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KSP is coming to the Wii U


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I just finished day 1 of medschool and i'm suspecting that what i'm seeing here is an hallucination due to too much work..

there's no way that this is not a joke.

What is wrong with you squad ? Wii U ? For realz ?

-crappy CPU (and ksp is CPU demanding)

-wiimote control ? Well... Maybe not the best for rocket piloting...

-aren't there already 2 ports going on ?

-ils flying tiger going to do it ? Can wee see what they are capable of before anything ? (Except their masterpieces on their website)

-how are three console ports not going to slow down PC dev ?

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That was not at all what I was referring to. I was referring to the large quantities of hateful ignorant statements concerning the Wii U's userbase, as well as the high volume of posts that more or less can be summed up as "I think SQUAD is selling out". The former are just flame-baiting at best, and the latter serve basically the same purpose.

My advice to any who wish to complain: learn to do so tactfully. Insulting 10 million people who bought a Wii U by declaring that they're all "kids, soccer moms and grannies" is not tactful. Not even a little.

UB40 had an awesome reply to the people who accused them of selling out.

"We aren`t in the music business to NOT sell records..."

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It actually could work, though. Better than the PS4 / Xbone at least - assuming we're to use the big Wii U controller with the screen.

I'd imagine it where the map screen is on the controller screen and the ship is on the TV. You'd of course drive with one stick and move the camera with the other, etc. etc. Long story short, the Wii U provides more total control axes than its peers, and its "crappy GPU" is still a million times overqualified for KSP.

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UB40 had an awesome reply to the people who accused them of selling out.

"We aren`t in the music business to NOT sell records..."

I do not agree with that statement. For two reasons. Firstly, UB40 are the single worst band in the history of music. Secondly, a musician who actually cares about the art would not have 'selling records' as their primary aim. What they are is business men, not musicians/artists.


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It actually could work, though. Better than the PS4 / Xbone at least - assuming we're to use the big Wii U controller with the screen.

I'd imagine it where the map screen is on the controller screen and the ship is on the TV. You'd of course drive with one stick and move the camera with the other, etc. etc. Long story short, the Wii U provides more total control axes than its peers, and its "crappy GPU" is still a million times overqualified for KSP.

Crappy GPU may work now, but what about when clouds and other goodies get added?

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Crappy GPU may work now, but what about when clouds and other goodies get added?

Look at GTA V. Released on console with alright graphics and stuff.

Way later, released on PC, with massive graphical improvements.

That's usually how it is anyways, why would KSP be different?

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While I, personally, am pretty "meh" about the whole thing, the Wii U is a more perfect fit for KSP. The wand could double as a flight stick for example.

Little worried about the CPU stuffs, and the whole "not entirely finished" state that KSP is in. I sincerely doubt Ninty would let squad release a new KSP game every other month or so.

So I guess we better get this game finished for good, eh Squad?

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Meh. I may say this with some "mustard race" sentiment, because I have some, but I've always been so sceptical about these ports, and here comes another one.

Fair enough, SQUAD says it won't detract from us PC'ers and our game won't change (and I hate to be that guy, but SQUAD said 1.0 was a release worthy game, and that statement is laughable, so I question the credibility of this one), but this whole thing just seems like an absolutely MONSTER cash-grab to me. Now wait, hear me out... I know SQUAD has to make money, but all I want is them to channel all this revenue into getting a large, very competent development team instead of a small one where people seem to mysteriously leave every few months. Then, with aforementioned bigger team, hammer out the bugs and then give us PC'ers - the ones who got SQUAD to this point - a released game.

And I also can't help but think with these ports KSP becomes more of your "console game". I know that's a stereotype, but KSP should be hard and the learning curve should be difficult, by the nature of space travel. You have to install a mod by default (6.4x scale) just to make the game as difficult as it was in 0.90. It's incredible. And by porting to these consoles, I can't help but think the game will have to be dumbed down yet again. And inb4 "go play Orbiter", we're on about a KSP where swivelling radiators magically suck heat from the hottest part of your vessel which could be several metres away, and you can process Liquid fuel and Oxidiser from "Ore".

