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Some Relief for Memory Outage Crashes

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On 08/10/2015 at 4:29 AM, Temporal Wolf said:

Considering this takes a crash-every-ten-minutes mod load and turns it into a hasn't-crashed-yet... all the rep to you. I'll take the FPS drop over constant crashing.

What he said!?!?!?!?!?!?! who cares if you lose some frame rate or if the game freezes for a second or three when ever you leave or enter a building at least you can play the game now. If your using between 20-100+ mod you should expect the high RAM usage.

On 19/10/2015 at 4:58 PM, ThaZeus said:

How would you do this in XP?

Same way, its no different.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd appreciate this tip more, but I get 33 FPS on a GTX 670 and i7 3770K when a Kerbal X is sitting on the launchpad. I really hope 64 bit comes soon-ish so I don't have to deal with this horrendous OpenGL performance from Unity.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Is there any way besides these? Both of them just move the crash from "Crash upon trying to launch a craft" to crash on startup.

EDIT: Nevermind. 64-bit workaround has succeeded.

Edited by RocketSquid
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
On 9/7/2015 at 7:28 PM, Moach said:

If you're like myself, you probably can't live without your irresponsibly large array of mods and parts and whatnotyoumaygets galore...

alas, KSP is still "unstable" as 64bit, and since it MUST load all assets (for whatever reason) into memory as soon as it starts, it's only to be expected that at the very first ram spike (usually scene transitions) the game will have outgrown the maximum memory address that can be written in 32 bits... (it's a matter of how high can you count using only this many digits, but in binary)

long story short -- mod-hoarders everywhere frustrate...

there's a perhaps not-well-enough-known thing that anyone can do (besides running with half-res textures) to make oneself a bit more space between one's addon binge and ultimate mem-crash

step 1:


make a KSP shortcut, if you don't have one already (I'll assume you know how to to this stuff, given you're already modding your game)

step 2: ...

step 3: profit!

no wait, that's for stealing underwear....

step 2:

right click that shortcut, and choose properties -- a window pops us (yes, you can change the icon and stuff here too - but first, focus)

step 3:

on the textbox marked "Target" -- insert the following at the end of the line, like so: "(...)KSP.exe" -force-opengl



run KSP from this shortcut, see if it helped :wink:

this will set the game to use openGL for the graphics backend -- it just so happens this also has the fortuitous effect of saving you about 1~2 GB's of precious RAM

of course, your mileage may vary...

but for me, it made the game playable where before it wasn't -- without removing any of the many mods (all indispensable, of course) I had piled on up until the point of making it unworkable

just thought I'd sticky this, as it solved a LOT of my problems just recently -- hopefully, it'll help some of you too :)

ADDIT: also, I just want to say, I thoroughly endorse both tweakage of one's game launcher and irresponibly hoggish installation of mods. Both are virtues of the geeker caste.

Gave this a whirl and "it worked!" (private working set of physical memory reduced from ~7.95GB to ~3.9GB !) Whoo hoo! :D

. . . . unfortunately with some unsatisfactory side-effects . . . noticed once the game initialization screen (the Squad logo and the progress bar with the witty loading comments) came up, that something was off-kilter with the rendering: Squad logo was about 2/3 size of normal and shifted about 2/3rds of the way toward the bottom of my monitor (and a tad bit leftish). I'm guessing that with my particular VGA/screen res/other video settings (e.g., 1600 x 900 screen resolution for the game) invoking  that -force-opengl command line prompt is resulting in the game's panes being rendered "below" the visible portion of my screen . . .

graphics are my bane, but maybe I can figure out how to get this to play nice with my settings by more tweakage, because that ~100% reduction in initial RAM hogging was amazing.

Also of note: allocating more virtual memory via your OS control panels (lots of guides for that online but can post a link to one that seems good if anyone needs) seems to have a marginally beneficial effect (though I do not think my OS is letting the game use as much as it could make use of . . . still investigating that  . . .).

Reducing the graphics settings also seems to have a benefit (lower resolution textures, turn off features that are likely to be infrastructure heavy like "ocean lighting," etc. Just lowering the terrain quality from Beautiful to "good," lowering from full to half textures, and making one other downshift adjustment in the games "\Settings\Graphics" pane lowered the game initial RAM use from ~7.9 to 5.4 GB

Edited by Diche Bach
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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

Hello fellow Kerbonauts,

I get this message when KSP crashes: "Unexpected Mark Stack Overflow". Google search made me think it's related to insufficient memory, but I'm not sure about that. :blink:

Can anyone tell me if the solutions suggested in this thread would help preventing this?

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  • 4 months later...

