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Ground rover overheating on the ground.

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constructed a skeleton rover, a chair, octagonal struts, 4 rugged wheels, single prob e tron, mech jeb, ( planned to use it as a remote rover when they left) and powered by 4 Pb nuke radioisotopes .

worked well , balanced handled roll overs well but after about a minute I noticed the wheels were starting to overheat. So I parked it and looked at it to see if the heat would dissipate. over the next minute I watched as the wheels turned cherry red and the octagonal struts exploded due to overheating....

Hmm, I get the idea of overheating, flying at +800 m/s below 20,000m, or a atmospheric reentry, BUT NOT ON THE GOUND PARKED!!!!!

really need to look at this heat effect it doesn't work.

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Yes ive had it.. and out of all bugs and misguided features ive seen poured into KSP over the last 2 years.. (including M1 rover wheels losing brakes now for the last few updates.. MOON rover wheels everyone uses...)

Im sorry squad and the dedicated developers that brought us this wonderful simulation...

but this time I shall have to say... the new heat feature is.. S I L L Y!

Dont get me wrong, I love things overheating realisticly..

theres nothing better for me than having a locomotive working hard with her generators screaming running at 100% with the wheels slipping trying to tackle a steep grade.. just as a slowly overheating engine brings realism to the elcano challenge and train operations I undertake.. without it.. it'd be one less.. "living" factor I would miss..

but having this radiated heat that seems to go crazy on parts it shouldnt.. even on stock stuff.. its just wrong.. especially for a 1.0+ game.. im sure in time it'll be a wonderful feature once its tweaked but it needs more time to bake.. no pun intended..

Batteries exploding. trusses going into melt down.. things exploding into dust randomly after a save is loaded and even normal use.. silly..

it makes me quite sad because at first I enjoyed it.. until it got embarrassing..

As someone whos undertaking the elcano challenge with a train I very much love..

seeing her entire front hood glowing like a heating element from 2 jet engines turned into detriot engined genset that have served me well for over a year flawlessly.. its.. very sad.. to see the state of KSP like it is as a whole not only my craft in unwarranted thermal distress

her front wheels and pretty much every part forward of the cab glowing with heat slowly climbing for no good reason... including while shutdown as if someone had taken an oxy torch to the hood while standing shut down in the cold darkness of a save file..



its just plain wrong.. I dearly hope its fixed.. for me.. I do ground things.. I rarely leave kerbin. .distance still means alot to me.. and a train isolated 100s of km's on a run is still as alone as a space craft on the edges of the solar system.. both could so easily meet an untimely end not so much due to pilot or operator error.. but due to this insane heat modeling..

as someone whos had KSP since 0.20 its disheartening..

im not usually one to take a stand in this way.. im thankful for KSP and all the joy its brought.. sadly.. someone has to speak up :(

Edited by Overland
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Right now your best bet is probably debug menu (alt-f12), physics, thermal, turn down conduction to 3 or so.

I'm pretty sure there's an error in Squad's heating implementation that's allowing a feedback loop where a hot part makes the next part hotter which then makes the original hotter, even when no part is an active heat producer. Which causes this bug, whereby you find a random part is just heating up all by itself. Rather poor that it's still not fixed, tbh. Hope Unity 5 solves it...

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It's not like we don't know that parts overheat and explode but Squad are concentrating on 1.1 and Unity5 now.

I've been working around this issue by using other parts instead of the cubic strut, which due to its size has always been a problem in KSP, prior to overheating it was always the cause of other crazy physics issues such as causing craft to simply shake themselves apart, this always used to happen when using this part with wheels.

So instead of the strut I use empty Oscar-B fuel tanks, they are light, small and they surface attach, they are also not subject to the overheating bug.

Changing "PhysicsSignificance = 1" to "PhysicsSignificance = 0" in the strutCubicOcto.cfg might also prevent this overheating issue.

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