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[1.05] KerbolBattles Parts Pack [1/2/16]


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Dude you should totally go watch the starwars trilogy then make a balanced, stock-themed XWING pod (just go to R2, so there's room for fuel and engine), i would put that into rotation if you give it similar stats/performance to the mk1.

More challenging and equally cool, would be a KAS Winch-connected functional Pod Racer, a "go to" rover solution.

Edit: Some more high-potential command pod/frames

•ARC-170 Fighter, two-seater, dual engine

•Eta-2 Jedi Starfighter (with front parachute node)

•Clone Z-95 Starfighter

Edited by Violent Jeb
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@ Logan.Darklighter; With something like a TIE/Variant craft, you may just have to use infinite fuel to get it to SSTO. I'm sure a regular TIE fighter would fly just fine... sideways. :D

On the subject of in-atmo flight, the the solar panels in the above pic were modeled to be the same size as standard wing boards for convenience, but are currently structural - would the better option be to add a Module LiftingSurface to these parts and allow them to be used as wings?

@Spork of Doom; I've considered making some BDArmory classic SW weapons(X-Wing laser, TIE laser, Y-Wing/Falcon turret, etc). I think I would do it as a separate pack, though.

@Violent Jeb; Podracers are sort of multimod creatures, as you need at least KAS & LoFi Antigrav repulsors, and from the various challenges and screenshots I've seen of podracers on this forum, half the fun seems to be designing your own

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  SuicidalInsanity said:
@ Logan.Darklighter; With something like a TIE/Variant craft, you may just have to use infinite fuel to get it to SSTO. I'm sure a regular TIE fighter would fly just fine... sideways. :D

On the subject of in-atmo flight, the the solar panels in the above pic were modeled to be the same size as standard wing boards for convenience, but are currently structural - would the better option be to add a Module LiftingSurface to these parts and allow them to be used as wings?

@Spork of Doom; I've considered making some BDArmory classic SW weapons(X-Wing laser, TIE laser, Y-Wing/Falcon turret, etc). I think I would do it as a separate pack, though.

That a better answer then I hoped for lol, I can hardly wait for it :D.

My opinion on the solar wings would to be about to use the panels as the wings themselves, as it would save on part counts for the crafts

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  SuicidalInsanity said:
On the subject of in-atmo flight, the the solar panels in the above pic were modeled to be the same size as standard wing boards for convenience, but are currently structural - would the better option be to add a Module LiftingSurface to these parts and allow them to be used as wings?

I would think so! Lots of people, including (if not especially) Space Scumbag/SW Dennis above, would likely find it far easier to manage making videos if at least one version of the TIE (the interceptor) could fly effectively in atmosphere.

Of course the original source material showed no actual physical flaps/control surfaces at the trailing edges (force field effects for control surfaces?) . But maybe it's possible to have an integrated control surface on a wing without the animation of a flap?

For example, the OPT Spaceplane Parts Mod wings have integrated control surfaces so you don't need separate parts for them. But if it's possible to have the effect of a an integrated control surface without the actual animation of it on the part, then I would definitely go that route with the "solar panels" of the Tie Fighters (and the "S-Foils" of the X-Wing, etc). That way - you stay visibly close to the source material, yet the fighter will still fly in atmo using the effects of a wing surface in KSP's aero model.

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Excellent little mod.. :cool: downloading now. Since you clearly have big plans for it, please consider making it available on CKAN too.

  SuicidalInsanity said:
from the various challenges and screenshots I've seen of podracers on this forum, half the fun seems to be designing your own

Speaking as one of the podracing community, we'd love to have some of the classic podracer cockpit designs available for use! The first thing I thought of when I saw this mod was "I wanna build it into a podracer!" :D And as others have pointed out, at least some of them would double nicely as rover bodies. Feel free to go nuts in this regard.

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@Logan.Darklighter; Working out how to give adequate flight control is something I'm working on, so no worries.

@JAFO; Ok, CKAN compatibility will be up in a little bit. For podracers, I'll take a look and see what cockpits would be convertible to ksp (i.e. are their hull shapes roughly analogous to KSP formfactors).

Edited by SuicidalInsanity
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@Spork of Doom; That hood ornament just makes everything better, doesn't it?

Since the full lineup of parts & weapons will take awhile, what I plan to do is release a version 1.1 with the TIE parts (as soon as I get them working properly - KSP doesn't seem to like double-sided solar panels), since it hardly seems fair to sit on them until everything else is ready, so look forward to a ver 1.1 release in the next few days.

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As promised, the Ver 1.1 release with the TIE series stuff is now up on Kerbalstuff and Github as before.

Version 1.1


-reworked TIE cockpit rear attach node

-New Part: Twin Ion Engine

-New Parts; TIE Solar Wing parts A-G

-IonEngineAtmoBuff.cfg MM patch added

The Solar Wing segments are double sided solar panels that come with a lift rating, so they work as wings, and have been modeled to be the same size as vanilla wing segments for convenience and compatibility with player craft designs.

The ionEngineAtmobuff MM patch buffs the Twin Ion Engine to use Starwars Spacemagic instead of physics permitting decent in-atmosphere utilization and an increase in thrust - remove the patch If you want a more normal play experience

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  SuicidalInsanity said:
As promised, the Ver 1.1 release with the TIE series stuff is now up on Kerbalstuff and Github as before.

