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[WIP][1.3.1] North Kerbin Dynamics - Nuclear Bombs and Heavy Ordnance Pack (and other things) v0.84b


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For those wondering where I am right now, it's not uncalled for. I'm giving myself a mental break for some personal reasons, however, also for reasons having to do with BDArmory.

From what I've seen, the BDArmory thread is still down, and the code that is breaking all my explosion effects is still broken. With such integral parts to this addon being broken or gone, I've decided that for the time being I would shift focuses. Right now I'm working on more college applications (a bit late) so I can get those off my mind. I've also gotten just a bit sucked into Elite: Dangerous so there's that as well.

Do not fret! I will return, but only when BDArmory returns nice and fixed.

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Hi all,  It's time to update PEW and as such I need NKD to be fully operational,  and as @harpwner is otherwise engaged I have made one little fix in the code and recompiled  NorthKerbinMod.dll.   ALL i've tested fully are the parts I need for PEW so the rest of the mod remains as per last release and untested.  Place un zipped dll in NKD plugins folder.

And of course if there's a problem with providing a link I'll remove it. 


HarpExplosive.cs Line 71 changed weapon.timeFired to weapon.TimeFired

Updated references to 1.2.2


ps not taking over just a fix so I can update PEW nothing more

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  On 2/6/2017 at 6:30 PM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Hi all,  It's time to update PEW and as such I need NKD to be fully operational,  and as @harpwner is otherwise engaged I have made one little fix in the code and recompiled  NorthKerbinMod.dll.   ALL i've tested fully are the parts I need for PEW so the rest of the mod remains as per last release and untested.  Place un zipped dll in NKD plugins folder.

And of course if there's a problem with providing a link I'll remove it. 


HarpExplosive.cs Line 71 changed weapon.timeFired to weapon.TimeFired

Updated references to 1.2.2


ps not taking over just a fix so I can update PEW nothing more


I have no issue with this, hilarious how only one line needed to be changed... and at that, only capitalization!

well I'm still kind of bogged down. haven't touched ksp for a while and, if I have to be honest, am having troubles to do with relationships. I need stability before I can work on this again, and the very earliest estimate I can give is around spring break. Just be aware it could be as late as early summer when I return. I am keeping tabs here but just nothing development-wise.

sorry everyone

- Harpwner

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey! Awesome mod. I totally get that you need time to take care of yourself so by all means, go for it. But for if/when you or anybody else might pick up this mod, I have a suggestion. Nuclear bombs are more than smoke and fire; two interesting phenomena are flash blindness and retinal burns. For the former, the retina can be bleached for as many as 40 minutes quite a considerable range from the detonation, while the latter is permanent retinal damage from having the explosion directly in a person's FOV.

What I'm saying is that it'd be cool to see a big, bright, white flash before all of the fire and smoke effects. I'd even settle for the flash not lasting a half hour! :P

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This is a great mod with potential to amazing fun to play around with however, for some reason the nuke always vaporise my aircraft  but wouldn't even scratch the ground vehicles at ground zero. I know your busy with your personal life at the moment, however do you or anyone else know of a simple solution to this? so that at least everything gets taken out!

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  On 3/3/2017 at 11:21 PM, Morvran said:

This is a great mod with potential to amazing fun to play around with however, for some reason the nuke always vaporise my aircraft  but wouldn't even scratch the ground vehicles at ground zero. I know your busy with your personal life at the moment, however do you or anyone else know of a simple solution to this? so that at least everything gets taken out!



I found airbust detonations are much more efficient, possibly because terrain/buildings can block the explosion, so anything that doesn't have line of sight to the explosion won't be destroyed. You can edit the cfg file of a nuke to make it airburst though. See link in second quote.


  On 12/15/2015 at 10:18 PM, Collider1 said:

The nukes in this mod are (possibly accidentally) very realistic in a certain way. When detonated at an altitude (I made the bomb detonate in its bay) the nukes do a much better job at destroying the KSC than when detonated at ground level. Could you maybe try implementing a timed or altitude detonation option? (The code for BD armoury's cluster bombs could maybe be used for this?)

Ground Detonation: (Only radio dishes destroyed)


Altitude Detonation: (Only administrative building survived)


I tried a few tests and there was some variation depending on the impact/detonation point, but air-burst detonations typically performed better, I think the detonation may only damage buildings it has line of sight to, so at ground level it often only damages the buildings near it, whereas an air-burst has line of sight to most of them.



  On 5/26/2016 at 1:09 PM, Collider1 said:

I found that by shoehorning the cluster bomb module from BDA into a nuclear bomb's cfg file, it's possible to make it detonate at an altitude between 100m and 1000m, which is pretty useful for maximising its destructive potential on the KSC.





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  On 3/4/2017 at 12:23 AM, Collider1 said:

I found airbust detonations are much more efficient, possibly because terrain/buildings can block the explosion, so anything that doesn't have line of sight to the explosion won't be destroyed. You can edit the cfg file of a nuke to make it airburst though. See link in second quote


Yes, and that might explain why both ground and air targets are destroyed, however hitting a target directly with a nuke would still cause it to be vaporised as well not just the aircraft dropping the nuke.

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  On 3/4/2017 at 2:33 PM, Morvran said:

Yes, and that might explain why both ground and air targets are destroyed, however hitting a target directly with a nuke would still cause it to be vaporised as well not just the aircraft dropping the nuke.


Yeah, I think I recall some direct hits not destroying the target before, maybe the nuke clips into it, or the ground, causing it to glitch. Try airbursts and see if it fixes the problem.

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  On 3/5/2017 at 4:08 AM, Jacksonion said:

Hey so i have a problem were when iam flying/moving the bomb effect will move and not stay were it exploded is there any way to fix that?


Hi thats a knock on problem caused by a soon to be resolved problem in BDArmory continued,  NKD is reliant on BDA core for a few things, and explosions are one of them. Nothing can really be done until the fix in BDAc is done, so please bear with us ,  the root cause should be resolved shortly

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I'm having an issue using the nuclear weapons similar to that mentioned by lolzor back in September. I can be flying at nearly mach 3 with 22km between me and any nuclear weapon, and my craft will die from overheating regardless. I've tried editing the cfg file to reduce blastradius and blastpower parameters without luck. Does anyone have a fix for this?

EDIT: forgot to mention that I've got the latest release of BDArmory continued, NKD, and CAL. I've also got Ferram Aerospace, ProceduralParts, B9 aerospace 6.3.1, B9 Pwings, Kerbal Foundaries continued, InfernalRobotics 2.0.10 and parts rework installed.

Edited by Elmetian
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  On 3/5/2017 at 11:43 AM, Elmetian said:

I'm having an issue using the nuclear weapons similar to that mentioned by lolzor back in September. I can be flying at nearly mach 3 with 22km between me and any nuclear weapon, and my craft will die from overheating regardless. I've tried editing the cfg file to reduce blastradius and blastpower parameters without luck. Does anyone have a fix for this?

EDIT: forgot to mention that I've got the latest release of BDArmory continued, NKD, and CAL. I've also got Ferram Aerospace, ProceduralParts, B9 aerospace 6.3.1, B9 Pwings, Kerbal Foundaries continued, InfernalRobotics 2.0.10 and parts rework installed.


Its a bug which is bundled with the BDA code. As spannermonkey said, the root cause should be resolved shortly.

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