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It's a Saturday night and I ain't got nobody


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hmm... a crazy solution - eh... if nobody's streaming KSP - just uh, bear with me here for a bit - this may sound a bit odd but: have you considered (crazy far fetched concept) playing it yourself?

:D:sticktongue: j/k of course

LOL -- reminds me of that South Park episode where Kyle wants to play CoD with his lil' brother, but can't get him to stop watching the streamers playing the same game on youtube...

It's saturday -- I went to the Mun twice already... then came back -- it was really more like ten times to "break in" the new design... 'til then, there was a lot of:

"OMG, they killed Kerman! -- You Bastards!"

Fly safe out there -- I probably won't, or maybe, well let's find out! *hits «LAUNCH» for googol'th time*


Edited by Moach
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Iv'e already killed "Kenny" a couple of times tonight. Just wanting to watch some new ideas on how not to kill Kenny. Been playin' the hell out of KSP!

- - - Updated - - -

Earlier today several of us did a bunch of KSP streams. Right now we're doing one last Rocket League stream for the night, with me and Avera9ejoe playing it if you want to watch.

Thank you for that suggestion. I'll certainly look into that stream. Didn't know I'd get sanctioned for making a neutral statement. If this isn't about KSP, I don't know what is.

Edited by SpacedCowboy
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