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[WIP][1.3.1] North Kerbin Dynamics - Nuclear Bombs and Heavy Ordnance Pack (and other things) v0.84b


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  On 10/14/2017 at 2:16 AM, loves ksp mods said:

i have installed it like you said but now the weapon manager says now weapon manager found when i have 1 on my craft  and still says now weapon manager found it is annoying 



also tsar bomb does not explode


well I have that problem with the tsar too, so thats normal, but make sure the weapon manager is on the craft, and didn't break off, and make sure its the weapon manager and not one of the other extra things

*Edit* Its kinda hard for me to troubleshoot problems when im not the one controlling things

Edited by acerarity
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  On 10/13/2017 at 6:12 AM, loves ksp mods said:

hey i cant find my weapon manager in bdarmoury with north kerbin dynamics i use 1.3 mods for 1.3 kerbal space program and i installed it in two ways first i copied north kerbin dynamics to the bdarmoury folder inside of game data couldent find weapon manager then i deleted bdarmoury and reinstalled it 1.3 and put the folders inside of north kerbin dynamics into freshly installed 1.3 bdarmoury still no weapon manager so please help ;.;


ok thx i will try it


HI there is NOTHING right about the way you have installed these mods.

NO mod should be added to another mods folder, EVER  , been modding KSP since 2012 and that has never been part of the proceedure for adding mods

NO mod should be added to the Squad folder

The only place for a mod to be is in its' own folder in GameData AND be the release version, not a copy of a dev version not a copy of the source.

In the case of BDA the correct file for KSP 1.3 is https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/releases/download/v0.3.0.0/BDArmory.

When you download that file you will have in you r downloads  BDArmory.   Unzip this folder Inside the zip you will find GameData, open that folder and within you will find the actual BDArmory mod.  copy this BDArmory folder to your KSP GameData . DONE, don't move anything,  don not change anything.  This mod is now ready to run.

No idea what the state of play with NKD downloads is right now, but last time i looked it was very similar , download a zip  , extract that zip , open the NKD v0.036484 or whatever it is folder , remove and place the North Kerbin Weaponry folder into GameData. 

  .Although i seems that 50% of users have it installed incorrectly.

  The zip file extracts to NKD_-_North_Kerbin_Dynamics_for_BDArmory-  , and i have seen many logs and even users of the mod state for people with problems that you should install that folder and just remove the - from the end of the folder name, while this sort of works,it is not correct . The only folder from that download you install is North Kerbin Weaponry, and only to GameData.

Hope that clears some of the confusion.  ALL mods install this way, there are no exceptions to this that i'm aware of. .  KSP/GameData/TheMod---

Edited by SpannerMonkey(smce)
mixed up quote owners
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Since BDArmory Continued now has all ammunitions in CAL and another universal ammo box, I guess it's time that CAL could end.

I'd still keep the ammo box as a legacy since tons of users would still use it, as well as those MM patches, but NAS/NKD should no longer require it to work.

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  On 10/18/2017 at 6:21 PM, [NL]chemonlgames said:

so the folder called north kerbin weaponry need to go in gamedata and still i cant see the mushroom cloud


You will have to read the thread for the current state of the North Kerbin Mod, as i have not looked at it for a while. Perhaps a current user could assist???

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  On 10/18/2017 at 6:27 PM, [NL]chemonlgames said:

i cant see the mushrooms cloud

i cant find it 


For technical reasons i cant quote the post but go back a few pages to a post on 8/11/2017 , which deals with the issue you mention, As far as i'm aware the situation remains the same.

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  On 6/13/2017 at 1:06 AM, Next_Star_Industries said:

Like I said the install folder is wrong. It has the version number and the config files aren't pointing to it. The install folder needs changed to be just North Kerbin Weaponry and everything works fine.


i cant see the mushroom cloud from the nukes can you pls help me 

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  On 10/19/2017 at 4:26 PM, [NL]chemonlgames said:

i cant see the mushroom cloud from the nukes can you pls help me 


It appears NKD v0.84 isn't compatible with the newest release of BDAc Not sure if @harpwner seen it had been updated or not. The current version of NKD v0.84 is compatible with the previous version of BDAc v2.1.2 so you will have to revert back in order to use NKD as it currently is.

Edited by Next_Star_Industries
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  On 10/21/2017 at 11:58 PM, Next_Star_Industries said:

It appears NKD v0.84 isn't compatible with the newest release of BDAc Not sure if @harpwner seen it had been updated or not. The current version of NKD v0.84 is compatible with the previous version of BDAc v2.1.2 so you will have to revert back in order to use NKD as it currently is.


Whoa wait what? I had a new computer upgrade so that accounts for the off time... but this is news to me. I tested with BDAc before release so maybe I released the wrong one?

Also a LOT of my files got wiped because I switched hard drives for boot, which means I have to revert and re-update through that... sorry.

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  On 10/22/2017 at 3:51 AM, harpwner said:

I tested with BDAc before release so maybe I released the wrong one?


There are no nuke explosions when running with KSP 1.3 and BDAc BDAc changed the missile launcher code a little in v0.3.0.0. I haven't looked at NKD source code to be sure this is the issue. Did you compile for KSP 1.3.1 by chance? The BDAc team has a beta version for KSP1.3.1.

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@harpwner disregard my previous comment I forgot I have a dev build installed of BDAc. After placing the release v0.3.0.0 in everything works as expected. If others are having errors it will be because of an incorrect install. Again I apologize for the mistake. Nice changes by the way loving it.

Edited by Next_Star_Industries
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