out how to land more efficiently.

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On Saturday KSP made me forget to eat... I only had lunch through the whole day, was too stuck to my screen :S

Fortunately it'll wear off in a few more weeks and I'll do something else for a couple of months. Then come back to KSP ¬_¬

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too many distractions in th pm, i play before breakfast afew minutes. i think more about design than actually play the design, once i know a new design works its time to move to the next problem.

This months problem is making a pod rover seat combo that allow really cheap repeat landing a science missions. Needs to be able to store science. next phase a more efficient landing engine, since it has a docking port jr I was thinking about addition bottom nodes on either side of the port's node on a specialized fuel tank.

I've already built a grand tour ship with Vasmir like engines and a lander. I occasionally was refueled when i missioned to eve or Duna system.

Im not into the grandious designs anymore because they are impracticle in hard mode, Hard mode gets you in minimalistic designs, design efficieny and combo designs.

the designers delimna is how to make things more efficient with out reaching for a warp engine, a fusion reactor, a nerva with a 2000 Isp, or a LfOx with an Isp > 475. So the other way is too reduce weight with tight designs, less panels, smaller reaction wheels, and no-heavy science. Also small doesn't need man. thrusters (IRL yeah they do, but really small ones will do, haven't built those yet)

- - - Updated - - -

  SmashBrown said:
Yes a little, after struggling with fps issues since windows 10.. i am feeling a little burnt out and fed up.

my new system in bits and pieces including M$10 is on the way, Socket 775 board i am using has a problem communicating with the new networking hardware, can only link now with wifi and this gives A cold boot block on the bios.

Thinking about a windows

linux dual boot, I wanna do some C programming, getting tired o windows, too Much Gui.

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Too much KSP? Hm... maybe there is, but I deny it. If I have "finished" a Career I think about the next one and what approach I would take this time. On top of that I started modelling and modding. Learning Blender was really hard, but it starts to pay of. So maybe in a few weeks I'll show the outcome of my second project after the Black Sky...

Modelling and modding is even MOAR time consuming than actually playing KSP... Speaking of which - it is THE game have THE blast of my gaming career ;)... Why should I stop? I know I'm addicted, but I don't care.

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  Dafni said:
Same here. As with any addiction I still tell myself I could stop anytime I want to :D yeah, right.

Yes. Yes. I hate KSP I Hate it. It's eaten up most of my glorious summer...

...but i can't stop. I need to make an SSTO with a 40% payload fraction. Then 45%. Then 50%! I CAN'T STOP!

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