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(pokes head back in for 5 minutes and sees this BS ....

Fine, you win forums, I'll answer one post.)

I couldn't care less about KSP coming to consoles and don't understand what's all this hate about.

As long as it doesn't hurt the PC version I'm okay with it.

Thats exactly what we're all concerned about (at least me). The console versions are going to need insane optimization to not run like a pile of steaming dog doo. Our (read: my) concern is that none of that will see its way to PC. Why should it? The PC version works and SQUAD is graced with a community that keeps building stronger rigs more than it complains about performance. They could get away with not optimizing the game we're so tolerant of it. Our fear is the optimization Flying Tiger has to do won't cross-pollenate back to PC because it won't need to. The PC version runs 'acceptably' and no point rewriting code that works.

(Okay that was a bit sarcasm-heavy but it does express a valid concern. We've been given no promises the above scenario won't happen, so why should we assume its not a possibility?)

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I don't even. Well, OK, the port itself doesn't concern me as long as it doesn't harm PC version. But NINTENDO????? What, noone remembers their abuse of the Youtube Content ID system? And Squad intends to do business with them? Seriously?

Edited by KasperVld
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(pokes head back in for 5 minutes and sees this BS ....

Fine, you win forums, I'll answer one post.)

Thats exactly what we're all concerned about (at least me). The console versions are going to need insane optimization to not run like a pile of steaming dog doo. Our (read: my) concern is that none of that will see its way to PC. Why should it? The PC version works and SQUAD is graced with a community that keeps building stronger rigs more than it complains about performance. They could get away with not optimizing the game we're so tolerant of it. Our fear is the optimization Flying Tiger has to do won't cross-pollenate back to PC because it won't need to. The PC version runs 'acceptably' and no point rewriting code that works.

(Okay that was a bit sarcasm-heavy but it does express a valid concern. We've been given no promises the above scenario won't happen, so why should we assume its not a possibility?)

Ooooooh, alright. Now I understand.

I hate consoles.

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I don't even. Well, OK, the port itself doesn't concern me as long as it doesn't harm PC version. But NINTENDO????? What, noone remembers their abuse of the Youtube Content ID system? And Squad intends to do business with these arseholes? Seriously?
Cash > ethical concerns.
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I have to say, after trying the XBOX controller with my PC KSP install, it would be difficult to put it on normal console. But a WiiU? Perfect. It's got a touch screen and the Wiimote and the Nunchucks, and with motion control enabled, it would be awesome. I don't own any consoles, so this is just speculation.

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A Wii port may be in the works, I wouldn't be surprised.
LOL. Not realistic though, the Wii is obsolete now and with a measly 88 MB of memory it would require a stupid amount of work to make KSP run on it.
You have to install a mod by default (6.4x scale) just to make the game as difficult as it was in 0.90.
Delta-V is not difficulty. While I think there's a case for a rescale, the addition of decent aerodynamics, an attempt at thermodynamics, and thrust varying with atmosphere have all made 1.0 more challenging than .90.
I don't even. Well, OK, the port itself doesn't concern me as long as it doesn't harm PC version. But NINTENDO????? What, noone remembers their abuse of the Youtube Content ID system? And Squad intends to do business with them? Seriously?
Sony and Microsoft have their own records of treating customers like dog doo as well.
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I don't even. Well, OK, the port itself doesn't concern me as long as it doesn't harm PC version. But NINTENDO????? What, noone remembers their abuse of the Youtube Content ID system? And Squad intends to do business with them? Seriously?

R.I.P. Scott Manley's account.

Well, it looks like SQUAD doesn't really care about what we think anymore.

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I have to say, after trying the XBOX controller with my PC KSP install, it would be difficult to put it on normal console.

Huh? I played KSP with an XBox 360 controller from the get-go until I bought a 3D joystick. Really needed three axes on one stick to make precision docking easier, but otherwise I don't recall any serious control scheme issues. Curious what you found difficult, aside from familiarity.

I think KSP being on console is perfect. Sure, it won't have the number of mods or options that we PCers have, but it's far from an "unplayable" idea.

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