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[1.0.4] Kelite Kangerous (Reshade FX)


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Terrible name, I know. But as it came from my Elite Dangerous Reshade preset with surprisingly only a tiny tweak needed to suit KSP, I found it fitting :D

For those in the know, skip to the screenshots below!

--- What is it? ---

Reshade FX is part of the SweetFX / GEM FX / ENB family of game addons. It is a so called post-process fx injector, which can be applied to pretty much any DirectX game (and some OpenGL games) by the way of .dll files placed in the same folder as the game .exe file, which are called upon game startup and "injects" the post-process code "on top of" the game engine itself.

This can have subtle effects such as changing color balance or contrast values, to strong effects such as applying completely new shaders such as Chromatic Aberration or new lens flare and reflection shaders (for example in Elite Dangerous, there are shaders which add completely new sun glare and reflectivity effects based on the angle of bright pixels on the screen).

--- I know what it is! Why in KSP? ---

Because it makes the background stars and objects "POP", and can really enhance the softness of a planets atmosphere, the vibrance of the colors and crispen the textures of barren landscapes such as the moon. It depends on your taste really, there are presets to suit any need. Crisp realism, dreamy aesthetics, or anything in between. This is merely my own preset adapted from my Elite Dangerous preset. I was quite surprised how well it suited KSP from the beginning, with only minor tweaks.

--- Installation ---

Simply extract the zip file into your main KSP directory, NOT inside GameData.

Run KSP with -force-d3d11 at the end of your shortcut path.

--- "No screens, no download! :mad:" ---

I apologize for the terrible jpg compression, the fine-pixel effects are far more prominent ingame than in screenshots.

Imgur Album




(Also featured in the screenshots is the Renaissance Compilation of planet textures and such.)


--- Download Link ---




Edited by Baleur
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I'm not sure, its not really a mod or plugin as such, does Kerbalstuff allow "other" things like this?

I'll try making an upload there.

As for the settings, you can edit the SweetFX_settings.txt file in the SweetFX folder.

Performance impacts depend entirely on your GPU, if it runs too slow you can change the "1" into a "0" in the settings file by the line #define USE_CA

as that has the biggest impact.

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Few things,

First: You should put those pictures into an imgur gallery so they don't take up so much of the page.

Second: If I'm remembering correctly I don't think you are allowed to distribute ReShade directly, only configs for it. Might want to check up on that.

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I feel like all this adds is an annoying chromatic abberation, as if it were trying to mimic 3D dual-channeling. GTX 660 here, Bulldozer rig @5GHz.

How do I do this on a Mac?

Also, how much RAM does this use?

It uses no RAM really, as it's a GPU effect. So it uses a little Vram but no system memory really. Do you have DX11-capable GPUs in your Mac?

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  JaredTheDragon said:
I feel like all this adds is an annoying chromatic abberation, as if it were trying to mimic 3D dual-channeling.

It certainly does, but that's just a part of the effect and can be disabled at will.

Its not about trying to mimic 3d dual-channels though, it's about trying to mimic the effect that can be seen during extreme contrast and brightness differences.

Looking at a very bright surface with a very dark background etc, creates this "rim rainbow" effect, not just in old cameras (most prevalent in 90's movies), but also to our eyes. Its an optical illusion.

Kind of how bloom in games tries to simulate how our eyes / brains get overwhelmed by sudden brightness.

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I run KSP with OpenGL on windows, and I tried renaming dgdi.DLL to opengl32.DLL like ReShade tells you to with OpenGL games, but the game doesn't start and the ReShade log ends with "single buffered OpenGL contexts are not supported". has anyone figured out how to use this with OpenGL windows yet? Google search reveals nothing helpful

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  fast_de_la_speed said:
I run KSP with OpenGL on windows, and I tried renaming dgdi.DLL to opengl32.DLL like ReShade tells you to with OpenGL games, but the game doesn't start and the ReShade log ends with "single buffered OpenGL contexts are not supported". has anyone figured out how to use this with OpenGL windows yet? Google search reveals nothing helpful

For me creating a shortcut, adding ' -force-opengl' to the end of the filepath, and then running the shortcut in Windows 8 compatibility mode works fine.

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  Avera9eJoe said:
For me creating a shortcut, adding ' -force-opengl' to the end of the filepath, and then running the shortcut in Windows 8 compatibility mode works fine.

tried this, and the game started but crashed immediately. The KSP log has "The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing!" repeated many times over, and the OPENGL32.log has "Skipping device due to device type being 'D3DDEVTYPE_NULLREF'." at the end. Oh well. Cool mod nonetheless!

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