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"Plan Kappa" - A KSP graphic novel (Jeb is back in Chapter 53! Well, kinda.)


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6 hours ago, SpaceplaneAddict said:

Stelrine must have some REAL .... to to such a thing to her rescuer!

Keep all the heavy blunt objects away from Fabien. He's really REALLY unstable now.

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11 minutes ago, GDJ said:

Keep all the heavy blunt objects away from Fabien. He's really REALLY unstable now.

  A partial list includes...

  • hammers 
  • MechJeb AR202 units
  • Anything he can steal from one of the science packages 
  • a lander leg 
  • a rover wheel 
  • and antenna (Mark Kerman?)
  • the solar panels or modular girder segments from the rover 
  • and some other stuff.

good news is he can't crash a plane into he because then it goes from 50 to 49 Kerbals left. And the Eve One blew up. He could crash a rover into the Eve Survivor, but rovers are ridiculously slow and he doesn't have one. And SC-9001 units and service bays don't roll well.

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1 hour ago, DMSP said:

Awesome chapter!

I have looked back at previous ones though, and unless Fabien dressed Sterline in his suit and left her there, that's Fabien on the ground.

Yes, Stelrine's suit has green stripes instead of red. 

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1 hour ago, FyunchClick said:

I'm wondering, if microgravity on Feather base gives Kerbals the Gilly shakes, couldn't macro gravity on Eve give them psychotic delusions? I hope for the others the Jool system turns out more hospitable.

Well, Tylo is the same size as kerbin. Just has no atmosphere. So landing on it will be hard, taking off easy, and probably won't get seizures or mental problems.

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13 hours ago, max_creative said:

Well, Tylo is the same size as kerbin. Just has no atmosphere. So landing on it will be hard, taking off easy, and probably won't get seizures or mental problems.

Except why would you go to a barren inhospitable high-gravity rock when Laythe, a paradise with Oxygen, Water, and likely Oceanic life is right next to you?


And you've obviously never been to Tylo or know much about it, it has high gravity, meaning it's hard to land and take off, and to get out of it's orbit, and with it's high gravity if somehow somebody does find themselves on Tylo yes, they will have mental problems.



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1 hour ago, DolphinDude3 said:

a paradise with Oxygen, Water, and likely Oceanic life

Breathing recycled air and eating stale snacks is long known and proven not to affect kerbal health any more than just process of being kerbal. But breathing alien air and contact with totally alien biosphere may have unpredictable consequences.
Tylo's gravity is just slightly less that Kerbin's, no problems must be here. Landing cost more fuel due to no aerobraking, but is safer for exactly same reason, especially with Jebs. And taking off is easier — you less dV than on Laythe, and can use effective vacuum engines all the way.

Laythe is tempting, but great dangers may be waiting there. Tylo is boring as in "boring for ore every day till the end of universe", but safe. Mostly.

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4 minutes ago, John JACK said:

Tylo's gravity is just slightly less that Kerbin's, no problems must be here. Landing cost more fuel due to no aerobraking, but is safer for exactly same reason

Words that can only be typed by one who has never landed on Tylo.  :)

Happy landings!

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1 minute ago, John JACK said:

Tylo's gravity is just slightly less that Kerbin's, no problems must be here. Landing cost more fuel due to no aerobraking, but is safer for exactly same reason, especially with Jebs. And taking off is easier — you less dV than on Laythe, and can use effective vacuum engines all the way.

Hey, let's make a table!

Feature Helps Landing? Hurts Landing? Helps Takeoff? Hurts Takeoff?
High Gravity Nope. Yes. Also, landings hurt! Nope. Yes. High TWR and dV required.
Low Gravity Yes. No, though it might take a long time. Yes!! Not in the least.
Normal Atmosphere Yes--drag and 'chutes Maybe, if heating not managed well Maybe, if wings. Yes--drag.
Thick Atmosphere Yes--if you survive! Yes--heating must be managed No. DRAAAAAAG!!!

Tylo has high gravity, which is a pain for both landing and takeoff. It has no atmosphere, which I think hurts you on landing a lot more than it it helps. Think of Eve, or even Jool; it's really not that hard to design something that can survive to the surface of the former or the crush depth of the latter. So, to paraphrase an oft repeated statement--you get stranded on Eve, you get killed on Tylo.

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You guys are getting way ahead of the plot... The Jool crew is still halfway towards their goal, sleeping the dreamless sleep of hybernation. For now, let's focus on Eve, Gilly and, don't forget,  Moho!

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1 minute ago, Parkaboy said:

Or you get crazy heat physics behaviours where half your ship spontaneously blow up after loading.

Moho: you need radiators. A lot of radiators. 

Eeloo: you freeze. 

Laythe: you get killed by Jool's radiation. 

Kerbin: someone's going to blow it up eventually. 

Dres: just right. If you steal Kerbin's atmosphere. 


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7 hours ago, Parkaboy said:

Or you get crazy heat physics behaviours where half your ship spontaneously blow up after loading.

For me Moho's mostly been 'you get the dV requirement wrong and zoom through its SOI in an hour or so lacking a km/s worth of fuel to make orbit in spite of arriving with several km/s in the tank. Then you mount another mission and get it wrong again. Then you give up in disgust and go to Laythe'.

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1 hour ago, FyunchClick said:

For me Moho's mostly been 'you get the dV requirement wrong and zoom through its SOI in an hour or so lacking a km/s worth of fuel to make orbit in spite of arriving with several km/s in the tank. Then you mount another mission and get it wrong again. Then you give up in disgust and go to Laythe'.

Fortunately the KSS Hardihood stopped at Gilly for fuel, so that wasn't an issue. They did cut it pretty close, though... Now they mostly have to deal with heat and ISRU issues...

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7 hours ago, FyunchClick said:

For me Moho's mostly been 'you get the dV requirement wrong and zoom through its SOI in an hour or so lacking a km/s worth of fuel to make orbit in spite of arriving with several km/s in the tank. Then you mount another mission and get it wrong again. Then you give up in disgust and go to Laythe'.

The main issue here is getting the encounter right. Going tangential to Moho's orbit - encountering it at your periapsis and having orbital planes already matched. Anything else may cost you a few extra km/s on capture (it's much cheaper to arrange such things on departure from Kerbin or at least before crossing Eve's orbit).

When looking at Moho transfer on the map of the system, encounters at under 4 km/s and over 6 km/s don't look that much different.

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2 hours ago, passinglurker said:

this sounds foreboding...

Don't worry, I reserve the right to load a quicksave in case of inecplicable bugs. Although I have kept a couple of spontaneous explosions as part of the story, I only did it because the vessels in question were empty at the time of their demise.

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13 hours ago, Alchemist said:

Going tangential to Moho's orbit - encountering it at your periapsis and having orbital planes already matched. Anything else may cost you a few extra km/s on capture (it's much cheaper to arrange such things on departure from Kerbin or at least before crossing Eve's orbit).

Thanks for the tip. I understood as much later but by that time I'd given up for the time being and had fully committed to a Jool mission. I'm restarting a career after 1.1 officially drops (and a few key mode update), I'll probably try again then.

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