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How we feel about the new Panther engine.

Sharkman Briton

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Totally agree! More parts is always good. And 0.625m jets is amazing! I started a thread asking for them, maybe a year ago? Man I cannot wait to fit one to my Rolls Royce Thrust Measuring Rig!

I've wanted small jets for a while, too. I don't think I've said anything, though. I hope the rest of the parts get this kind of art pass.

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I thought kbs was a space simulator, not a flight sim :(

I remember when it was just a ballistic flight simulator, with space as just somewhere you might reach but definitely not return from. KSP has seen a lot of evolution, some of it not even in the original plans. Aerodynamic flight was not in the original plans by Squad, but it was a challenge they took up when enough folks trying out the game made mods making it happen. KSP is not just a flight sim, but it is definitely more than what it began as. No need to feel discouraged by this, as those of us who still enjoy the ballistic flight side of the game have seen rewards by development into the aerodynamic side. Heck, we might not even be seeing re-entry heat but for the work being done with aerodynamics.

And I rather enjoy strapping on the Mk 1 cockpit onto an upright rocket over the Mk 1 Command Pod, especially as it gives more of a view.

That also doesn't stop me from using jet engines for assisted lift-off for smaller rocket payloads since they are cheaper. I look forward to seeing what the Panther provides to that end.

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I consider the new jet engine superfluous. There is not much on Kerbin worth going to unless you do the xxx-scan missions. Instead an electric propeller system for non-oxygen atmospheres would have been the hit. Or at least a really VTOL usable engine that doesn't take one hour to run up (or better jet engine sim where small deltas in thrust are performed faster than large ones).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I gotta say, no offense to Porkjet, but I am not a fan of the new Mk 1 cockpit (as shown on the very first page). I prefer the style we have now (updated as of .25), with a canopy, over the "windows" look.

And maybe I should have said so before, but I still don't think that ordinary jet engines should produce visible trails with shock diamonds, etc during normal operation. At full afterburner, sure, but when just cruising along?

Edited by Commander Zoom
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Kerbal Flight Simulator keeps getting better.

Just because plane parts are added and expanded doesn't mean that KSP loses it's rocketry features too. I mean, look, we have an SSME! That actually matches the plane part aesthetic theme!

Honestly, I get slightly disturbed when people say that KSP's turning into KFS (Kerbal Flight Simulator.) Rocket parts are perhaps just as expanded as spaceplanes are --- And no, aerodynamics improvements aren't just for planes. Rocket launches are much more challenging in 1.0, as well as fairings, and such.

You will see some love for rockets too. It's just that spaceplanes seem to have more attention. And besides, who doesn't love it when Porkjet runs free?

- - - Updated - - -

On topic: I am drooling for every single part. Why did you have to make us so hyped, Squad.. I want it so hard.

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I am really excited about everything I just saw - the new jet textures in particular make me want to weep with joy, and it's best not to get me started on the Mk 3 cargo ramp (I'll be doing some very interesting things with it on Laythe :D)

But I kind of agree with the whole FS argument; not that this isn't something I love, because this is amazing, but I feel like I'll be satisfied with that side for a while after this update. The next update, I'd love to see something interesting added to the planets, or something interesting added to spaceflight. Now that we can build awesome planes, how about giving our spaceships awesome uses?

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@Pecan I think the rocket parts are getting an overhaul sometime after 1.1. Not sure on that tho.
Max said on a Squadcast, I think it was the last one, that most, if not all of the rocket parts are getting an overhaul eventually.

I do hope propellers are added into the stock game soon.

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B9 and BahamutoD's modpack already had similar parts, but it's nice to see such an engine go stock. Game had a hole between the gentle turbofan and superpowered SR-71 type engine.


This will make me actually use aircraft. Or at least jet engines. I'm seeing a jet launchpad; big turbofan engines to get the rocket up as high as possible, pick up some speed, then you light the rockets and dump the wings and jets.

You mean like another... stage under your rocket? :o

Edited by Temeter
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I have mixed feelings. It will be nice to have a 0.625-meter jet, a medium-thrust 1.25-meter jet, and a subsonic 2.5-meter jet, but none of those are what I'd have asked for if Squad had offered me any one new jet of my choice. I'd have asked for a new supersonic 2.5-meter jet--something I could use to build Mk 3 SSTO spaceplanes with three engines (two size-2 jets and a Mainsail/Skipper) the same way I build Mk 2 spaceplanes with two Whiplashes and a T-45.

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Well... the Panther is cool and so are the airliner/ cargo plane parts... but I fail to see the utility of them in career or science mode.

Unless you just happen to like building airliners and fighter planes (which... nuthin' wrong with that), I don't see how they give us anything that improves gameplay.

That is... unless we are going to need to haul lots of kerbals and/or cargo long distance for science or maybe set up tracking stations. And even then... fighters? *scratches head*..

I'd really like to see more development in other areas, personally (although I do loves me some spaceplanes)... but I'd love to have electric props, hydrogen bags for blimps, pontoons, automatic part recovery for boosters/ etc.



Edited by GoSlash27
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Well... the Panther is cool and so are the airliner/ cargo plane parts... but I fail to see the utility of them in career or science mode.

Unless you just happen to like building airliners and fighter planes (which... nuthin' wrong with that), I don't see how they give us anything that improves gameplay.

That is... unless we are going to need to haul lots of kerbals and/or cargo long distance for science or maybe set up tracking stations. And even then... fighters? *scratches head*..



I agree with this. We need more plane contracts considering there is a whole building just for planes.

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Well... the Panther is cool and so are the airliner/ cargo plane parts... but I fail to see the utility of them in career or science mode.

Unless you just happen to like building airliners and fighter planes (which... nuthin' wrong with that), I don't see how they give us anything that improves gameplay.

That is... unless we are going to need to haul lots of kerbals and/or cargo long distance for science or maybe set up tracking stations. And even then... fighters? *scratches head*..

I'd really like to see more development in other areas, personally (although I do loves me some spaceplanes)... but I'd love to have electric props, hydrogen bags for blimps, pontoons, automatic part recovery for boosters/ etc.



Setting "checkForOxygen" in the intake configs to false would let plane parts start pulling their own ram and part clutter weight easily

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