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WWII Bomber - Vickers Wellington MK X

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This is a 1:1 replica (at most a percent or two out, except crew, weight, top speed and armaments) - Now updated, fewer parts, uprated engines, higher speed


Crew 2 (Command Seats, no view) - recommend Take Command Mod, there is a probe core for no crew flight

Parts 370 (was 374)

Weight 25.3t (was 26.6)

Top Speed 80m/s (288kmh) unladen, 75.5m/s laden, (was 67m/s)

1 bomb


Flying is very easy, to take off full throttle and stage, it will take off by itself, I use SAS but you don't need it. Landing is easy, just line up the runway and pull the throttle, let her settle keeping her straight.

Action group 1 to open bomb bay doors (apparently airbrakes may remove themselves from action groups, it may be necessary for you to redo them)

Action Group 2 to drop bomb

Do not stage again or the turrets will fall off.


Same plane I just did some painting




Big Album, the newest images are at the end, includes development pictures


Edited by selfish_meme
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Nice job.

However... In the file with the download link there's no action group assigned to operate the bomb bay doors. And as you're about to find out, it doesn't matter what you do with A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S. in terms of action groups - adding or removing. They do not retain anything. Therefore, if someone hits the brakes, every single airbrake is activated...

One niggle, the tailwheel is locked (rightly so for takeoff, but should have its steering inverted so that when you are taxiing you can actually turn it).

Visually, she does look good. Although Masie Kerman was miffed that there was no view. She was however glad that at least the solar panels let her do her make up because she was soon to have a hot date in hell when we crashed. Because apparently the Wellington doesn't like flying at 15m/s. Who knew?

She lumbered around quite as one would expect.

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Really nice, the use of radiators as curved body panels is really clever and works great here (I might have to borrow that... :wink:)

The wings look a little too wide at the roots, but other than that you nailed the shape.


  FlipNascar said:
...it doesn't matter what you do with A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S. in terms of action groups - adding or removing. They do not retain anything. Therefore, if someone hits the brakes, every single airbrake is activated...

Actually, the airbrakes retain any function driven by the brakes action group, from what I've experienced. What I usually do is set the brakes action group to retract all the airbrakes instead of toggle, and that essentially removes the issue.

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Hey man,

I tested your plane and went over it with my fine tooth comb.

I like the overall shape of the aircraft although I can see that the body is a little too fat and the also the wing tips, compared to the real one. But yes it is close.

As others have said there is no action group set up for the bomb bay and when I set the brakes on the runway it did this:


Also the rear four elevons are not set correctly, they should only be set up for roll and pitch. Handling wise it's authentically slow and cumbersome but has a few odd flight characteristics. It likes to yaw left slightly and can lunge up or down when pitching at slow speed. But they are minor issues really.

The center of mass and lift are well placed, staying centered throughout a full range of motions and fuel draining. I had to pump the brakes on landing to stop the airbrakes extending.

If I'm being very pedantic and when it comes to the 'finish' of a craft I always am.:D

I thought the finish of the craft needs work. There are a lot of shimmering (z fighting) on the wings and fuselage. These are easily removed by moving the surfaces minutely away from each other. Also the solar panels are not centered exactly on the nose and tail pods. Oh and inside the pods is empty space! Enough space for a kerbal! I think you missed a trick by not making an open tail and nose gun pod. Maybe in the next version?

All in all its a good replica man. Kudos!


Edited by Majorjim
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  FlipNascar said:
Nice job.

However... In the file with the download link there's no action group assigned to operate the bomb bay doors. And as you're about to find out, it doesn't matter what you do with A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S. in terms of action groups - adding or removing. They do not retain anything. Therefore, if someone hits the brakes, every single airbrake is activated...

One niggle, the tailwheel is locked (rightly so for takeoff, but should have its steering inverted so that when you are taxiing you can actually turn it).

Visually, she does look good. Although Masie Kerman was miffed that there was no view. She was however glad that at least the solar panels let her do her make up because she was soon to have a hot date in hell when we crashed. Because apparently the Wellington doesn't like flying at 15m/s. Who knew?

