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WWII Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress Bomber

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If you have not removed the elevon props then I bet they are the phantom yaw
Hmmm ... could it be that the landing gear isn't exactly in line with the rest of the plane? That would explain the yawing on the runway.
Check the COL dude. It will show you if you have a lift imbalance to port or starboard.

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll take a look this weekend.

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What I know so far:

This yawing only occurs during the takeoff run, but SAS can correct it rather easily, and the plane would often take off before things got worse.

The plane is perfectly stable in flight;

That's all. Not much info.. Do you guys also experience the yaw issues, or is it just me?

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I've started conducting flight tests.


I removed the propeller blades (as selfish_meme suggested) and took it out for a flight.

I left it without SAS or any control, and in a matter of seconds, it was off the runway already and blew up.

So prop blades are out of the picture.

More testing to continue!





- - - Updated - - -


Majorjim was right, there was a lift imbalance:


So I attached a few "test flaps" to center the lift and see.


The result caused an even deadlier yaw, blowing apart even quicker.



..I think I'm ruling that out for now..

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I can see from that top shot the two engines are not mirrored, whats happening there?

Short story: Horribly made parts.

Long story: Fairings were used for the engines, and as we all know, fairings can't be replicated by symmetry, so I had no choice but to place it by hand (A very tedious process.)

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Since I have nothing better to do, I decided to edit the B-17 to polish it to remove it's most prominent problems.

As if the yawing wasn't a burden enough, this happens now:



This is frustrating.

Thanks for the overheating bugs, Squad! <3

Edited by Columbia
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sorry meant cubic, duh, yeah SBM is a must


So.. we need mods to get the game working correctly. Isn't that appalling.

With all the plagued problems the aircraft has now, I think a rebuild of the entire thing is the last resort to keeping it alive.

I seriously feel like ranting right now..

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I am considering flying my me 262 against this thing!

I'd love to see it :D

How the hell does Slashy(GoSlash) even play without SBM? SBM is a complete godsend for (mostly) stock players.

I don't either, I haven't run into so many issues as well.. and I find it kinda cheaty when creating a stock ship.

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I'm not a fan of it all. The screenshots just look like the contrast is set too high. It looks too washed out. Having said that I am happy to test the bad boy today.

Well, you have a point..

Updated OP to indicate current state.

I hope my time is not too limited. Pictures will be up soon.

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