I have only 4GB RAM and my game keeps crashing randomly (in totally unrelated things, like opening the map, entering a building, loading a quick save)

Weird thing is that the game suddenly minimises 2-3 times, in a 5-10 seconds interval between each time(without I pressing any button) and then crashes. When it minimizes, after opening again the game seems to run normally, and that's what is weird about my crashes.

I don't seem to find any log also

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27 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Signature is the footer of posts.

here is the link: Read this BEFORE asking for supporthttp://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83212-how-to-get-support-read-first/

I think I have found the log.

Also I have multiple things to say:

1. apparently running the game in window mode doesn't crashes

2. There's another problem here where sometimes I track/launch a vessel through the tracking station, my game just loads infinitely.

should I just reinstall my game?

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47 minutes ago, Neil Kermstrong said:

I think I have found the log.

Also I have multiple things to say:

1. apparently running the game in window mode doesn't crashes

2. There's another problem here where sometimes I track/launch a vessel through the tracking station, my game just loads infinitely.

should I just reinstall my game?

ummm, where is the log?  I can't help if I can't see it.  Put it on Dropbox, Google Drive or any other service and post a link (as itsays in the instructions)

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2 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

ummm, where is the log?  I can't help if I can't see it.  Put it on Dropbox, Google Drive or any other service and post a link (as itsays in the instructions)


I've reinstalled the game and apparently the crashing has stopped, but the infinite loading persists (I hope i have posted the right file)

Edited by Neil Kermstrong
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33 minutes ago, steve_v said:

2 words, 200 bytes, sure doesn't look like a log file to me.

Well it was named player.log so I thought that was the right file, maybe I did something wrong when I posted?

Wait what the hell now I opened it on my phone and it indeed only shows two words, in my computer it was a big file

28 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Seems to be a valid file to me, but it's rather big, would have been better putting it into azip


well since you can see it, do you see what's wrong? Now I tested my game without mods and it's working just fine

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9 minutes ago, Neil Kermstrong said:

Well it was named player.log so I thought that was the right file, maybe I did something wrong when I posted?

Wait what the hell now I opened it on my phone and it indeed only shows two words, in my computer it was a big file

well since you can see it, do you see what's wrong? Now I tested my game without mods and it's working just fine

I can't see it, it seems to be some sort of shared doc.  Could you put it into a zip and post a link?

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34 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Seems to be a valid file to me


8 minutes ago, Neil Kermstrong said:

Wait what the hell now I opened it on my phone and it indeed only shows two words

Something strange is going on here.




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16 minutes ago, steve_v said:


Something strange is going on here.

  Hide contents



Yeah the same thing shows up to me. It showed as the full text tho, Dropbox is weird.


18 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

I can't see it, it seems to be some sort of shared doc.  Could you put it into a zip and post a link?

I'll try

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Whoops wrong file

1 hour ago, steve_v said:


Something strange is going on here.

  Reveal hidden contents




1 hour ago, linuxgurugamer said:

I can't see it, it seems to be some sort of shared doc.  Could you put it into a zip and post a link?

I am about to give up on dropbox, every link I send doesn't works, doesn't matter whether it's a TXT or a RAR or whatever https://www.dropbox.com/s/xe2sxdzkau32mxi/Player.rar?dl=0

oh ye' gods this link actually worked in my phone, I just had to create a new link for it.

i hope it works for you guys too

Edited by Neil Kermstrong
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1 hour ago, Neil Kermstrong said:

this link actually worked

Why yes, yes it did :)

First things first, Atmospheric Sound Enhancement is borking badly:


Exception handling event onPartUnpack in class AtmosphericSoundEnhancement:System.MissingMethodException: UnityEngine.AudioSource UnityEngine.Component.get_audio()
  at ASE.AtmosphericSoundEnhancement.OnPartUnpack (Part part) [0x00010] in <58eb54730d4d4caab52fc63c7f3d2b7a>:0 
  at EventData`1[T].Fire (T data) [0x000b0] in <c1858a3f77504bd1aaa946fdccf84670>:0 
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

Uploading Crash Report
MissingMethodException: UnityEngine.AudioSource UnityEngine.Component.get_audio()
  at ASE.AtmosphericSoundEnhancement.OnPartUnpack (Part part) [0x00010] in <58eb54730d4d4caab52fc63c7f3d2b7a>:0 
  at EventData`1[T].Fire (T data) [0x000b0] in <c1858a3f77504bd1aaa946fdccf84670>:0 
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)


Probably because it hasn't been updated since... 2015. Why on earth do you have such an ancient mod installed? :confused:

You also appear to have MiniAVC, I'm not sure if it's problems have been solved or not, but it was standard advice to remove all traces of it for a while.


Other than that though, I don't see a smoking gun for an out of memory situation (as is the topic of this thread). A bunch of NREs to be sure, but no allocation failure. Is that log from a run that crashed or what?

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