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Key and Peele have a skit about Neil de Grasse Tyson.

o Atomsk

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I really like Sagan more. deGrasse Tyson is making me nervous for the reasons parodied here. :D

Yeah, Sagan's a cool guy; He had LOADS of passion for what he did with Cosmos and his books. I get an air of disingenuity from NGT, like he's "doing it for the money". His version of Cosmos also doesn't have the pure magic that Sagan's had; The remake, for me, was just facts presented in a CGI way. I had an appreciation and amazement for space and human technology that I didn't really have before after watching Sagan's original. I was excited by the info from Sagan's show, but with NDT it was just another show.

Plus, Sagan's voice is a million times more relaxing and pleasant-sounding than NDT's. Just my personal opinion. And Seth Macfarlane should stay with adult cartoons and vulgar entertainment and not be the writer on a goddang science show.

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