Version 1.1


-reworked TIE cockpit rear attach node

-New Part: Twin Ion Engine

-New Parts; TIE Solar Wing parts A-G

-IonEngineAtmoBuff.cfg MM patch added

The Solar Wing segments are double sided solar panels that come with a lift rating, so they work as wings, and have been modeled to be the same size as vanilla wing segments for convenience and compatibility with player craft designs.

The ionEngineAtmobuff MM patch buffs the Twin Ion Engine to use Starwars Spacemagic instead of physics permitting decent in-atmosphere utilization and an increase in thrust - remove the patch If you want a more normal play experience

The ionEngineAtmobuff patch doesn't seem to be doing anything in my KSP ;.; Also, the solar panels don't recharge my batteries. I haven't tested them as wings yet, since I couldn't get to takeoff speed with the T.I.E. Any idea for why this could be happening (I'm using the stock aero model)?

I think the TIE fighter craft included in the mod loos better with 3 xenon tanks per side (instead of 2). This gives it a more square frontal view like the canon TIE Fighter :)

I'm LOVING this mod! Awesome work!

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  SuicidalInsanity said:
@Spork of Doom; That hood ornament just makes everything better, doesn't it?

Since the full lineup of parts & weapons will take awhile, what I plan to do is release a version 1.1 with the TIE parts (as soon as I get them working properly - KSP doesn't seem to like double-sided solar panels), since it hardly seems fair to sit on them until everything else is ready, so look forward to a ver 1.1 release in the next few days.

That hood ornament really does make things better haha :D Good job on the TIE's Solar Wings and Twin Ion Drive. I am eagerly awaiting the next set of parts. I've been having so much fun with just the pod, gonna download the new parts ASAP and boot up KSP for more fun.

My latest TIE Pod fun:


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One thing I've noticed is that all the wing components are not in the tech tree, I opened the cfg file and noticed this on all the panels: "TechRequired = Structural". But is no big deal, easily fixed, I just changed them to this to fix it: "TechRequired = metaMaterials"

  Gaalidas said:
This thing really needs to be made usable with the JSITransparentPod module.

I really wish I'd held on to that hood ornament. Now I have no idea where to get a hold of it.

Yea transparent glass for the Pods would be awesome.

You can still get it from here :cool:

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@DownHereInChile; The initial release I forgot to bundle ModuleManager, which is needed to run the patch.

@Spork of Doom; That is an adorable little attack helicopter. Tech tree requirements have been fixed

@Gaalidas; I'll look into it; If nothing else, its a reason and an excsue to improve the IVA.

A version I.i.5 hotfix is now up correcting the solar panel tech tree placement, engine sound, and MM includion


Version 1.1.1


-bundled ModuleManager

-reduced Ec cost of TwionIonEngine if buffed with the IonEngineAtmoBuff MM patch

-TIE solar Wing Parts now properly included in techtree

-TwinIonEngine sound now works properly

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  SuicidalInsanity said:
@Spork of Doom; That is an adorable little attack helicopter.

-TwinIonEngine sound now works properly

Ha ha thanks, my little niece though it was pretty cute as well.

Also I was just about to post the issues with the engine sound but you were way ahead of me lol :D

Also two small suggestions or requests if you will, what are the chances you could add attach nodes to the sides of the pod, making wing pylons easier to attach, and custom made wing pylons themselves, filled with say Xenon Gas and built in RCS for better space maneuvering and docking. Just an idea, but not essential. Either way great job. Being a huge Star Wars fan, you are quickly becoming one of my favorite mod authors. :cool:

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Now, all we need is a way to add in laser guns!

EDIT : Forgot Bahamuto had already added these to BDArmory. I'll have a check with adding them in here, maybe. (probably a poorly made model coming up!)

Edited by DuoDex
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  DownHereInChile said:
The ionEngineAtmobuff patch doesn't seem to be doing anything in my KSP ;.; Also, the solar panels don't recharge my batteries. I haven't tested them as wings yet, since I couldn't get to takeoff speed with the T.I.E. Any idea for why this could be happening (I'm using the stock aero model)?

I think the TIE fighter craft included in the mod loos better with 3 xenon tanks per side (instead of 2). This gives it a more square frontal view like the canon TIE Fighter :)

I'm LOVING this mod! Awesome work!

Make these my words too. Especially the "loving this mod" part!

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@Spork of Doom; Side attach nodes for the cockpit and TIE wing pylons are easy enough.

@m4ti140; I can tweak the TIE wing panels to have better passive heat radiance. Looking at the configs, stock static radiators and solar panels don't have a radiator module - its all done via a part's EmissiveConstant and HeatConductivity settings.

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I don't enjoy being the buzzkill, but I suggest moving away from the Star Wars trademark asap. The new movies start in 100days and the media campaign is starting. Very soon there will be hired guns trolling around the internet looking for any "use" of Star Wars IP. So rather that wait for the inevitable demand/takedown letters, I would suggest adopting a different name. "Kar Wars" would probably do. That would at least keep the thread out of any "star wars" bot searches.

KSP modders have long played fast and loose with trademarks. Most all the companies involved really don't care and probably enjoy the attention (SpaceX). But "Star Wars" is owned by Disney, which is 1/5th of the MPAA. Right or wrong, they are a 10,000lb gorilla. It's best to stay far away.

Edited by Sandworm
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