She lumbered around quite as one would expect.

Thanks for the feedback, I will fix the airbrakes and steering, that's really good of you to tell me.

- - - Updated - - -

  RixKillian said:
Really nice, the use of radiators as curved body panels is really clever and works great here (I might have to borrow that... :wink:)

The wings look a little too wide at the roots, but other than that you nailed the shape.


Actually, the airbrakes retain any function driven by the brakes action group, from what I've experienced. What I usually do is set the brakes action group to retract all the airbrakes instead of toggle, and that essentially removes the issue.

I will try and use your fix for the airbrakes, thank you.

I think the wings are too wide at the tips, but that shape is difficult


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  Majorjim said:
Hey man,

I tested your plane and went over it with my fine tooth comb.

I like the overall shape of the aircraft although I can see that the body is a little too fat and the also the wing tips, compared to the real one. But yes it is close.

As others have said there is no action group set up for the bomb bay and when I set the brakes on the runway it did this:


Also the rear four elevons are not set correctly, they should only be set up for roll and pitch. Handling wise it's authentically slow and cumbersome but has a few odd flight characteristics. It likes to yaw left slightly and can lunge up or down when pitching at slow speed. But they are minor issues really.

The center of mass and lift are well placed, staying centered throughout a full range of motions and fuel draining. I had to pump the brakes on landing to stop the airbrakes extending.

If I'm being very pedantic and when it comes to the 'finish' of a craft I always am.:D

I thought the finish of the craft needs work. There are a lot of shimmering (z fighting) on the wings and fuselage. These are easily removed by moving the surfaces minutely away from each other. Also the solar panels are not centered exactly on the nose and tail pods. Oh and inside the pods is empty space! Enough space for a kerbal! I think you missed a trick by not making an open tail and nose gun pod. Maybe in the next version?

All in all its a good replica man. Kudos!


The body looks a bit heavy in the belly, but I think the real problem is the wings are too high, I have an idea how to move them down, will see if I can make the tips thinner too, thanks very much for checking it out.

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  selfish_meme said:
The body looks a bit heavy in the belly, but I think the real problem is the wings are too high, I have an idea how to move them down, will see if I can make the tips thinner too, thanks very much for checking it out.

It was a pleasure mate. I hope I wasn't too scathing! It's very fun to fly and easy to land once you get the hang of it. I look forward to the next one!

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  Majorjim said:
It was a pleasure mate. I hope I wasn't too scathing! It's very fun to fly and easy to land once you get the hang of it. I look forward to the next one!

Nah mate, I feel sorry for the people who don't get this feedback. Doing the SCF made me test lot's of craft and realise that they need the feedback to improve. I don't think hardly any of the people who comment actually download the craft and give relevant feedback (like Rune said, don't just say great job), I was lucky you guys had a go and bothered to let me know the faults.

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Fixed up a few things,

Rear Elevators only pitch now, front elevators only roll (left overs from control testing sorry)

Front bubble turret slightly misaligned, fixed

z fighting in wings (though they don't look as smooth) fixed

steering in rear wheel inverted, for taxiing

airbrakes toggle removed from brakes action group (though it wasn't there in my save and retract added instead, hopefully this will fix brakes issue when landed)

Action Group 1 to toggle bomb bay

Action Group 2 to drop bomb

Pulling to the left slightly, slightly fixed ;)

Edit: updated stats

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  RixKillian said:

Actually, the airbrakes retain any function driven by the brakes action group, from what I've experienced. What I usually do is set the brakes action group to retract all the airbrakes instead of toggle, and that essentially removes the issue.

You, sir, are a genius. I will heavily abuse that trick.

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  • 4 months later...

The bottom is black, also going to change the sides to black after looking at a photo, the mod is Flag Decals, I think I can make a mask that paints the top of the wings one color and the bottom another, which will be great for WW2 replicas.

Might even be able to have a mask that allowed 2 color camo as well

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With the Hind I just doubled the wings, one wing the dorsal camo, the other the ventral camo. Slid them to become optically one wing. Higher part count but more lift/drag as well. And much easier than creating masks & such.

Edited by Azimech
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