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WWII Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress Bomber

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Version 2.0 up!


[Majorjim's contributions]

-Centered tail

-Wings cleaned up

-Cockpit centered

[selfish_meme's contributions]

-centered engines

[Columbia's contributions]

-Moved cockpit slightly back

-Lowered part count to 393

-Lengthened wings

Download link still the same. Feel free to try it and give feedback!

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..You know what?

Screw this, I'm going to develop it more.

After a lot of testing, I found that:

-When filled to full capacity, the controls would screw up (wat da hell, squad T_T)

-The decoupler's force on the bombs would push them together.

-Wings were much more wobbly..

Works on new update! It's being done :)

- - - Updated - - -


could this



be more powerful than this?



Those are too puny for bombing missions.

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Well, I just experienced the problem of lowering landing gear causing explosions.

I can't believe I released a "stock" craft designed to work under KJR (which I believe should totally be stock. The joints in KSP are too noodle-y.)



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I agree with the kjr becoming stock. Things get too annoying without it, but I feel obliged to not use it, when I release crafts.

Me too.. Very, very pestering.

My patience is slowly depriving, and I don't want to be bashing against Squad.

I could throw away the B-17 and then release this as a bug testbed instead. At least it will have some decent purpose. *rolls eyes*



Edited by Columbia
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Me too.. Very, very pestering.

My patience is slowly depriving, and I don't want to be bashing against Squad.

I could throw away the B-17 and then release this as a bug testbed instead. At least it will have some decent purpose. *rolls eyes*



Dude, what gear is causing an explosion? That's what used to happen to it before I changed the rear landing gear.

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So, would anyone be brave enough to test it for themselves and give feedback? I fear that I overlooked something, or decided to just leave it there in the aircraft.

Thanks! (I need reasons to keep working on this, I feel like I hadn't done enough)

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I'll give it a go.

Mind you, for a future project, KJR is unnecessary. For example if you want to use cargo bays but the joint strength isn't enough, then build a frame and attach the bays to that. Of the 93 crafts I've uploaded, none need KJR, and they're not exactly known for being flimsy.

But I agree that the joints system needs a colonel overhaul. The idea that only part mass contributes to joint strength is both counter-intuitive and dead wrong.


I think you could call this a final. This is a plane to be proud of. It flies very well and bombing is fun. Good job!

Edited by Azimech
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I'll give it a go.

Mind you, for a future project, KJR is unnecessary. For example if you want to use cargo bays but the joint strength isn't enough, then build a frame and attach the bays to that. Of the 93 crafts I've uploaded, none need KJR, and they're not exactly known for being flimsy.

But I agree that the joints system needs a colonel overhaul. The idea that only part mass contributes to joint strength is both counter-intuitive and dead wrong.


I think you could call this a final. This is a plane to be proud of. It flies very well and bombing is fun. Good job!

Thank you, Azimech! (once again :P) Your suggestion of a frame to attach the cargo bay to is really clever, I need to try that sometime on the plane.

I swear, when I uninstalled KJR and tried the B-17, I kept muttering "How do people fly this? No wonder people were experiencing so much problems!"

Thanks again. :)

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Well, this had come a long way..

Ever since the first metal frames have been laid in August 3, all the way to today, it's come a long way.

Slightly irrelevant, but I made this sketch of a B-17 with only memory to rely on from the research done.. Here it is.


I drew it in Autodesk Sketchbook.. What do you think?

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The tail needs to be more prominent, but other than that, it's awesome!

Thanks! Looking back at it, I feel the same, too..

Also, I'm considering making a preview video for this aircraft, or a cinematic of some sort. But.. my video editing skills are not the best. :P I think I'm being too ambitious with all these ideas.

Oh, and how about a BDArmory variant? ...I'll stop now.

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I'm more curious to see a new construction from you, if I'm honest :-)

Alright! I have a few ships, but none of them are complex enough to deserve it's own thread.

To be honest, though, I still feel that i need to pay back all the rep and feedback you guys gave me, as I don't think I've done enough. :)

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Reputation isn't some kind of economy, fuggetaboutit :-)

LOL, okay fine I have to confess, I love developing this plane.. To abandon development for it is for me -- abandoning a space station you've been docking modules to for your entire KSP life.

I'll stop being cheesy now. :P I think I'll update it again.. soon. But for now, I think it's decent for the time being. :) Thank you!

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I see no reason to stop making it better, as you learn you can fix things or you might just think of a btter way to do something.

Alright, then! I'll continue developing it, but along with other projects.

The following has been added to OP:

Known and probably unfixable issues:

-When filled with Kerbals, the controls screw up (Can be remedied by going IVA into the Cupola.)

-The aircraft yaws to one direction during takeoff runs, by phantom forces? (Often the case is it lifts off before anything gets worse. It doesn't roll or yaw mid-air. You can try to fight it with SAS or manually, but good luck if you're going to try the latter.)


Since this is a taildragger and very heavy, this is going to be particularly need a bit of demand.

-Start engines and open throttles on runway. SAS is best left on.

-By 20 m/s, aircraft may start yawing to one direction. Good for you if it doesn't happen, but in eiher case, be careful. Keep it on centerline until next step.

-By 50 m/s, pitch down. Ja, down, until aircraft is perfectly level with ground.

-By 70 m/s, pitch up quikly, aircraft should be aloft by then.

(If you're lazy, you can just leave it there, it can ascend on it's own.)

Bombing procedures:

--Open cargo bay (Custom01).

--Release bombs by staging. There are seven bombs in the bay, so if you're not using the interface, you should count the number of bombs. When the seventh bomb drops out, it's the end.

---Watch the explosions unfold!

Also, this is the 99th post of this thread! Egads..

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Alright, then! I'll continue developing it, but along with other projects.

The following has been added to OP:

Known and probably unfixable issues:

-When filled with Kerbals, the controls screw up (Can be remedied by going IVA into the Cupola.)

-The aircraft yaws to one direction during takeoff runs, by phantom forces? (Often the case is it lifts off before anything gets worse. It doesn't roll or yaw mid-air. You can try to fight it with SAS or manually, but good luck if you're going to try the latter.)


Since this is a taildragger and very heavy, this is going to be particularly need a bit of demand.

-Start engines and open throttles on runway. SAS is best left on.

-By 20 m/s, aircraft may start yawing to one direction. Good for you if it doesn't happen, but in eiher case, be careful. Keep it on centerline until next step.

-By 50 m/s, pitch down. Ja, down, until aircraft is perfectly level with ground.

-By 70 m/s, pitch up quikly, aircraft should be aloft by then.

(If you're lazy, you can just leave it there, it can ascend on it's own.)

Bombing procedures:

--Open cargo bay (Custom01).

--Release bombs by staging. There are seven bombs in the bay, so if you're not using the interface, you should count the number of bombs. When the seventh bomb drops out, it's the end.

---Watch the explosions unfold!

Also, this is the 99th post of this thread! Egads..

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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